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Everything posted by Chienmortbb

  1. Seems you have hopefully solved your problem, I was going to suggest thec Behringer Xenyx 1002B. If has an FX oit as Well as a Monitor out in addition to the Mai output, will work on batteries too. Sadly it has just been discontinued.
  2. My Dad beat you all to it anyway. He came to London in the late 40s. Luckily, my mum was from London, so the tainted blood was diluted in me. Occasional;u a Why aye man slips out or whees ya gannin.
  3. Wow, good job they cancelled HS2. However, that was to keep the Pict,s Scots and various northerners out. Now building Sunak's wall at Watford Gap.
  4. I will Still be packed from tonight's gig so will have gazillions, well three or four anyway.
  5. I think there will be a few Bugeras there, so give your arms a rest.
  6. What a fine, upstanding fellow you are. Best wishes to MrsAndyjr1515. There is COVID on both sides of our family, so be careful out there and if possible take a test before stepping onto your private jet or helicopter.
  7. If you don't mind the shipping cost to outer Mongolia, or Dorset if you prefer, I will have a look at it for you.
  8. There are some that will attempt to repair Class D and SMPS. However, naughty Behringer do not publish their service info. The service agents in the UK are quite helpful within the limits of their contract with Music Tribe. I have the guts of @Phil Starr's blown Behringer, and it was that amp, not the power supply, that was faulty. Sadly, the amp was a class D Chip, now fully obsolete. To be fair it was very well put together.
  9. You are excused. Its just that my other half always says, "You have another toy from Thomann/Andertons/Gear4Music" (delete as applicable).
  10. I hae been thinking about a G&L for some time. You/they might have just made up my mind,
  11. Snake Oil? The law of diminishing returns means that these cannot be worth the money. However, there will be enough Taylor Perry, Katy Swift and Take This's to keep the business going.
  12. We play our favourite venue on Friday, Hythe and District Social Club, not far from Southampton. Last weekend we payed a new venue, I will not mention names but it was a very friendly place. However. at the end an elderly man, that may have had too close a reletionship with the old Wife Beater (Stella Artthingy), came up shouting the odds saying our singer cannot sing and could not read the room. Now as a buch of weekend warriors playing pubs ans clubs, Muse we ain't, but I have seen and indeed played in worse bands. The thing is that the old idea of a slow one towards the end of the evening was killing the ambience created an built up through the night. So we, like many bands, have dropped it. After the agressive rant, 10 or more people came up and said that they had enjoyed it and to ignore the drunken old farts, but it did spoil the night.
  13. I will try to be brief. You will not find everything you need in one book. I am always happy to be corrected, but here is my two pennyworth. TC amps are notorious in exaggerating their ratings, BUT they are plenty loud enough for most. In explanation, they use a lot of processing and especially compression to give the impression of being much more powerful than they are. However, your amp is a very capable amp and in most cases a good one cab setup should work well. Most on here will know my bent as far as cabinets go, and of course it would be good to know your budget. All online retailers must let you change your mind. I cannot remember whether you get 10 or 14 days to change your mind, but you could use that to try some cabs. UK based companies like Barefaced and LFSys offer better than that, as well as both having helpful owners. @steviefrom LFSys is often on here and can be contacted via private message for advice/ Alex Claber from Barefaced is also very helpful according to those that have asked him questions and bought his cabs. Depending on your DIY skills, there are free designs on here for the BC112 Mk3, and some easy build 12" and 10" cabinets and of course Bill Fitzmaurice sells plans for DIY cabinets and is often on here. LFSys Barefaced Bill Fitzmaurice If your goal is the lightest cabs, Barefaced. If the lightest that give the best performance, LFSys. However, others may disagree. Only you know what is right for you.
  14. I don't think I ever had any, and I have not missed them.
  15. The mic capsules in mobile phones are in fact very flat, BUT the implementation inside the phone can cripple the response. I have no knowledge of individual Android Phones, but I believe that iPhones up to iPhone 4 were very flat. Later models had an HPF applied in hardware. I still have an iPhone 4 for this reason.
  16. The SM58 has a wider pickup angle than many modern Cardioid mics. Also, reflections from the wall can be an issue. Cardioid mics have their biggest rejection from immediately behind the mic, and remember the cardioid pickup pattern is 360 degrees. Moving the monitor forward, backward or slightly around the corner might help. Alternatively if the monitor needs to be angled, a Super Cardioid mid would work best. I use Sontronics Solos, but Sennheiser and Shure make nice super-cardioids.
  17. I love the features of the CQ20 (all XLRs) but think the screen on the CQ18 really helps, especially with technophobe bandmates.
  18. If you put a - sign in front of those dB figures, yes but only in a free field with no trees. Rooms are a (mis) tuned box and are unpredictable.
  19. Yes and no nails or tin foil please. 🔥
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