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Huge Hands

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Everything posted by Huge Hands

  1. I have ordered quite a few things from Thomann. Always seems to be DHL through Germany, then Parcelforce at the UK end. If you create an account with Thomann and follow their tracker - I always find the bit that determines the length of time you wait is the "at Import Centre" part or whatever it is - I assume Customs in the UK. Last year I ordered stuff around Christmas and both Thoman's pickers and the Import Centre were slow. I don't really know how Parcelforce works, but I find that un-delivered packages arranged through them in the UK go back to their main depot which is only open 8-5. However the Thoman stuff always ends up getting dropped at my local Post Office which is actually a newsagents. It's only round the corner and open at 6am - great for picking stuff up before work!
  2. Another hero of mine gone today (first Lemmy, Pavel Srnicek - former Newcastle goakeeper and now John). A sad, sad day. What a fantastic drummer he was - loved watching him on the reunion gig footage from a couple of years ago - still dead tight.
  3. Have just purchased Ben's Sire V7 5 String. Was a pleasure to deal with, appreciated even more as he was dealing with family emergencies at the time. Loving the bass too! Was really well packed, and came when and as described. Would happily recommend to others!
  4. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1450089948' post='2929388'] Maybe a stupid question, but, does it stand up on it`s own when empty? I have a Warwick bag, and it is so flimsy and difficult to put a bass in compared to the other case I have. [/quote] I find mine do. It's not rock solid stiff, but doesn't bend in the middle and flop over like a really cheap one. If you were to fill the headstock pocket with a load of stuff it might be a different story though - I just have a lightweight tuner and a pencil in mine!
  5. I have 2 for my main basses. When one arrived, there was a fault with one of them and its zip - Thomann sent me out a free replacement very quickly with no quibbling. I still have the faulty one and is useable as a bag for the car, if you're careful. I regularly travel on the train up to London with mine and find the "backpack" shoulder straps very comfortable indeed. I have seen some much better quality/more protective bags, but not for this low price. Very happy with mine.
  6. [quote name='Silvint' timestamp='1449851179' post='2927550'] Changing the action won't change the curve of the bridge and the space between the strings, so I don't think it would make a big difference in fact. [/quote] ^^ This is what I found when I messed with mine. Thanks for the tips - I shall look into this!
  7. Our keyboard player has a Zoom H4n and records all rehearsals, gigs etc. I always find the sound to be pretty good and rounded - the bass sound is usually very good - and the balance is good - if the band are balanced in the first place! It has fallen off his keyboard a couple of times and has had one of its mics superglued back on, but it is still going strong. He did say that he uses his with batteries only to save messing about with a PSU but it eats batteries, which may be a consideration.
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1449256120' post='2922065'] Oh! That made something happen in my pants. At the front, this time. [/quote] You have just won the internet. I need a new keyboard.....
  9. Wow, just wow. I have the exact same bass and would love to add bowing to my repertoire but as yet - it is still beyond me. One question - when I got mine the action was really low and close to the neck, which I would enjoy with a guitar, but seemed too low when I tried with a bow as I was hitting all strings at once. Did you find this, or is it just my shoddy technique? It's hard to see in the video what the action is like on yours.
  10. Most buildings/venues normally want two documents - a Method Statement, and a Risk Assessment, although they can be combined. The method statement is a detailed statement of what you are going to do - i.e. wheel flight cases into venue, unpack equipment, set up and use. A risk assessment is listing the likely dangers/risks that your method statement would bring up and what you would do to minimise the risk. For example, you method statement may include "Use ladders to hang lighting and banners". Your Risk Assesment would then need to recognise that working at heights is a risk, and you would need to list the control measures you would use (such as rope barriers, no lone working etc). Can be quite lengthy if you've not done one before, but once the first one is done, they become a bit of a cut and paste exercise to suit specific situations. Please note I'm speaking as someone who deals with them in my job, not having done one for a band. I am no expert in this subject by the way!
  11. Welcome to the world of EUB! Enjoy the broad spectrum of mixed reactions at gigs - all the way from those that just have to tell you it is "not as good as a real one" and those that think it's great. I especially like the ones who don't notice, and then get all uppity about it not being real once they have been told! I think it is hilarious! Enjoy! Whether you feel guilty about people making you feel like you're not being a true double bass player or not, they can still be a hoot to play!
  12. [quote name='Jenny_Innie' timestamp='1447772582' post='2910202'] Well I have a Retro210.... [/quote] I know, that was my point! In my experience, the output (and likely impedance if your EUB has a piezo pickup) can be wildly different between the upright and a normal passive bass, so you may need to get used to dialling in totally different settings on your amp. I play gigs where I play both EUB and bass guitar, and have been experimenting with various A/B switchers with gain and EQ to try and match them up a bit better. EDIT: Not sure if different basses is relevant in your case, but thought it worth mentioning....
  13. I love the sound of my NXT through my Retro 210's
  14. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1447766455' post='2910116'] I'm not sensitive about it... I just think it makes him look like a bit of a nob. [/quote] Couldn't have said it better myself.
  15. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1447764840' post='2910085'] Done. I used to, erm, toilet a silly number of times before a gig, but not any more [/quote] I did the survey. I find this ^^ is my biggest indicator of stage nerves before gigs - it has taught me not to eat too much before the gig on the day. I'm sure that is too much information for most!
  16. I have an NS Design NXT5. It does have an adjustable bridge. When I got it, the action was really low like I'd want on a guitar but found it a bit tricky to get a good pull on the strings when in the upright position. I lifted the action a little to improve this for me. Bear in mind this is based on no proper double bass technique training so I'm probably doing it all wrong!
  17. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1446806326' post='2902456'] I seen U2 once on Jonathan Ross and obviously the audience must have been dancing but one guy must have not been because Bonio shouted " get off yer arse ya ******" . [/quote] I'm getting images of a cringing David Brent style comedy where the camera pans across and it turns out the audience member is in a wheelchair.....
  18. I always had this dilemma with Jamiroquai...... Loved the music though (at least until Stu Zender left).
  19. I had the peeling Tolex thing on my 2 cabs - around the edge of the removable rear panel. You could push it down flat again, but it would lift again quite quickly. As I only live about 30 miles north of the BF factory and had a day off, I took them down about 3 months ago. I was told it was an issue with the glue they originally used, and they had been through several variants since. They glued mine while I did some shopping, and gave me the emergency repair pot of glue to take home. I haven't noticed them peeling since, and still love the cabs, especially as I now have them paired with a Carvin B1000 that can run at 2 ohm*. It is now a monster rig! *Thanks to Eude and Merton for the tip!
  20. If you're looking to buy, have you checked out the new Yamaha Re-Face range? Their Electric Piano version says it gives a range of tones including Wurlitzer and Rhodes. There's a load of demos on Youtube. P.S. - I am not selling nor am I affiliated with Yamaha whatsoever, I've been looking into these a lot myself as I'm thinking of buying the organ version!
  21. I'm not sure if that reply was aimed at me directly, or trying to start a wider discussion, but no, it doesn't sound like me. If it was aimed at me, you're making a lot of assumptions that in my opinion are incorrect. They might be correct for you, when you've tried that, but I can't think of any gig where I've wildly changed the tone, other than when I felt the music needed it - it was nothing to do with cutting through. Yes, I've had problems with piano players left hands, but that was sorted by coordinating notes and calming down their boomy sound, I didn't need to suddenly become all trebly to get out front past them. I think we may have to agree to disagree with each other on this one. I don't think my Retro 210 rig is overly coloured, it's just a little warmer than flat. If I wanted flat hi fi then I'm sure Alex would have steered me towards the Compacts. I still thought the Compacts were lovely last night, but I preferred mine. That is my choice, and if I'm stupid, then so be it. It's my choice and not yours, and I will let the bands I play with judge me on that choice. P.S. I have studied and worked in the Pro audio industry including being a sound engineer for over 20 years. I think by now I'm experienced enough to know what sounds good for my tastes and works well in the way I want to use it. Even so, I wouldn't dream of telling you your sound or rig was wrong - I would just make my own decision as to whether I would like it for myself or not. The way you're talking, I'm guessing I probably wouldn't, but that's all good - each to their own!
  22. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1441989087' post='2863622'] So..if vintage is wooly... who'd want it ..and in what context..? I spend my life getting away from wooly... for sure..!! [/quote] I think this planet would be pretty boring if we all liked the same thing. Both Martin and Ewan were playing some great stuff through their and my cabs, but I didn't really like the sound they were going for. That doesn't mean I thought they were wrong, or terrible, it just wasn't for me. I would imagine that they didn't like my kind of sound too much either! I'm probably one of the closest to a "wooly" fan that you'll meet, but I don't like that term. I call my fave sound "no teeth" or "gummy" because I don't like spanky, trebly over driven tones. Then again, I'm unlikely to join a punk/metal band! However, I still like it to feel tight and not just one big low end mush which is what wooly implies to me. I told Alex what I like and he suggested the Two10 as he said it was not designed as a true flat response to aim for the vintage tones. I think he was spot on. Perhaps instead of "vintage" we should use "warmth". As Alex had predicted, having being used to my cabs I thought the Super Compacts sounded a little light on the low end for my tastes - but I could tell they had the flatter and more accurate frequency response that many "audio purists" would prefer. I was always one of those people that would keep the loudness button pressed on my home stereo, so that probably explains it!
  23. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1441976795' post='2863448'] Judging by people definition of vintage on these pages, describing any cab as such is like the kiss of death. [/quote] Not for me. That was what I was looking for......but I know what you mean.
  24. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1441974367' post='2863411'] Righto . I think its fairly safe to say as both Bass players, and men, we are never truly happy LOL! [/quote] I disagree - at least until the next BC bandwagon I can jump on appears It was also worth noting that I bought my Retro 210s to alleviate a problem where I tore a muscle in my back carrying my heavy old Ashdown combo/cabs, so I needed something a lot lighter. I thought they were really light but actually felt quite heavy compared to Merton's Super Compact cabs. Not enough to worry me, but might be a consideration for others who are thinking of buying one or the other.
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