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Everything posted by uk_lefty

  1. I bought one for next to nowt on ebay in the early 2000s, be lucky to get one for less than a hundred quid now. Great pedal.
  2. ON HOLD PENDING PAYMENT PHOTOS NOW ADDED. I bought this on ebay to fit to a bitsa but my gamble didn't pay off and the heel width on this neck is sadly a mm and a bit too narrow. I don't want to fill and re drill and add veneers to the neck pocket, I'd rather just use another neck. Selling for exactly what I paid. The ebay description is below, but my impression is its a good solid clean neck. Nice grain pattern on the rosewood board. The sanded face of the headstock allows you to finish it as you please. Ebay description: Telecaster Tele P Bass Guitar Neck Maple & Rosewood Left Handed 61.5mm Heel Width & 42mm Nut width Telecaster Tele P Bass Guitar Neck Maple & Rosewood Left Handed 61.5mm Heel Width & 42mm Nut Width Has A Narrow Heel Width Of Around 61.5mm Which Is Likely Intended For A 62mm Width Neck Pocket The Headstock Was Reshaped To Be Tele P Bass Shape Using A Vintage Correct Telecaster P Bass Template (See Photos) The Headstock Rear Was Reshaped To Have A Subtle 'Tadeo Gomez' Vintage Style Rollover ‘Tadeo Taper’ Soft Transition (See Photos) The Edges Of The Headstock Have Been Rounded To Soften The Look & Feel Just Like How It Was Done On The Vintage Fender Necks (See Photos) Has A Brand New 42mm Resin Nut Which Sits Tightly In The Nut Slot Without Glue So That It Can Be Switched From Left To Right Handed As The Nut Is Not Glued In It Can Be Flipped By Hand To Give A Reverse Headstock ZZ Top Style Tele Bass Neck For Right Handed Users Due To The Headstock Reshaping There Is No Finish On The Headstock Front Back & Sides & May Require Additional Finishing By The Buyer To Suit Has A P Bass Style Curved Heel End & Not The Flat Square Heel End More Common To Tele Necks The Heel End Was Purposely Left Curved As More Bass Bodies & Guards Have Curved Pocket Ends / Curved End Is More Compatible Has A Couple Of Small Dings On The Back Of The Neck Close To The Heel, Has Cosmetic Signs Of Wear From Age & Use (See Photos) Truss Rod Is Fully Working & The Neck Is Straight
  3. Thanks Andy, it would need new holes drilling in to the neck just a tad away from where the current ones are. Not sure I want to risk it. Am now pondering selling both necks I have off and going back to Jinwan for what I originally wanted (painted black neck for the 80s Japanese Fender look) , or getting a fifty quid unfinished neck from a UK seller and doing the headstock in the same stain as the body.
  4. Well... I don't think this is going to work, sadly. The pics don't capture how bad the fit is. Also I don't think the strings will line up correctly on the neck. Shame, I wanted this to work.
  5. New neck arrived today. Its not snug I. The neck pocket, there's just under a mm gap at each side. What do you think...?
  6. I'd be interested to hear some of your synth sounds or see how you're building them. I've found it better than most multi effects as a starting point but I'm yet to get really use able 80s synth sounds. Currently trying to build my own synth sounds using octave/ fuzz/ chorus and envelope filters.
  7. I'm finding the Stomp to be excellent for the sounds but limited when I think of live use. By that I mean the three footswitches are limiting, unless you want to be bending down and pressing buttons in between most songs. I've already ordered an expression pedal for it and am already considering buying an added two button switch so I have footswitches for: tuner/ mute, preset up and preset down, then the assignable switches for turning on/ off specific effects. It might not be an efficient way of doing things but when doing a function gig and the singer calls songs out that are not in the order on the set list you need to make quick changes and know where everything is.
  8. I was in the crowd at the Reebok stadium when Coldplay filmed their video for Fix You. This was before Coldplay disappeared up their own derrière so far they came out their mouths and did it all over again. It was an OK gig. A friend from work who came with me got lifted up on to another friends shoulders so if I can ever be bothered to freeze the video and look for her I may be able to see the top of my head.
  9. I'm self assembling a bass from parts. I have not got the time, skill, patience or equipment to build from raw Woods. I am learning as I go and have received excellent advice from members of BC along the way, without them I'd have ballsed up a lot more than I already have. I'm assembling and finishing something that cannot be bought off the shelf. I'm not calling it a build or homemade. Not sure why this, or anyone else, is deserving of a rant? It's not like the g!mps on ebay who list any old guitar as "custom" and "rare" when it's a black encore they bought in Argos. They should be strung up with old bass strings and beaten with ukeleles.
  10. Sorry, I meant strip as in a small strip of tape. Not as in strip anything off the body. Great photo and explanation too, thank you!
  11. So my idea of going down to just a single pedal to do everything isn't really coming true. I've got an expression pedal on order for my Helix stomp. I've still got my EHX Mono Synth which may or may not survive. And I quite like the idea of adding a 2 button foots witch to change the presets and leave the stomps own footswitches for changing snapshots. I'm going to need a pedal board and case again aren't I?!
  12. Slow progress indeed... I've shielded all cavities with copper tape. I think I need a strip down where the bridge earth wire pops through the body? Will wait u til I've stained the body. My patience with the neck has brought me to an unexpected result. I didn't get the black painted neck I'd actually ordered and I've been thinking that the neck just isn't interesting enough. So I've been looking for second hand right handed fender bass necks when something popped up on ebay last night. It's a left handed Squier P bass neck reshaped to a tele headstock. So the finish is sanded away from the front and back of the headstock. Bargain price so I've snapped it up and I can stain the face of the headstock to match the body. I think that's a result! I love the matching headstock and body look and I do like a tele style headstock too. Will check for fit before putting my brand new Chinese neck up for sale. In the meantime I really do need to stain the body...!
  13. uk_lefty


    Wow!!! Decent bass, absolutely awesome wife! Congrats on both fronts.
  14. In a serious response to the very first post: IMO yes, a Sire is worth easily it's new price or its second hand price. Many on here will back that up. Is an MIM Fender worth 150 more? No. Its not a "better" bass, but if you are a brand snob or worse, you are dictated to by brand snobs (i.e. Your "band leader" insists you have a Fender P because they don't trust other instruments) then that extra 150 may be worth it for you. What's ludicrous? Rickenbackers prices seem to sky rocket and they're renowned for not being very well put together, though they have a definite own sound and brand mystique/ credibility that you cant get anywhere else. Fender Custom shop prices to me seem crazy, but I've never played one so it's a superficial thing for now. I think the best way to understand relative value would be to play a load of basses one after the other all through the same amp and by a combination of sound and feel you'll make your own mind up about value. It's not as easy as when you need a laptop and you just compare RAM, disk size, processor power and screen size and get the most bang for your buck off those stats, the variables in a bass have completely different value to different users, e.g. My "best neck ever" on my Stingray may be uncomfortable to you.
  15. Sandberg classic on ebay... Somehow I can't get a link on my phone. But why the hell does it have a strap button on the front of the body right where your arm will go?!
  16. My mate used to rave about a band called Who's Jimi Zeppelin... They were good though.
  17. It so easily could be. Interchangeable heads... Who was the woman who allegedly sang every girl band song in the 90s and does she have a 2020's male equivalent at work here?!
  18. I wrote my comment before reading all the thread!!! Those two songs are pub band standards aren't they? Luckily one of my guitarists hasn't had time to learn Dakota yet. Why don't some band members get it? Me: "But EVERYONE plays it!" Drummer: "Exactly." Me: "But our songs that go down best are the ones nobody else plays but they're still recognised classics..." Drummer: "Nobody has heard of that 'Robert Palmer' you want to do..."
  19. It's a bit more Dakota than Sex on Fire for Me. By that I mean people will roar along and bounce around for the chorus, but Sex on Fire is naughty because hehe SEX! And that's half of its appeal. This song is like the b@stard child of Sex on Fire and Dakota. I'm not really up on new music. But this could easily be George Ezra for me, similar sound to it. We have to do two George Ezra songs in my band. That bl00dy Shotgun song is awful, and people actually bought it?! If it didn't have fretless bass in it I'd probably veto it very strongly. Can't wait for my drummer to suggest this song... Where's the throwing up emoji?
  20. I have to say that is LIVE meaning a live performance, not LIVE meaning the opposite of Die. I don't like his music but I don't wish him dead. Just in case, your honour.
  21. Is it just me or whenever "just haven't met you yet" comes on the radio it sounds like a studio autotune is working really hard? It's like hearing a dull ITV watered down robot singing for Now That's What I Call Mother's Day. The guy can sing (despite my auto tune comment, there's far worse out there for sure) , and isn't too offensive, but I wouldn't mind if he retired and lived as a recluse with zero public profile for eternity. Would hate to see him live.
  22. Me too!!! I was very excited about seeing them and the day before I'd fallen asleep with a huge hangover and from being out in the torrential rain without a jacket (thanks security for moving people out from under any shelter on the rationale "I have to stand in it so you do too!") and missed nearly all of Rammstein. My mates and I didn't stay for much of Sabbath, musically it was fine but Ozzy just seemed completely disconnected from the band and almost incoherent. I also left Red Hot Chilli's early at Knebworth in 2012. Similar situation, shitty weather, singer not connected with the band, Josh on guitar just wasn't right (sorry Josh) and Flea trying to gee the crowd up just came across a bit sad in the context. I bought the Mp3 album of the gig and the vocals were fine on that, so what I thought was Anthony maybe being ill may have just been a bad day in the office for the sound man. Overall just a really disappointing experience for seeing a band I loved. Still, Dizzee Rascal as support really knows how to handle a rock crowd.
  23. I read some wise words on here a long time ago that stayed with me, something along the lines of it being OK to sell stuff that was a production model (E.g. My MIJ 1970 reissue P bass in left handed which wasn't getting as much playtime as it deserved) because they come back around every now and then, though values may change. I've recently ditched all my bass and guitar multi effects and bought a Helix Stomp. So naturally I'm waiting on an expression pedal and thinking about maybe adding a bass Wah, because the stomp doesn't have a model of a bass specific Wah, and also a pedal board and case type thing to protect my new shiny toy. I've also been looking at amps though goodness knows why. I've got an Ashdown rig that has handled every gig I've done for a few years now and though there is "better" kit out there this just does its job admirably, and now the Helix is a great backup. I do fancy a 5 string fretted bass though. However... I'm in the midst of a self assembly bitsa and that will take me up to 6 basses. It's too many and I need to downsize on gear before I acquire more, just need to be sensible about what to ditch. I can't see my 1984 Aria SB getting much play unless my 80s covers band takes off and even then my Stingray is a more practical tool for the job. I've got 2 fretless basses but one has sentimental value and the other doesn't but is a joy to play, I have a gorgeous CIJ 75 reissue jazz and while I'd prefer a rosewood board this jazz just looks the absolute business. I don't have a P bass though and I feel I'm missing something. A Sire P7 5er might be a solution to 2 problems, and a fretless neck for my Bitsa. That could justify getting rid of 2 basses for only 1 incoming.
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