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Everything posted by Rumble

  1. You're probably not going to believe this, but I actually have a pot of "Sticky Stuff Remover" (I jest ye not!). I'm pretty sure we got it from Lakeland (as in the kitchen gadget people). You may also be able to get it from some of these craft hobby places. Does a fantastic job without the spell of white spirits or meths.
  2. Ya never know Luke, at this rate it could still be for sale t'other side of Christmas!!
  3. ....and again.... Surely someone has something interesting to trade?
  4. Be honest, am I expecting too much for this or is it just that 1) no one has any spare cash or 2) anyone who wanted a j-retro now has one?
  5. For sale is my John East j-retro pre-amp. It spent a little time in my Lakland JO5, which I decided was more to my taste in it's original passive form. Having tried a couple of pre-amps, this one is certainly one of the, if not the best. Perfect condition. [url="http://www.east-uk.com/jrhome.htm"]http://www.east-uk.com/jrhome.htm[/url] for details. When I bought it, John very kindly put some of the easy little screw connectors so no soldering required. £175 new. I'll take £135 +P&P Interested?
  6. Come on guys & gals, still up for grabs. Sale or Trade.
  7. [quote name='presoulnation' post='79279' date='Oct 25 2007, 10:47 AM']Hey buddy Got your PM, not looking for bass gear on this one as I stated at the top [/quote] Sorry, I naturally assumed that the [i]"Will accept cash offers or trades for guitar gear - only decent stuff though. Valve combos or good 6 stringers"[/i] meant 6 string basses as it didn't say "not looking for bass gear". My mistake.
  8. Hi PSN, Did you get my PM?
  9. Thanks for that John. Everything about this bass is quality. Come on peeps, what ya got? BTW John, the Shuker looks the dog's danglies!!
  10. Hi BeLow, I have the misfortune to be located in Coventry! You're more than welcome to 'pop up' and give the Status a go if you want. I'll even throw in a cup of coffee or tea and free use of the WC. (I know how to strike a deal!!)
  11. Quick Sat am bumpety..... Let me know what you have to trade.
  12. I haven't had this that long having bought it from johngh a couple/few months back. John told me at the time that it was absolutely spotless and in A1 condition; he wasn't wrong. This bass is pristine. As you can see from the pics the neck is Carbon-Graphite. I think the body wood may be alder with Walnut on top. It has the 18V 2 band EQ with Hyperactive PUP's. There's not a single deadspot on the neck, which itself is a wonderful thing to behold. So, you ask, if it's this good why am I selling it? TBPH the sound just isn't what I'm after. I'm a bit of a Jazz and Warwick man at heart and the Status is quite a bit 'cleaner' than both. Contrary to some opinions, however, I certainly wouldn't call it sterile. Now for the price. I'd be looking for £650 cash or a trade on an interesting 6 string. Like I've already said, I think I'd probably love a Warwick Streamer 6, but I know there aren't many of those floating around so let me know what you've got. I also [i]may[/i] be open to trades for interesting 5's. The only real proviso is that I'm not really into skinny necks. Ta for looking. [attachment=2896:Status_front_full.JPG] [attachment=2897:Status_body_front.JPG] [attachment=2898:Status_back_full.JPG] [attachment=2899:Status_side.JPG]
  13. [quote name='cheddatom' post='72918' date='Oct 11 2007, 04:19 PM']....I want to hear a funky solo, but only in the middle of a funky bassline.[/quote] Head, nail, hit.... Says it all really. I guess it really is more a case of being as proficient as you can and what you need to be proficient at doing. Ta guys
  14. [quote name='MB1' post='72891' date='Oct 11 2007, 03:17 PM']MB1. How many utube bassists are currently available to prove this point,could be difficult dropping them from the eiffel tower though![/quote] I like....LOL If you give me some time, I might be able to think of a couple we could try it with!!
  15. [quote name='Soulfinger' post='72643' date='Oct 11 2007, 10:00 AM']Well, what would you expect from an "Expert Village" video? Famous for their ultimate "String Stretching" exercise: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3k7igz-Pmkw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3k7igz-Pmkw[/url] [/quote] I'm......just..........well............speechless. I sat in front of my laptop, mouth agape, thinking "is this guy serious"? To boot, isn't that exactly what the likes of DR say exactly what NOT to do with their strings?
  16. After watching some youtube clips of guys posting themselves playing bass in a way I only dream of I have to ask myself whether talent is a bit like velocity? If you drop a box from the top of the Eiffel tower it will reach terminal velocity when resistance (by air) equals (although is opposite to) the force and acceleration of gravity i.e. it reaches it's terminal velocity because air resistance stops it from continuing to accelerate. Do you think talent is the same? Is there that point where you just won't get any better no matter how much time you spend practicing? I have to think there is, because otherwise there'd be a vast number of Victor Wooten's and Anthony Jackson's out there and there isn't. Is there peace to be found in saying to yourself "[i]I'm mediocre and I'll probably always be mediocre, but that's OK[/i]"?! or is that just being defeatist?
  17. I've experience of both MB and Aguilar (although only the MB was in 4x10 format). If you want clarity in your sound then I'd go Aguilar all the way. I bought the MB (104 traveller) on the basis that loads of people were saying it was a clean & 'hear-how-your-bass-really-sounds' sound, but for me, it was probably the worst cab I've ever owned. It lacked definition and clarity bigtime. The Aguilar (GS112) OTOH is a different bag altogether. Sure it's a bit mid-shy, but it's better in every other respect. My drummer, the first night I took the Aguilar to the practice after selling the MB said "blimey, that's better. I can actually hear you now!" It's personal preference and I really think you're better off not buying without trying (although, let's face it, we all do at some point and probably will again!).
  18. I completely agree with BB. I used to have a j-retro in my Lakky JO5, but use the Sadowsky outboard now and, just as BB said, it really doesn't change the natural passive character or tone of the bass. Love it!
  19. Would you look at that circuit board!! You could run a new BMW with something that size Forgot to say....lovely looking bass mind you.
  20. I have a Lakland JO5 and love it. Having recently tried several Sandbergs, I know that they aren't really for me. Some of them look very nice and their construction looked pretty good, but I got the feeling that the electrics just didn't get the best out of them. Sure they have a reasonably good low end, but the highs didn't seem to sing. They were almost half-way-house between vintage and modern tones. There was nothing about them to tempt me away from the JO.
  21. I'm finding it very, very hard not to giggle just a little bit! We all had to start sometime. I just don't remember choosing such difficult tracks to start with. Bless 'Im
  22. [quote name='odub' post='61921' date='Sep 17 2007, 09:37 PM']My tutor (who comes on this board) has me muting the strings with my thumb, and moving my whole hand going up and down the strings, so not placing any fingers on the pcikups or owlt. Kinda floating. It feels pretty good, and the muting is taken care of without thinking. Using strict finger alternation as well, to the distance from finger to plucking sting is always the same. I guess thats all very Jazz, prog, metal. Clean and fast.[/quote] I was one of those who said I'd probably focus more on right-hand technique if starting again from scratch. I think the perceived 'proper' was has been probably the common way, which is to anchor the right thumb on the PU or lowest string (E, B or F#). But when I started playing the natural thing for me to do was what odub's tutor's getting him (or her!) to do, in muting the lowest string not being played with my thumb. This is great for muting, but can be a bit restrictive when doing a descending run. I struggle to do any different now.
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