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Everything posted by shizznit

  1. I have bought a Line 6 G30 (plus an extra transmitter for my back up bass) from GAK. The only reason why I went for the Line 6 over the Sony was because I thought the Sony doesn't look as tough. As it would have lived in my pedal board I wasn't confident it would take much of a knock from a clumsy lead singer. The Line 6 looks more rugged. Can't wait to use it! Thanks for your feedback guys.
  2. What's your budget? Do you just want to use it for home practice or have enough power on tap for a full band rehearsal?
  3. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1367571143' post='2066971'] Hmm. I'd want a somewhat larger sample before coming to that conclusion. How many people post about all the gigs where all their gear worked perfectly? FWIW, I gigged my BH250 last Sunday and lent it to two other bands on the bill. It was fine. [/quote] Great for you and I hope it stays that way, but I do remember TC recalling the first batch of BH250 amps due to large number of complaints about reliability... http://www.tcelectronic.com/bh250/bh250-product-recall/
  4. [quote name='lonestar' timestamp='1367348963' post='2064579'] I had a ha5000 that failed due to burnt out output transistor. Was fixed under warranty by importer thanks to CODA music in Stevenage a few years ago. [/quote] That happened twice with my old HA500. An easy and inexpensive fix for an experience tech.
  5. I am a jazz fan and I can play it, but I find that style and discipline very absorbing and you have to commit yourself to it to be of a decent performance standard. I dipped my toe into jazz 12yrs ago and started making friends in the scene in South Wales and quickly realised how much attention I had to devote to studying and practicing to come anywhere close to as how good these guys are. I don't want to limit myself to one style of music. Not that I don't have the confidence to take the challenge...far from it, but I don't want to place myself in a position where I am single minded as a musician as I want to play all kinds of styles and genres. Jazz can really suck a lot of you into it.
  6. The first time I heard Jaco was a friend playing Portrait Of Tracy when I went out gear shopping with him. I thought it was his own invention but quickly stopped me dead and said that it was one of Jaco's pieces. He copied some cassettes for me (yeah, remember those?) and instantly became a fan.
  7. In my 20's I needed 3 days rest to recover after a gig because I was so energetic. Bass strapped low, dreadlocks and baggy skater clothes. Nowadays in my 30's, painted into a corner amongst 7 other musicians with 2ft in either direction to move in, clothes bought from H&M, bass tucked underneath my ribs and a dodgy back. Things can change so quickly!
  8. No new pics yet, so until then please enjoy the angelic, soul stirring and sometimes arousing voice of the only and only...Daniel O'Donnell... http://youtu.be/f_KmYHaf58Q
  9. [quote name='AndrewRichards' timestamp='1367533826' post='2066742'] @shizznit True, having a break for four years must of been a long time, I can't imagine being away from my instrument for that long, I have a quite a few goals I need to achieve in the next year, so putting my instrument down, doesn't seem possible at the moment. Thanks for all the comments! [/quote] I was still playing...even took delivery of an MTD-535 during those 4 years, so I was still fanatical and passionate about the instrument. I just didn't want to play with a band for a while. I did some session work once in a while, but I mostly just sat back, studied and listened to thousands of hours of different styles of music. I kinda rebooted and bounced back as a better musician.
  10. I saw one at the Gadget Show Live event a few weeks ago. Despite it being hollow it weighed a tonne.
  11. I had a break for 4yrs. I left a rock band that I was in for several years and after all the touring and managerial bullishit I had to deal with I just wanted to clear my head for a while, make time for studying and practicing and find my feet again musically. It was a lot of fun when it was going good, but I am not a natural rock musician and I felt that the time I spent with that band took my focus off the style of music I prefer to play. When I decided that I was ready to go public again I was revived and in good health musically. My studying paid off and I think I returned a better song writer and performer. I have to admit, at one stage I considered giving up music all together to focus on other things, but once I felt that I was making progress and improving as a musician I felt that I still had a lot of things I still wanted to achieve and I now had the tools and the knowledge to pursue them. But, the most important thing I learnt during my hiatus was not spreading myself too thing and committing too much time to many people. You can get burnt out very quickly and your studying and practicing will begin to slip. You have to strike a balance between both.
  12. Seem like very troublesome amps these BH250's. I did a gig a few weeks ago on double bill and their bass player's BH250 died half way through their set. He was fuming.
  13. Pubs and clubs rarely check if you are covered or ask for a copy of your PLI, but for larger venues, hotels, restaurants and sometimes even council owned premises (indoor or outdoor) may ask you.
  14. I love the sound of a MM Stingray. By far my favourite bass tone, but I just can't live with the necks for some reason...both on the 4 and 5 string models. The Shuker Uberhorn that Jon is building for me should sound close to a real MM Stingray, but with a neck that I prefer to play.
  15. I miss the Wapping Bass Centre dearly. I never failed to pop in there when I visited London. I bought all my Warwick basses from there. A good bunch of guys and very friendly.
  16. Ooooo! I like where this is going...subscribed!
  17. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1366983656' post='2059882'] I would recommend the DWZ over the Line6 systems - and the build of the belt pack is far superior to the Line6 offerings - when you feel the pack and see it in real life, it's a sturdy pro looking unit. The photos don't really do it that much justice. I've used it in anger and the Sony has never failed to deliver. To be fair, they are much of a muchness in sound quality but prefer the Sony build over the Line6 stuff. In fact, having also got a Shure ULX-D, I have to say that the Sony DWZ matches it in terms of sound quality (but obviously lacks the extra features that the ULX-D has). You may however, wish to wait a couple of months for the Shure GLXD series of gear - the GLX-D6 is a great reciever in the GLXD series, featuring an all metal construction and built in tuner. Certainly opens up the competition a bit and weighs in at a similar pricepoint... The new digital transmitter stuff is great - it really is a great time to go wireless. [/quote] I thought I might be spending over £400 for a good system (as I have done in the past with UHF systems), but looks like I will come under it quite comfortably and use something far superior to what I have owned and used previously. I can get my hands on a Line 6 Relay quite easily as I know a few people that use them and wouldn't mind me road testing it, but the Sony DWZ is not stocked at a store anywhere near me. It would be a blind purchase if I go for it. The Sony DWZ is a bit cheaper though. Hmmmm.
  18. Sony is a name that has cropped up a few times since I have been researching. Never imagined that they would be much cop as it looks cheap (like an old AudioTechnica UHF), but I have read some glowing reviews about the DWZ system. I have narrowed it down to either the Sony DWZ or Line 6 Relay 50 kit, but will have to wait due to some unexpected expensive home repairs when I got back home a couple of days ago . I'm back in Canada next week, so I will see if they are cheaper over there. Thanks for your feedback guys.
  19. My J Deluxe is modded. Dropped a set of Bartolini pickups and installed a J-Retro John East preamp within days of buying it. Way better than the Fender factory stock electronics. Most of my basses have had Bartolini pickups installed, with the exception of my Lakland and my old MTD 535 that already had them installed as standard. Love those pickups. I did have them installed in my Warwick, but I have recently put the original MEC pickups back in. Strangely, I prefer those pickups in that bass.
  20. I always take my own. I will always know how to set up the rig for the best results at a gig and the other musicians are used to the overall sound. Plus, I don't like forking out extra money to use the house rig after spending serious cash on my rig which will be much better than the house rig 9/10.
  21. I'm really gutted to hear that Chi could not fight off his prolonged illness. I have always been a big fan of the Deftones and of Chi's playing. He was a big influence to so many. Great guy too. RIP
  22. I guess I'm a little more demanding than some dep's! I expect the same payment as what the regular guy gets for a performance and I don't pay for rehearsal time or other expenses that I won't get reimbursed for.
  23. My Overwater Progress III was incredible, but the best thing about that bass was the customer care that Chris and Lawrence showed me during the build and the after sales support. They are a highly professional outfit and the quality of their products are very difficult to beat. My Jaydee Supernatural was a fun bass to play, but I bought that second hand so I don't have any experience dealing with the company direct. My Shuker Überhorn is almost finished and I can't wait to get my hands on it. After detailed discussions with Jon and talking through various options to narrow down what I am looking for playability wise, tone and appearence I am very confident that Jon will nail it. Other brands I really like and hope to own one day... Wal Sei GB Enfield
  24. Loopers are fun when you are noodling away at home, but I have never been able to apply them into a practical live or recording situation.
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