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Black Coffee

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Everything posted by Black Coffee

  1. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1477382767' post='3161784'] NBD x2 ??? That's just not fair! How did you manage 2 NBD's in one? Nice. Two lovely looking basses there [/quote] Ive made a commitment that im gonna stick to these as ive tried a stack of others (worth a clean fortune) and im content that what i need for my particular choice off music is in these two cases. My eldest son will be a co-owner of one of them while studying for his music degree. Ive one more NBD incoming shortly and thatll be it. Ever. Done.
  2. Today is a day that is likely not to happen again. I took delivery of two gorgeous Fender USA standard five string basses. One precision and one jazz in matching Olympic white and tort pick guard. Treated myself to a set of twins. Safe to say I'm feeling kinda pleased as they are the mutts nutts; they sound sooooo good and are a total delight to play. I should never have sold my '94 USA P bass and I'm glad to be back to a USA model. Pics below
  3. Ok. I have a son at university studying music and chosen instrument is double bass. He has decided he needs a pickup but I'm at a complete loss as to what to buy, where to buy it, and how much this will/should cost me for something which will do justice to his playing and sound clear and worth the effort. Can anyone help me please ? Cheers.
  4. Just bought a blue P bass from Tom. Delivered sharpish and very well packed. Pleasure to do business with. Cheers Tom
  5. Have you better pics of this ?
  6. Having said that. I think it looks good.
  7. Im intrigued on how well it will be received. I dont see a lot of folk playing tbirds.
  8. Refund seems the best way to peace for you. B stock shouldnt mean anything more than ex showroom model or maybe a couple of cosmetic nicks. Its a musical instrumant and as such it needs to perform the basic setup and playing functions. By the sounds of it you are not happy that it does.
  9. [quote name='kevvo66' timestamp='1457959060' post='3003310'] Patience young jedi,tonight when I get home from work plus full spec [/quote] Pics ?
  10. Ive just got an email from a mailing list about these. Anyone have any experience or opinion ? The more recent rumble series were good kit, i had the 500w combo and loved it.
  11. I dont have a real pet hate in basses, possibly a jealous dislike of stuff which costs more than i earn in six months. I dislike bassists whose opening line is -" oh youve only got a squire". Or other brand name less expensive than the dollar laden beast in their case. Oh, also cant understand the continuing fascination with warwick. IMO. Loadsa money for - eh something bland , in my experience.
  12. Peavey grind bass - the mahogany one. Solid build and sounds just as i think a passive bass should. From a diatance the wood looks like a more expensive bass than it is. Also the BB 425 yammies are a steal, i love mine.
  13. This is the best value on basschat. I've got the bb425x and love it. I'm tempted to buy this to make a pair.
  14. ACG is great gear. This looks like a beauty. GLWTS
  15. [quote name='EmmettC' timestamp='1457345440' post='2997473'] I have to admit I didn't like the Sadowsky I tried either, I'm holding out hope that I find one I like (and can afford) at some stage, but I tried a lot of Jazz fives and the Sandberg was the only one I really liked, the Marcus Miller was the nicest Fender and the Sadowsky felt like a Fender with a nicer preamp (and a bigger price tag). [/quote] Ive always wanted to try a sadowsky, i like the looks and finish in pics etc but i e never seen one in the flesh/wood - whatever. Sandberg nearly is too good to be true. Never played one but may in the near future pull the trigger on a secondhand one. Recently i bought a sire and loved the electrics, weight , finish but the fretboard radius was the undoing over time of what id hoped would be a happy partnership. Maybe we are too fickle with too much choice available and too much easy to borrow money to buy.
  16. [quote name='EmmettC' timestamp='1457341940' post='2997427'] Add Sadowsky and Lull to that list for me, I can't seem to afford them, so I never end up with one. [/quote] I scraped across the line of affording a Mike Lull and of all the £1500+ basses ive played or owned the Lull was the shabbiest. I understand that for others its bass heaven, but i was really disappointed. Just IMHO. A good usa five string fender jazz i owned was the best passive fiver i ever played, the Lull was just - mmmhh :-( - cant really say i got the warm fuzzy feeling when playing it. Id like to believe id drool when playing a £5,000 fodera but i will likely never know this side of retirement.
  17. Id like to try one, maybe some day and find out for sure if the hype is worth it. I've owned £3,000+ dingwalls and they are mutts nutts, but how much better is a £5,000 fodera bass over a £3,000 Dingwall bass - I dunno..... It's all in the satisfaction I suppose. My biggest gripe with expensive basses was the worry of somebody (or me) putting a ding in it and ruining the perfect finish. Shallow maybe. I dunno. My yamaha bb series is meeting my needs currently and I could replace it a dozen times before out pricing a good fodera.
  18. I've never got on with fodera basses. I don't earn enough money to be able to afford one would be my biggest gripe. Alembic too.
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