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Everything posted by Skinnyman

  1. Fantastic! Thanks for the link, Jack. Despite what Steve Howe says in the interviews, I thought the mix was pretty good - Chris Squire sounds epic. The standout for me, though, is Steve Howe’s solo in Yours Is No Disgrace. Really enjoyed the whole thing 🤓
  2. I just got the Steven Wilson remix of this... ...which I am thoroughly enjoying. Free Hand will be next...
  3. And there we differ. The sound of a high gain pickup plugged into a big valve amp with the gain turned up - that hiss of expectation before the first chord is struck - that’s the sound of rock. A sound to make a grown man, well..., grow Pickup hum from a P90 is just the sound of my fluorescent lights.
  4. My only issue with P90s is the inherent hum from them. I fitted a set of Kinman noiseless P90s in my K Line and love them. Same sound as the standard P90 but completely hum-free. Great pickups
  5. I had one of these for a few years and can attest to how good they are. Great for recording rehearsals and then doing individual mixes for each of the guys in the band. GLWTS
  6. She turned me into a newt. Oh, hang on. Sorry. Wrong film. D’oh!
  7. BassChat has done many things for all of us, as attested to here. But it still hasn’t told me which bass is best for metal. Pah!
  8. That’s a cracking idea - although he’d need a grown up to help, I think. I personally would also have gone with Teebseyes on the front of the headstock instead of the faux fender logo. Well, I wouldn’t because I’m not Teebs but you know what I mean....
  9. Lovely and warm and smelling of donkey farts thank-you-for-asking 😜
  10. Looks nice. Not as nice as the tasteful leopardskin-print throw but still very nice. Looking at those cushions on your chair I’m guessing that the Chalfonts are still giving you grief? Thanks for sharing the build - and for the fascinating glimpse through the keyhole Chez Teebs 😁
  11. Pay no attention to them, Young Teebs. You’ve done a grand job there and I’m looking forward to seeing the pictures of the finished article. Out of interest, how long has the build taken? And would you do another one - or has this scratched the itch? Whats your next plan to avoid Mrs T during lockdown? Build a glider in the loft? Or a 1:1 scale icebreaker? Seriously though, that looks like a nice job and I’m looking forward to your impressions on playability and tone....
  12. I was thinking of ordering from them but not sure whether they’re open during the German lockdown. There’s nothing on their website one way or the other so before I hit “Order Now” has anyone dealt with them recently?
  13. Thank you. So does everyone - but nobody ever boasts of their accomplishment in making it 😁
  14. I’m beans on toast. Easy and simple and very unlikely to impress anyone 😁
  15. Got it, thank you - you’re an absolute star! Little Anna will be made up...... ....once I’ve practised it a few times 😁 Thanks, Rich
  16. Don’t suppose you have a tab for it? 😁
  17. Ooh, hadn’t considered that. All I know is my sister primed her on a Skype call with “ask uncle Skinny if he can play it”. But she didn’t say what version!
  18. Thanks Ped. If I was just gigging it then I’d be happy to work something out for myself but Young Anna will know instantly if I deviate from the recorded version so I need to be as close as possible!
  19. I’m referring, of course, to “Everbody Walk The Dinosaur” by Was (not Was). My young niece is obsessed with this song and I’m desperate to find the bass part so I can do a FB video for her. I’ve only had chance for a brief search of the usual places but I can’t find a tab or the music for this track. I know I’m being lazy and will keep on looking but if anyone has it or could point me to it, I’d be very grateful. Thanks in anticipation 😁
  20. That is very, very nice. And looks very cool I hope you have many hours of enjoyment playing it.
  21. PS straight or angled doesn’t really matter too much. If the socket is on the front of the bass then angled looks neater - if it’s at the side then straight but, unless the socket is recessed heavily into a long groove then either will do. 😁
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