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Everything posted by hamfist

  1. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1355340432' post='1897228'] I think even just hunting through the classifieds on here, you'll see $$s going for under £500. It's criminal, but that's the going price. And, fwiw, I'm 99% sure the OP's $$ is German-made, but no doubt he'll confirm that himself before long. [/quote] Just had a look through. You're right, they have certainly gone for cheaper than I thought, but in the price range originally mentioned by Jacqueslemac (£400-500), they have been fairly well "loved". I think the OP has it about right for his (hers ?). The market will find its real price, of course, in the end. Although it must be said that virtually NOTHING seems to be selling right now. A great time for buyers as sellers are having to slice their prices to sell any used bass stuff. I'm waiting again till after Xmas before trying to sell stuff again.
  2. [quote name='Jacqueslemac' timestamp='1355330596' post='1897060'] Four-string Corvette $$s go for anything between £400 - £500 at the moment, depending on the usual. Not too sure about fivers, though. [/quote] I'd be very interested to see a Corvette $$ (specifically) going for that. Yes, for the std's, but not the $$'s. This is a German-made bass yes ?
  3. I've not played the GK112 neo, but have the 2x12 (and I have heard that tonally they are virtually indistinguishable). Great, great cabs. I doubt you'll be disappointed. But, as others have said, only one 12" speaker will have it's finite volume limits. You will find out it one is enough though I guess. And you have a plan B of getting another so you seem to have covered all bases.
  4. Swapped basses via courier with Andy. Despite the inherent risk and worries of doing this, it was an absolute pleasure dealing with Andy. He is a real gent, and was absolutely true to his word in every way. Communication with me was also first class. THanks mate !
  5. THis is a HUGE amount of bass for the money. I actually also love the Mk1 Bartolini's on my 44-01. Good luck with the sale !
  6. I'm a church player but I'm not quite sure what you mean by a gospel sound. Could you give some examples . Also we'll need some sort of guidance as to what your needs are for an amp. Combo ? Head & cab(s) ? Is weight a big issue ? What sort of venues ? just stage monitoring ? etc etc.
  7. I'm with you there Hobbayne. We lost our rehearsal last week due to the singers health. Haven't got another till into the new year so I was looking forward to it. As to enjoying rehearsals, for me it depends on how constructive they are. If you are running through new material that everybody has prepared for at home, then it's really enjoyable. However, if one or more people haven't bothered to learn the stuff, then it becomes painful. Also, just running through a well known set list can be quite uninspiring too. So, for me, it depends hugely what the point of the rehearsal is, and if my bandmates have actually prepared for it.
  8. OK, lets go with the final price drop. Any more, and it gets a bit silly !
  9. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1355065207' post='1893541'] It's not enough having my financial priorities called into question, I'm now being told how I should feel about it? That's just marvellous! [/quote] Wow. try not to take it so personally. No-one is aiming comments specifically at you. Just talking about these issues a in general sense.
  10. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1355044308' post='1893188'] Ditto. I went through about a dozen last year and ended up going back to a Russian Muff. Replaced the 2nd pair of clipping diodes for a pair of germaniums and finally got 'my sound'. Kind of back where I started... ...it was fun finding out though! [/quote] Fun but a little expensive ! It's the more "open" nature of the drive in a fuzz that I like compared to the "tighter" broken glass type drive in every distortion pedal I've tried (yes, even the B3K and B7K). It sounds to me that the wavelength of the clipping is significantly longer in a fuzz. Either that or the frequencies that are being driven in a fuzz are very different to those in most distortion pedals. I'm finding it very difficult to describe what I'm hearing. These are obviously utterly subjective terms that I'm using but hopefully people might get an idea of what I'm talking about.
  11. I've just been through a mass of distortion pedals, only to realise that it is a fuzz pedal on a lower gain setting, mixed with a clean signal that I'm looking for. There's a "broken glass" quality in the high end (even without a tweeter) that is not to my taste with distortion pedals,
  12. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1354986043' post='1892680'] I happen to live in a two income household. No kids [/quote] Sorry neepheid, but you sort of prove my point. Your description of your situation sounds really quite well off compared to an awful lot of other folks. Are you trying to say that if your financial situation went to the dogs you would not consider moving on some of your collection ?
  13. SOLD Excellent condition. Working perfectly. Box, instructions etc. Really interesting pedal, produces all sorts of synthy sounds (without the tracking issues of synths). Also standard-type distortions. Realised that what I really need is another fuzz pedal though £59 posted to your door in mainland UK. [url="http://www.ephotobay.com/share/soundblox-a.html"][/url]
  14. hamfist


    Just bought a pedal from Simon. He communicated well. Packed the pedal nicely and it was exactly as described. I'm very happy. Thoroughly recommended seller. cheers.
  15. I think a huge amount comes down to available finances. The poorer you are the more ruthless you need to become with one in/one out etc. I think a good test is seeing really how much, if at all, you actually play a particular bass. Individually we are the only ones who really know about how our finances and situation stand, and whether it's reasonable to buy/sell/swap or whatever. To be honest it amazes me how well off a lot of people must be, to be able to own so many basses.
  16. Try me with an offer. I might say yes. Who knows !
  17. Now SOLD Ashdown James Lomenzo Hyperdrive pedal. Literally bought new on 23/11/12, receipt to prove. Just out of time for me to return it.... Doh ! I love these pedals, although currently have another two on my pedalboard (yes, I know I am a little strange). Ultimately though I've decided that I can't justify having three I can't believe these pedals are not more expensive. For me, the ultimate low drive pedal. Pick your mid range frequency and Q, drive it to the required level, and then blend with your clean signal .... magic ! Anyway, I'll take £49 posted within mainland UK. cheers. [url="http://www.ephotobay.com/share/ashdown-pedal-a.html"][/url]
  18. [quote name='marcus bell' timestamp='1354823007' post='1890975'] Phenomenal. Wish I had the cash. [/quote] I think everybody here was thinking of you too. One day Marcus, one day !!!
  19. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1354796951' post='1890445'] I wasn't going to say any more on the subject, but the overriding feeling I'm getting from this thread is that I'm somehow wrong for wishing to sell items in a way that's comfortable for me and I feel compelled to clarify my position. I list it for sale. If it doesn't sell for a while then I'll take down the price a bit or I'll keep the item. But I'll decide when that happens. It's still my item, it's still my sale. It's on sale for what it's worth to me, informed by having done some research into recent sales etc.. If that's not compatible with the market's opinion of what the item is worth (and I'm capable of counting my own tumbleweed, thanks) then I'll deal with it in my own way. What's wrong with that? Not everyone's up for a bit of wheeling and dealing, not everyone is comfortable with it. OK, maybe I'm a bit of a control freak, but I'm not an ogre, I'm not an unreasonable person, nor am I difficult to deal with, as my feedback thread will attest to. I've clearly managed to sell stuff using this approach at mutually agreeable prices. Given all the above, low offers bug me when I've put the effort in to price things reasonably to begin with. It's irritating, that's all. Usually I will reply with a reiteration of the price and its firmness, sometimes citing the research that has led me to the amount I am asking for. Often this is accepted with good grace and we continue from there. There may be varying degrees of detectable irritability in this communication, and I apologise for any I have communicated, and for any I will communicate in the future. [/quote] And I'd be surprised if anyone thinks you are unreasonable in this, as long as you state "firm price, no offers" in your advert (which, of course, I'm sure you do). I would expect anyone stating those things in an advert to completely ignore any approaches for a cheaper price. If it were me I would. However, the people I do struggle with are those who are rather rude and self-righteous in response to a genuine offer, lower than their advertised price, having made no statements that the price is non-negotiable. It is absolutely standard practice to haggle a bit in used sales of virtually anything in our culture unless, and only unless, the seller states "absolutely no offers".
  20. THink I might have originally overpriced this a bit for the current market, so ......... Price drop !!
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