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Everything posted by Duarte

  1. The same sound here - this guy is ridiculous! Just a wah and a phat fuzz? Microsynth? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZCE4W-J080
  2. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGkdbHYTvno"]https://www.youtube....h?v=aGkdbHYTvno[/url] Just tell me how and I'll have a happy ass (excuse ron jeremy)
  3. Thanks for the advice chaps, will let you know what happens!
  4. [quote name='TheRev' timestamp='1430762458' post='2764381'] Sounds great to me... The beauty of double bass is that you can keep it simple and still sound interesting. Don't try to rush things, allow your sound to develop in its own time and with the sound of your band. If you had fun playing the gig then you're doing everything right. [/quote] Thanks for this nugget of advice. I think my sound is already progressing from when we did that first gig... something must be right if I haven't touched my Sterling in weeks!
  5. Hello experts My bass, a gear4music, beat up piece of crap plays and sounds great. I've got the innovation psychoslaps fitted which are a godsend. The only problem is, as it is such a cheap bass, the fingerboard seems to be made of a light wood (can't tell what exactly) with some kind of black finish on it. There are a couple of dings in the fingerboard, revealing the wood. These psychoslaps are white, nylon, with a low tension. Since I've been learning to slap, the undersides of the strings are getting coated in this black finish - some of it going all around the string. It rubs off when I'm playing, and feels horrible. I'm pretty sure this isn't just gunk, I think the slapping is just not what the finish is designed to cope with. So I'm considering just removing the finish. Just a little sandpaper should do it... am I mad? any pearls of wisdom or insults would be appreciated Cheers Z
  6. Hare and Hounds in Birmingham, older brother on drums and vocals, little brother on guitar [url="http://s307.photobucket.com/user/ZDuarte/media/11010549_10152903814358226_3824369701436804289_n.jpg.html"][/url]
  7. Thanks guys. We'll be playing at The Hobbit in Southampton next weekend, if I don't have to work - let's see how the 2nd gig goes!
  8. I used to own 3 musicman bongo basses (why, I don't know) - they were phenomenal instruments. A bit ridiculous, stupidly hi-tech, pristine sounding and in mint condition. Then when I started renting my own flat, I had to sell them to live. It was torture.. I got a nice lump sum once they had all sold, had no bass for about a year. THAT was torture. I had managed to save around £400 over the year, and spent it on the cheapest, most beaten up MusicMan I could find, which was a 1993 Sterling. Never looked back, it is my only bass, and got me through a tough time. It's a keeper for sure...I can't imagine owning anything better!
  9. I'll change it to public It's fun to use the bare minimum drum set up. I think his snare and my bass gel nicely together. We are definitely going to get some more gigs, I'm excited to see where we can take this kind of thing!
  10. Thanks! That's the kind of encouragement I need I can't even remember learning bass guitar, it's just second nature now - it's weird learning something new. I think practising with the band is the way to improve - you can really hear what works / doesn't work and you're forced to relax into it and play for longer. Forced to relax...hmmm.
  11. I've been tinkering on the DB for a while now, always found it impossible to play for any length of time or achieve a desirable sound. Must be a technique thing :/ We had our first ever gig , last tuesday. Something clicked - breezed through the set, sounded pretty good, never wanted to stop. Have a look / listen - is there anything I can focus on to possibly have another revelation? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XCARY7xMrQ[/media]
  12. first gig, one band practice. [media]http://youtu.be/8XCARY7xMrQ[/media]
  13. [media]http://youtu.be/8XCARY7xMrQ[/media]
  14. First gig with the band last tuesday. We put the set together that morning, and the guy on the right just jumped on stage to play a spare guitar, left handed, and ripped a solo. Such a fun night! https://youtu.be/8XCARY7xMrQ
  15. My record store day experience was fantastic. They were selling beer, and the owners personal collection of 10,000 vinyl for £1.00 each, regardless of what it was....a good day. If you are looking for something hard to find, and didn't manage today at your local store, try discogs. it's fab
  16. Anyone else only come here when they aint got a lady in their life?
  17. Yes! Almost went. Was in leeds and everything!
  18. I noodled on the bass for 6 or 7 years before even getting an amp - I'm LOUD
  19. Ive seen them 6 times, once at parklife in manchester was the worst sound ive ever experienced - right in front of the stage and couldn't even make out what song they were playing. Warehouse project in manc, in the carpark under picadily station, however, was just phenomenal. That jerry barnes on bass is a monster when you can hear him trust me!
  20. Theres more. Good grooves! https://youtu.be/qnaHsuRCpxU
  21. can't remember a time where 'wassup' was considered trendy Just sayin
  22. It "new" to us then! Its a banger, definitely going to be huuge
  23. Just sayin' https://youtu.be/blkk3rrRXiE Can't find the one with vox tho!
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