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Everything posted by Rumble

  1. I'd need to remake the 1/4 of the cake that's ............ missing! I'd also love to live in the world where I could afford to buy the whiskey of comparable value to a '75 jazz, but then in that world I could afford to just buy your jazz outright. Whichever way I look at it, that world is very different to this one! It's going to be one lucky bod who ends up owning this.
  2. Damn it, I knew I should've asked for some new glasses for Christmas! How much of the cake do you fancy? Be warned however, the P&P won't be cheap, this ain't no 'light and fluffy' sponge cake
  3. My main discovery in '07 was (and I know this is a bit sad...) that gear isn't everything. It helps you to make a noise, but it won't change the fundamentals of what your fingers do and when they do it. I also have to share my discovery of '06 although it's a bit overdue - if a bass really feels right, but the sound isn't quite what you're after, seriously consider modifying the PUP's and pre to tweek the sound. I still, to this day, wish I'd tried this in my Warwick SS1. I have yet to find another bass that felt anywhere close to it.
  4. My vote was for the Infinity. Why aren't there more of these lovely basses (in both looks and sound) around? The Zebrano looks soooo cool.
  5. I notice you didn't prefix offers with the word 'sensible' so how's about £200 + some Christmas Cake (it's a very good one, steeped in my Dad's finest malt -although he doesn't know this apparently!) + a couple of unpulled crackers? I'll even come and collect to save you packing it up! I won't hold my breath All joking aside, it's a totally gorgeous bass and if I could afford it I'd be making you a very serious offer. All the best with the sale.
  6. Has this not gone way OTT? It's developed from an observation regarding the price of similar basses to accusations of improper conduct. I agree that it's a discussion forum so let's discuss things, but let's not make more of this than it is, eh?
  7. [quote name='muya' post='112005' date='Jan 1 2008, 09:44 PM']Please agree with me when I say we won't never match our ebay points of view [/quote] I think that's safe to say I'd much rather sell all my gear on here, but it's not always possible. Good prices will usually help though. Most of the other contributors to this thread have supported this point.
  8. [quote name='muya' post='111961' date='Jan 1 2008, 08:17 PM'][b]@Rumble:[/b] blessed be the day you will finish to compare street prices with eBay prices. I bought a NEW Lowepro Toploader camera bag for 30€ last week (who cares about photography here knows what I'm talking about) ...I would ask to pay the same price for a used one. eBay is also a matter of luck. [/quote] @Muya - the point here is that, as is often the case, the lowest common denominator dictates a great deal. Unfortunately, in this day and age if I want to sell my bass I can't simply base my asking price on what the store down the road will sell it for. That's just not how it works. Sure, there will always be those who wish to avoid e-bay like the plague and that is their call. However, whether you think it's a good thing or not, those wishing to sell a bass for £x00's more than it can be found on one of the leading/most popular (like it or not) market places will usually (notice I didn't say always) struggle. Good luck with the sale.
  9. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='111742' date='Jan 1 2008, 11:28 AM']The ones at £7-800 are usually the Japanese ones, like on Guitar Emporium. The USA 75 does retail around 11-1200. I'd say £900 would be fair for this USA if it's a minter.[/quote] Hmmm, are these prices for new? I've seen some nice used CIJ '75 RI's in the £500-£600 region. They're on my list of potential purchases.
  10. Tell me if I'm wrong guys, but haven't these been going for £700-£800 at most on e-bay? Nice bass and a happy new year!
  11. I'm with Rich on this one. The front has a ............ unique look about it and is kinda OK ....ish. The back however is another story entirely. Sure it's his money to do with as he pleases, but why anyone in an un-inebriated state would choose to do that to something they profess to 'like' is beyond me
  12. FWIW I have an Eden WT400 which used to max out going through my Agi 112 at a practice. My tip would be to make sure that the Enhance knob is pretty much turned off and then modify the way you use the preamp gain and master volume. I usually turn the Master Vol to about 2 o'clock then increase the preamp gain until you reach the volume required. The other thing I've noticed is that if I have too many low frequencies dialled in, that'll max it out. Trim back the mids and highs instead?
  13. My vote is definitely for the BT. Had mine for 2 or 3 years now and still wouldn't be without it. Can play to my hearts content without annoying the good lady or waking the littl'n.
  14. Over the weekend I went to B'ham SoundControl to have a play with a couple of Warwicks. Got there to find a wall full of Spectors and thought I'd give them a shot. Well ...... to say I was impressed is a major understatement. Full sound with lovely top end and the mids that appear to be missing on some Warwicks. Wonder how much of this has to do with the EMG's in situ? They (i.e. the Euro LX's I played) didn't feel quite as good in the hands as the Warwicks, but they weren't half bad. The only downer on the Spectors was the, IMHO, ridiculous TonePump setup. Why on earth can't they just put a straight-forward PU pan and single Vol control instead of a Vol control for each PU and the ability to boost bass and treble and not cut it? Stupid! ...and the SC moan..... Out of the four 5 stringers that I played three of them had a truss rod so tight that it made anything lower than the 8th fret totally unplayable. I could see the bend in the neck without looking down it's length. How do they expect to sell 'em? When I told the saleslad, he just looked at me nonplussed! Incredible Anyone have a 5 string Euro LX with a nice poplar top and revised preamp they want to sell?!!
  15. Top playing, lovely tone and a very nice looking bass. A+++!
  16. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='93900' date='Nov 24 2007, 07:19 PM']My time traveller combo was very versatile , very hi - fi , and a good build quality. Lots of pro facilities. It just didn't suit me and I didn't think it was particularly loud for its rating.[/quote] Actually, Dave's just reminded me of something. Going through an 8Ohm cab the EQ clipping light is easily provoked, if pushed, and that's going through a fairly sensitive cab (Aguilar GS112). So not sure if they're the most powerful of amps. Still sound the dogs danglies mind you!
  17. Which PUP's does this have? Are they the vintage US ones?
  18. [quote name='MB1' post='93785' date='Nov 24 2007, 03:18 PM']MB1. Just interested to know if there are any users on the forum and what people think of there Combos.[/quote] Don't know much about the combo's, but I have a WT400 and it's a superb piece of kit. Probably more of a hi-fi'ish type sound, but can do thuddy, boomy, sparkling, ..... . The only thing it doesn't really do is ampeg-like dirty. As for the cabs, I'd love one, but they're so flippin' heavy. I once played through the Metro combo (500W -with extension cab- 2x10) and loved the sound, but I love my lower back more!
  19. Right'o. This is the last bump before we go to e-bay. Come on guys, pleeeeease don't make me do it Open to offers on trades.
  20. [quote name='BB2000' post='91187' date='Nov 19 2007, 11:40 PM']I don't think WoT was suggesting that the LMII is a bad amp.[/quote] I wasn't suggesting for one minute that he was, but I was agreeing with him on his 'interpretation' of the sound (i.e. compressed and lacking thump...). Re the MB hype, it was always portrayed as being one of the most accurate translators of your bass ("hear your bass as it really sounds" or something like that). My experience couldn't have been further from the truth. I'm sure for some folks, MB gear sets their world on fire. It may well be that the same folks can't stand Eden gear. Like I said, horses-for-courses.
  21. I'm with WOT on this one. I've owned a LM head and have never regretted selling it. Sure it was damn loud and very portable, but I know exactly what WOT (that just sounds all wrong!) means when he talks about the compressed type sound. For £400 I replaced the LM with an Eden WT400 which I still have and which I still love. I know it's horses-for-courses, but I just don't get the Markbass hype.
  22. Rumble

    New bass time

    I've also played some of the Sandbergs in the B'ham PMT. Really can't say I was that impressed. Fair enough, some of 'em look quite nice, but they just didn't sound ...... 'alive' enough for my liking. Not sure whether it's the Delano PUP's or what, but it was all a bit dull. Probably didn't help that it was going through one of the new Trace amps (not really impressed with them either!) When the bass sales guy showed me his custom Sandberg, it sure looked good, but it also sounded a bit dull. He, on the other hand reckons "it does the Musicman sound better than a Musicman"! You have no idea how much I hate it when people say that!! I'm with whoever it was that suggested you try a Lakky. Top basses.
  23. Thought I had someone to buy this baby, but it would appear not, so still open to trades or straight sale at reduced price of £600.
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