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Everything posted by JohnFitzgerald

  1. I occasionally look in on alt.guitar.bass but rarely post these days. (s/n ratio is atrocious). Anyway, one of the regs Derek Tearne posted the following. Great for critiquing your own technique and a use of a GoPro camera I hadn't thought of. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_vz-LgjF50"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_vz-LgjF50[/url]
  2. Next to your other Kingbass, this looks like one of the ones Mark had made when he was enjoying his food. This might make it suitable for the fuller figured slapper. (It's all true, Rob Green made him bigger basses when he wasn't at his lightest.)
  3. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1350783834' post='1843521'] Blimey..! What a cheerful-looking bloke you are..! No, must be just an unlucky shot; it looks like a great time was had by all (including yourself...). Well done, lad; the show looks splendid. Keep it up. [/quote] Nothing unlucky about it.... I have one of those faces.
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  5. Ah go on then. Here's some from Flickr (Not Bozzie's which I haven't watermarked yet). ][media]http://www.flickr.com/photos/tim_ellis/sets/72157631667514278/with/8043885065/[/media]
  6. And a much delayed thank you very much indeed to bozzie for sending me some first pics of the band. I'm still an ugly bugger, but it's nice to have some pics at least. Thank you very much again.
  7. What a fantastic experience. We may have left home 27 hours before the gig, but it was well worh it. We arrived to find a cracking lighting rig with moving heads and all the other fancy stuff and an engineer who knew his stuff. PA ewas a Martin line array system, Yamaha LS9 desk and a sound engineer who was oustanding. Setup was a bit delayed due to the demands of others being a bit elaborate, but we just got on, set up and were soundcecked in no time at all. It sounded great right out of the box. The actual performance just ticked off with no issues at all and the crowd were wonderful and receptive giving us a warm reception. Such a great experience and certainly ticked a few boxes for me. I feel humbled to have been a part of such a great festival.
  8. Bozzie I've replied your PM. 12.30 start for us Sunday. Yes, I do feel quite fortunate to have landed the gig. Lotsa moves :-)
  9. Mark's a bit of a tart when it comes to amps. I did however feel a wee burst of pride to see him using a Trace. In fact, I made SWMBO pause the telly till I got my amp head out and held it up next to the telly. She pulled 'the face' - "yeah, he's using a Trace Elliot. Yes, I know you've got one too..." Amp sheepishly put away.
  10. I don't think any of us will ever sound like Jaco. None of the famous names who played the reconstituted Bass Of Doom in the video on youtube sounded like him either. What they did sound though, was good. There's also a fair bit of potential for many of the fine players on here to sound good using a fretless jazz. It's an iconic sound, a fretless jazz on the back pickup with the tone rolled off a bit. I really don't see the issue with any of us getting a hold of a Fender Jaco if we can afford it or either the Vintage reliced job or the VM Squier fretless if that's more to our budget.. I think we're all aware we won't sound like Jaco, but there's nothing wrong with buying a fretless sunburst jazz. I'll never be a millionth of the musician Jaco was, but I'm unapologetically having a fretless jazz.
  11. Very happy with my Squier Jazz V. As I often tell people, I also had a Fender Jazz V too. Both of them are active. Back to back testing, I was happier with the Squier and that's the one I kept. Totally happy with that decision. Ideally, I'd buy another identical one, but fretless. Unfortunately, they don't do such a bass.
  12. I'll be the one that says according to the rules you have to state a price. Sorry.
  13. The dull thud of Macca never quite did it for me, that's why the old violin bass never quite tugged at the heart strings. Now it does. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCOycca1ezo&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCOycca1ezo&feature=related[/url]
  14. The one in my avatar has a 51mm width at the nut. That's quite a jump I guess.
  15. At the ripe old age of 46 and 3/4 I'm getting ready to do my first ever festival at the Summer's End prog festival in 3 weeks time. A couple of months back, I was approached by a drummer friend to see if I was interested in taking on the bass chair in his band. Comedy Of Errors. I'm the first to admit that I don't completely have an understanding of what prog is, but listened to the stuff and was interested enough to agree to throw my lot in and sign up. In true prog fashion here's a clip which involves harpsichord, guitar solos, yadda yadda. The guitarist's a monster. Strange thing is, I told him he sounded very Al Murphy and he had never heard of him. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xELokNBChpE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xELokNBChpE[/url] Really looking forward to it. even though were all based around Glasgow area and the gig's in the Forest of Dean.
  16. Cheers Andy. To be honest, a pair of J pickups would be my natural choice. We'll see.
  17. Anyone got one or tried one ? Looks a tidy buy for under £100. I already have the Squier 5 string Jazz. I don't have a big budget, but was (perhaps stupidly) thinking of one of these to do a fretless on. Any other budget 5 string J basses which might already be fretless ?
  18. Some pics of the time when I had these lovelys. Anyone think they might have one of them now ? They were repsectively, an S1 bolted on headed, a series 3000 bolt on headless with side LEDs and a Groove 5 string in sunburst. Pics hopefully attached. Anyone spotted them around ? I have long since domesticated their value for such fripperies as annual holidays, car repairs and the like. Here we go. [attachment=117161:251418_452400791457920_813642543_n.jpg] [attachment=117162:Series 3000.jpg] [attachment=117163:Groove 5 string.jpg]
  19. Aw man, this couldn't have come at a worse time for me. First of all, I'm local.. Secondly, I've wanted one for ages. Need to see what I can liquidate. This is the perfect stablemate to my almost identical 5 string fretted Jazz.
  20. I've been playing in a new band of late. More of that to follow. The rehearsal rooms are fairly well equipped. The one we've been in the last few weeks has an Ampeg SVT450H into an EBS 8x10. Every time you go in, it seems that various previous incumbents have been winding all sorts of EQ onto the graphic and the rotary tone section. Tonight, I set everything flat as a starting point. I kinda forgot to go back to the EQ after that point. The Jazz Bass was both pickups full on, mid and top bit of boost, bass left flat. (It's an active one). Lovely mid range projection, nice bit of presence and cut and decent depth too. Really, the very sound I've always wanted. How come it's so simple. Set it flat, use a decent cabinet - there you go. The next time my own Trace gets used, everything will be flat with the preshape most certainly off. Every day's a school day.
  21. Hi Definitely interested in both cabs. Will investigate if I can arrange someone to uplift them, seeing as I'm a couple of hundred miles north of you. Will get back to you asap. Regds JF
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  23. My Trace head and Peavey 410 cab cost me a total of £160. I bring a lead too, which obviously must have cost a tenner or so at some time in the past. My strap is a freebie planets waves locking one which was given to me by a pal who was terminally ill with cancer at the time. Me and that strap shall never be parted. That's it. Every time I see that TC are doing a deal on a free cab. I get tempted by a new BH500 and a pair of BC210 cabs for £610, but I don't imagine I'd sound much better. My only bass that goes out with me is the Squier 5 string in my avatar. The Yamaha in my sig is still very much a project and cost me nothing. I guess those who have spent more than me do so because they can. For that, I'd never be a hypocrite and criticise. I would too. I'll fess up to always being on the lookout for a lighter cab with a bit more mid, but the cost would have to make sense.
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