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Elvis Valentine

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Everything posted by Elvis Valentine

  1. Yeah man its dynamite. Good to see a much more up beat offering from them this time as last album was understandably pretty dark but no less awesome in my opinion. They are one of the only bands out of that horrible period of 'Nu Metal' that i can stomach.
  2. Hey folks, One of the top (treble) concentric pots snapped off my Zenith. I opened her up and was amazed at how simple it all was inside. Because it has that back plate all the electronics are so easy to access unlike every other semi hollow i have ever seen. So i took the circuit board with the pots on it out and it seems like it would be an incredibly simple thing to fix , i would think itys just a case of taking the whole damaged pot off and soldering a new one on. However when i tested it it seems to be ultra high temp solder and my little solderer didnt do anything apart from vaguely heat up everything but no solder melting it also looks vaguely superglued on as well. Does anyone have any experience of this? I think the board is made by Shadow if thats at all helpful? Any help greatly appreciated. Cheers
  3. I have only ever used a guitar combo , it was something like gtx 65 maybe? I loved it. It was amazing sounding, exactly the sounds i wanted to get . Sold it to my guitarist because he used it all the time and he still uses it bought it 2005. Still going strong. I know they are meant to be sh*t in general but i got a good one somehow.
  4. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-matt-black-BASS-GUITAR-/150995262689?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item232804dce1 ends real soon but looks nice , and its cheap.
  5. Both appalling bands imho. I would say Bon Jovi are better purely on the strength of the fact that they did the soundtrack to Young Guns 2 .
  6. I think its fair enough, no problem with it as such. The only thing i sort of agree with that the OP says is that here on BC i have bought a few things and i have always received what i think is a really good deal and dealt with really nice folks. But then maybe the stuff i have bought was purchased at a lower price a couple of weeks before? But i was happy to buy the stuff.
  7. Believe me i know all about replacement saddes for a thunderbird . Ridiculously silly design flaw i reckon. But it looks like you could choose whatever bridge you wanted on the photo.
  8. I think the definition is a good one but i think its probably easier to make an example of two singers singing the same song. For example Bonnie Prince Billy - i see a darkness compared with Johnny Cash's version. Frank Sinatra thought that Willie Nelson was the greatest with his phrasing.
  9. This isn't a Bump :-) . I have just had a look at the circuit board inside the geetar and its a remarkably easy fix. so if anyone has been interested but put off by the knackered pot. Consider it fixed. Or at least it will be in a day or two.
  10. No i suppose not, plus i think i overlooked some problems with it. But if it was for sale in my home town for 45 bucks or whatever it was i might have bought it.
  11. I'm thinking i might just take this in for a fix. No one want to trade for anything? bass/guitar/treasure map?
  12. and the ever awesome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z81LcFhmqP4
  13. Someone mentioned the Jam earlier for sure. Mclusky / Future of the Left. Freakin' great band. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAwliet2vqo&list=AL94UKMTqg-9BHAax1eBXRnrG7mhID8WWz
  14. Well, i went to see a band last Saturday in Edinburgh at a small venue and i can say that definitely the smoking ban has changed things a lot. The bands might as well set up outside now for all the people that are actually inside.
  15. Ok man, no problem. Good luck with the sale.
  16. Hey Omikin im looking to trade an Epiphone Zenith for a JC.
  17. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Epiphone-Thunderbird-Pro-5-5-String-Bass-Guitar-Project-Stripped-TR-Nut-/400412156436?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item5d3a6ca214 Not especially weird but i think pretty wonderful I would love to have this as a project. My first 5 stringer. Oh well
  18. I would normally be totally adverse to such a thing, but the fact that its signed behind the headstock and that Duff is a cool LAMF i would definitely prefer this bass than an unsigned one but i wouldnt pay more for it. If it was signed on the front i wouldnt want it unless it was a steal and i would get rid of the signature however i could lol Very cool bass though.
  19. [quote name='dudi8' timestamp='1360943761' post='1978801'] i had the fretless version, great bass, big sound! [/quote]Cheers Dudi8, It really is and does.
  20. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1360941160' post='1978745'] Did someone say black? Could be interested. [/quote] lol
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