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Everything posted by Mudpup

  1. I can pass on your details to him if you want to message me? Or you just post/message on his Facebook and get a phone number off him. Then sort it from there. He's Essex based.
  2. The seller is a friend of mine. A totally upstanding dude if you need a recommendation.
  3. Good luck finding one (a TT800 that is.......) 😉
  4. I would add with great friends to that list..... I'm incredibly fortunate to be able to include all of the above in my band
  5. Sorry stewblack, I don't have the time or packing to get that sorted for you. EBay is the next stop.....
  6. Only if i drove over and dropped it off buddy - 60 mile round trip for me and I have a 30mpg car. Getting on for £8 a gallon now so I would want £15 to cover petrol. Don't know if that works for you? I'm flat out with work this week so might take a little while to get over as well. Up to you...
  7. I think there's a difference between a pub that is really a music orientated venue with music throughout the week and one that sticks a band on every Saturday night. You stand a better chance of getting a gig or having a good night if you can match the venue to the music you play. There are a few that we do that have jam nights in the week, lighter stuff on a Sunday afternoon and maybe the bigger stuff in a Friday and Saturday. They have a regular crowd that just enjoy seeing live music. One in particular local to me has everything from metal bands to Blockheads tributes but you'll see the same crowd there all the time. They just love their music but you can't be trotting out Alabama and Comfortably Numb in there as they want something a bit different or challenging. The crowd and owners may not play instruments themselves but they can spot shaky musicians or an unrehearsed band a mile off. You'll also never see them book a 'Blues Rock' band. The crowd tends to be a bit harder work (that's not meant in a bad way - they're all lovely people in the places I have in mind) but, as they see so many good bands, you really have to earn your applause. Most genres of music can get a look in here if they're good enough at it though. The others just want a band to play Mr Brightside, Alabama and Mustang Sally. Different band each week maybe but the same old stuff in general and they just want to keep punters in till midnight drinking. People go there because its a safe bet - they know they want a few drinks and to be able to jump around at 11.30 singing along to stuff they know. The crowd is easier as a result as long as you play the right material. Either tailor your set to the venue or pick the right venues for your set.
  8. No one mentioned valve amps..... Compression by definition limits dynamics and so do the class D amps that I have tried. They get squashier as you really crank them. My old Mesa's don't in my opinion (And the Ashdowns and EBS amps have I have used) They only have a valve preamp. But the power amp seems to make the difference.
  9. I agree with Skidder above. We play almost exclusively pubs and start booking in July. We're usually fully booked for the following year by September and the popular pubs will be mostly the same. Prepare for a long hard slog - you'll probably be trying to break into an established circuit and there are more bands than pubs. It can be soul destroying. I book most of our gigs and it took a few years to reach the point of being booked into all the venues we wanted to do. Fortunately we're now pretty established so it's much easier (One of the few benefits of Covid is the huge amount of last minute gigs popping up. This is making it easier to get gigs if you keep an eye on the social media. We've picked up a couple of regular gigs in venues I was trying to get into this way)
  10. The rocky bit of our set last night in a local pub - decent sound if you stick some headphones on. I was pleased with my sound :-) Velvet Revolver - Slither Extreme - Get the Funk Out Ozzy - Bark at the Moon Van Halen - Panama I love playing this stuff...
  11. That would have exactly the opposite effect and compound the issue for me - it would squash the dynamics even more. The big old heavy amps keep the dynamics as you wind them up but the class D ones seem to flatten them out
  12. I've given up on class D as well. Tried a load of them (GenzBenz, Mesa, Genzler, GK, MarkBass, Darkglass) and they never quite give the booty when you get loud. You can get the initial volume but they flatten the sound out quicker as you get louder and just get shouty. The newer ones are very good but still don't quite do it for me. And I've had the same cabs for all of them so I have a decent point of reference. A while ago I read somewhere that it's the faster decay of the note that's different - the initial power delivery can be equivalent but a class D can't sustain the hit as well as a class A/B. The power delivery peak drops off quicker and thats the bit that gives you the heft thing - it gives you that bottomless power sensation. I don't know whether the science backs that up but it sort of makes sense to me and mirrors my experience. If you're playing loud live rock gigs that rely on backline volume you'll notice the difference but if you just use the amp as a stage monitor or play in quieter venues you may not. The only class D i've found that gets close to it is a Quilter and I believe that uses a bespoke power module rather then the generic ones that others use. I actually kept mine and can happily gig it but have moved on all the other class D's in favour of a couple of old Mesa's. They weigh a ton but the sound offsets the inconvenience for me. And if I didn't have the Mesa's plan b would be an Ashdown ABM600 as per the other guys above. It's not very heavy and definitely has the booty.
  13. Sold! Citronic 2u full depth rack case Excellent condition, catches and handles all perfect Collection from Herts/Essex border. May be able to meet/deliver localish by arrangement Thanks for looking
  14. And this is the perils of staring at your feet trying to operate a new DMX foot controller whilst epically fluffing a well known chorus...😂
  15. This is us in a pub just using our lights, not the venue lights 1 x ADJ VBar Pak on the floor at the front - set to auto slow fade 2 x ADJ Sweeper Beam Quads on the poles at the back - set to auto slow macro 1 x ADJ VPar Pak inside the drum fishtank - set to auto slow fade 2 x Chauvet Intimidator Duo's on the floor in front of the amps doing swivelly stuff - via me tapdancing on a floor DMX controller 1 x Beamz laser thing mounted on the rear poles 1 x Beamz hazer - we only use all the lights if we can use the hazer, it makes a huge difference. If not we just use the drum lights and the front VBar Pak Takes 10 mins max to set the whole lot up and it mostly looks after itself all night
  16. Yep you can really kick the chorus up a gear live - and I'm amazed how many people know the words. I thought it would be a bit left of centre for our typical crowd....
  17. We’ve just introduced this version of the New Order song into our set and it’s going down a storm at the gigs so far….
  18. I think that if you're out gigging you always need a backup bass. But if i was just playing at home or with a couple of mates for fun it would be OK.
  19. My Korean Zon Sonus Standard is possibly the one bass I've had that will never be sold.... Gigged most weekends (at least until a few months back when I picked up my Cort A4) for the last 5 years, bought used but in mint condition. I've only ever seen one other in the UK at Bass Gear in Twyford many years ago which I played but didn't have the cash for at the time. I had never seen another one in the wild until I walked into my local shop years ago to buy a gig bag and this was hung on the wall. Karma! Pretty much irreplaceable for me. It has the sound in my head, a great neck and the build quality is brilliant (and the chances of finding another one are practically non existent)
  20. Well done - playing with people you've only just met can be a bit nerve wracking even when you're experienced. The important thing is that you enjoyed yourself. Mistakes happen and most audiences don't even notice them so don't be hard on yourself or the band. Just learn from them and look forward to the next gig....
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