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Everything posted by Chienmortbb

  1. As one of the Directors of the management companies has run off with all the fund meantbto maintain ouf flats, I could be £2K out of pocket, so any frivolous purchase has to be really justified so the CQ20B is back on the wish list rather than the must-have. However, I will comment on whether to use old tablets on this class of mixer. I have a functional iPad 3rd gen with a huge battery life. The only mixer I can use it with is the Soundcraft UIs, as they use browser control rather than being app based. Try to use any of the others, including the Mixing Station, and they just will not load on that iPad. Now, the downside is that you are slightly limited by HTML as to what you can do, but in reality HTML5 is pretty versatile. The screen on the CQ18T was attractive because there is a fail-safe. This is totally sold out everywhere so cannot be checked, and although I am drawn to the 20, more channels and the lower price, I think the purchase will be on hold for the time being.
  2. Wharfedale Quote 12.4 kg / 27.28 lbs, and it does have a DSP setting for use as a floor monitor. However, I would agree that the Studiomasters may well work better than a Jack Of All Trades. It is worth noting that Studiomaster is part of the group that includes Caelsbro and that Studiomaster are concentrating on PA while Carlsbro look after MI Amplification;
  3. I suspect Kiosk Mode is what you/we need. Are you using an iPad? If so, Guided Access will keep the app in focus (don't confuse what Apple call Focus with what Coders call it). Instructions here note that Accessibility has now been given its own Main menu slot. I have not tried it, but here is a description as to how to get an android device into Kiosk Mode
  4. Just looking around all the major retailers, it seems that only the CQ12T is in stock with most. I checked Andertons, Thomman, Gear4Music, BAX, PMT GAK SCAN and only Scan has the CQ20B in stock. The CQ12T is in stock everywhere, and Thomann state several months lead time for the CQ18T. 1-2 Weeks for the CQ20B.
  5. All of those are fairly heavy and a second hand pair of RCFs, would be cheaper and lighter. I bought a pair of Wharfedale Titan Actives from @Phil Starrof this parish, and they have done sterling service as Monitors.
  6. In 1985 I was bringing up my kids so no time for serious music😱
  7. I am probably teaching my grannie to suck eggs , apologies if that is the case. With the Soundcraft Ui, the problem with disconnecting is usually down to the tablet being designed to connect to strong, internet connected networks. It went away once I switched off Auto-Join.
  8. I tend to agree with this, even a 1/3 octave graphic takes out a big wedge of sound compared to the hi Q filters on the feedback suppression.
  9. The original was the B Side of Comin' Home, and it had so much pathos, to me, it should have been an A Side. The only upside is that it made D & B a few cents.
  10. Yes, the GB528s are a good fit for most far eastern Fender style basses. I fitted the GB640s to my Aerodyne only later finding that the GB528s were almost a drop-in replacement. Too late, as I had already drilled out the headstock. I ordered mine through Touchstone Tonewoods.
  11. Superstar by the Carpenters. A cover of Delaney and Bonnie's "Groupie (Superstar)" They took all the rough edges off, changed the title and the lyrics and hence the meaning of the song. Turned it into a MoR song with no message. Even Karen Carpenter's voice was not enough to save it!
  12. These were bought from a fellow BCer a year or two ago, but never got used. These were originally from a Yammy 5er. They are 3 in one side, 2 the other. They are very smooth and would also make a good 2 + 2 set with a spare. Postage would be £3 Pictures to follow/
  13. I think this thread is in the wrong place. It is a Site Issues and Questions thread.
  14. That is fine, just keep it as close to the front of your chain.
  15. In my opinion, I would put the HPF at the front of the chain but possibly after any DI. That will make it easier on the rest of your signal chain.
  16. All these confirmations just after someone promising to show us his trussocks! To be fair, one of each bass is enough.
  17. Yes, threads that I subbed'd to can sometimes get boring, so at least once a day I have a quick trawl, then I look through the threads😁
  18. I agree with @Phil Starr. It does seem that many bassists run the PA as well and that gives it a twist that only we understand. That is not to say only bassists understand PAs, far from it. However we do have a unique viewpoint, especially from the low end. With the drive to FRFR and modelling, plus then use of many active PA speakers for Backline, the areas are melding. As for the argument as to where it should go, There is a good argument to make the DIY Effects thread a Sub Forum but it is not yet deemed worthy. That is not a dig but just to say it does make it easier to find PA/FoH threads. It will eventually find its natural home.
  19. https://sites.google.com/site/leonardoguitarresearch/lgrp-network-newsletter/lgr-network-luthiers This is a group of luthiers that each produced two identical acoustic guitars. In blind tests, neither luthiers nor classical guitarists could tell the difference between exotic woods and native European woods.
  20. I have to say I have no knowledge of upright bass although in tests at the South West Bash last year, smaller cabs/ drivers seem to be preferred for DB. Whether that is also true for upright bass (EUB) I do not know. As for amps, something you know can be set flat would be a good starting point.
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