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Everything posted by EmmettC

  1. My first bass was a really nice headless Hohner (licensed by steinberger), but being 15 I was really embarrased by it and I swapped it for an Encore. That was horrible, and a big mistake, it made me almost give up on Bass, if my parents hadn't bought me an Aria Pro2 for my 16th, I'd probably never have learned to play well (or at least reasonably ). I think used basses are far better value, but then if you don't know what you're buying it can be a big risk. If anyone in the Edinburgh area is thinking about a used first bass and wants some advice, or someone to check out the bass feel free to PM me. I just remember how difficult I found it when I was starting, and I ended up with a good bass mostly by chance.
  2. I've always fancied this, but it's always clashed with something. Is it worth the trip from Edinburgh, or is it just a realy big bass shop?
  3. I don't drive a car, so a perth/dundee bash would be easier for me to get to from Edinburgh, just better train and bus services. If it was abit later in the year I'd take the bike to Moffat, but then I couldn't take a bass.
  4. Pm me your address and I'll send it to you, I'm finished with it and I'm not allowed to stock pile music and motorbike magazines anymore.
  5. You shouldn't even deal with DHL, you ordered off Thomann, and it's their responsibility to get it to you. They choose the courier company, and it's up to them to deal with the problems DHL cause. If the problem was reversed, if you were returning something to Thomann, do you think they'd chase up royal mail for the package, they wouldn't refund you untill it was back with them.
  6. I contacted G&L on their facebook page because I lost the small screw that locks the saddles together. I only asked where I could get them in the uk, but they sent me out 2 free of charge from the factory. They took a few weeks to arrive, but really good customer service imo.
  7. Yamaha BB405, it feels realy cheaply made, and doesn't sound great, but it's one of the most comfortable feeling basses I've owned. I even traced the body of it before I sold it in case I ever decide to build my own bass.
  8. I often improvise a solo in the rehearsal room, but if I did solo at a gig I'd prefer to have it pre-learned, no point in inflicting something rubbish on an audience.
  9. Here's my 2, the Ibazez probably doesn't count as porn, but it plays so beautifully. Ibazez Roadster Chris Larkin Fretless
  10. My amps live in the garage, I have a 10watt fender in the flat to practise with, but a 4x10 in the flat would lead to "domestic difficulties"
  11. [quote name='pietruszka' timestamp='1324555123' post='1475483'] He didn't get the job and Morrison sacked his entire team soon after 'cos he wanted a 'new one'. [/quote] I was working as a sound engineer in a venue he played years ago, and although he had his own engineers with him I was on site all day, and the man is the ultimate @r$ehole, the gig was awesome though....
  12. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1324545470' post='1475327'] I guess we weren't as swayed by the price tag as the engineer was. [/quote] I was in the studio with my Fender P, and Stingray a few years ago, I used the Stingray for just one song as the P bass sound was more suitable to the singer/song writer I was playing for, but the engineer was well pi$$ed off. He wanted the Stingray on everything because he thinks "active is better".
  13. I have my eye on a few basses, so no sensible offer will be refused.
  14. If I can get my hands on one! I definitely won't let go of my TributeL2500 until I have USA to replace it.
  15. hopefully I'll pick up some decent pickups that look as worn as the bass, I don't want to stick shiny bits on it, so most likely it'll be something "of the era"
  16. My first gig was in '94, when I was 16, mostly pearl jam and nirvana covers, but we also did Suck My Kiss by RHCP. I remember thinking I nailed it on the night, glad it wasn't filmed though, I imagine my bass playing was as lame as my goatee.
  17. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1324256241' post='1472377'] More recently I use a stand angling the cab back so no change required. Anyone else put their amp somewhere other than the top of the (top) speaker? [/quote] I started putting my Amp on the floor for this very reason. I got sick of searching around venues for matching beer crates. It does make it more awkward to turn up every few minutes
  18. I always thought my Trace Elliot made every bass sound the same, but my Ampeg and SWR don't alter the sound as much, unless I dial it in. I used an Ashdown at a gig on Friday, and though not as bad as the Trace, it seemed to make my G&L and Fender sound similar, and not how they normally sound, I don't own the Ashdown, and I didn't have alot of time to fiddle, so I could be misjudging it, but my Trace was terrible. My fender sounded no better than my cheap Aria played through that amp.
  19. makes sense, they were put in when it was fairly new, or so I was told. I'm torn between trying to find oe pups, or fitting a badass bridge and decent preamp and pickups.It's lovely to play but it's getting tired.
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