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Everything posted by Rumble

  1. Any chance of me doing a really good job of getting you to let me have it for £200?
  2. Is it just me or does this not have a slightly Smith'esq sound to it? That tight low end with the sharp, glassy top end.
  3. How much does this bass weigh Ped? Andy
  4. Very, very funny!! What's the saying...... many a true word is said in jest...
  5. [quote name='jimbartlett' post='36872' date='Jul 25 2007, 02:06 PM']Did you have the same model as me? I find mine has got loads of growl and bottom end.[/quote] It was a 2003 SS1 5 string. It could transmit some serious bass with a bit of EQ tweeking, but the bite and growl I expected to hear from a Warwick never seemed to materialise. To add to this, the G string was certainly weaker than the other strings and slapping on the D or G was a none starter, you just couldn't hear it. It may be that I had a friday afternoon production, not sure. All that aside, it was the best 'feeling' bass I've ever laid hands on.
  6. [quote name='BassBod' post='36752' date='Jul 25 2007, 10:18 AM']I might be selling my 2000 SSI with EMG's and Aguilar soon - I was thinking £850. But I'll wait till yours is gone BB[/quote] What difference did changing the electrics make to the sound BB? I used to own an SS1 and loved it's playability and feel, but found the sound a bit....thin. A
  7. [quote name='muya' post='30324' date='Jul 11 2007, 03:58 PM']believe me, conditions are excellent I know I couldn't be the cheapest way. I'm trying to sell it at a decent price for both sides.[/quote] Muya, I'm afraid I'm with Homer and obbm on this. I can only assume that 'conditions' in Italy (love your country BTW) are better than over here There's been a few guys in these parts trying to sell some 'higher end' basses without success. One of these also kept appearing on e-bay a couple of months back started at £950, then went down to £895, then .... all the way down to £750 and I'm still not sure it actually sold. We've had two or three quarter point raises in interest rates since then as well Anyway, there might be someone out there, desperate to get their hands on a 2nd hand DJ before the weekend, cost no object. Ya never know! Best 'a luck with the sale.
  8. Does it make sense that if you're using an active bass you only need a passive DI and v.v?
  9. When it comes to using DI's, do you use active or passive?
  10. [quote name='NJW' post='28745' date='Jul 8 2007, 08:00 PM']2 basses head cab guitar stands box containing: 2 speaker cables 6 instrument cables 2 tuners 1 di box 2 packs of unused strings bag of picks 2 kettle leads an SM58 a4 paper sharpies ductape electrical tape 9v batteries box containing every tool possible, most importantly: screwdrivers allan keys pliers and cutters soldering iron, solder + flux files and on my person i carry: torch drum key bottle opener[/quote] ....You seem to have missed out an overnight camping stove and your shaving kit I notice that nobody takes a spare amp, is that because you all use a DI as your back up? If so, active or passive?
  11. Just wondering what everyone takes along to their gigs. In the last 2 days I've heard of guys who's amps and/or basses have both gone ka-put in the middle of a gig. Do you take spare basses or run your luck? Spare amps or a DI? Spare Cabs? Those of you who've been on the gigging scene for a while, share some acquired wisdom please and ta...
  12. It is! There's a little switch right next to the mains in point.
  13. This stuff is just great. I probably shouldn't say it, but this does more for me than the greatest majority of 1000 mph bass solo's.
  14. The second one has potential. I'm just a bit weiry of the Mexican's (not in a xenophobic way!!). Thanks for picking them out Paul. The other thing with these is the potential incurring of import duty and being high and dry should they decide to leg it with your hard earned cash in their pocket.
  15. Personally, I prefer the look of the second one. Not into brown basses, but that's just me I think I may well get a simple straight forward P bass first. It's easier to add a PUP then remove one. Although having said that, if the PUP's already in, it can always be turned off!
  16. Having just looked at the cost of a Lakland BG with J PUP ($4000) I think I'll be going the Fender route. Like you said Chris, I may get a P bass and see how I get on with it. I can always install the J PUP at the bridge if needed. For some reason I hadn't thought of doing that!! Great idea. Cheers.
  17. Blimey, that would take me eons to save for one of those. Do they do them in the Skyline's?
  18. It's a bit annoying really because in every other way it's my perfect bass and because it's so good I don't think I could sell it. But then I start thinking what would I get if I went out to buy another bass for the majority of my gigging stuff and I'd want this bass, just lighter. But there's no way I'm going to have a 4 string JO as well as the 5 as it would just seem a bit silly. So I'm thinking Fender P or Jazz and probably leaning towards P, but then there's the question of flexibility AAARRRGGGHHH!! It's never ending....
  19. Now why hadn't I thought of that?!? I could always slap the body of the bass in the same pattern as I'd hit the strings and I bet no-one will notice
  20. [quote name='bumnote' post='23166' date='Jun 25 2007, 07:22 PM']I had a candy apple red skyline jo and it was really heavy, i sold it on, just wondered if it was the same beast, very nice tho.[/quote] It is a fantastic bass. I just wish someone could take 2 or 3 Ibs off it for me.
  21. [quote name='bumnote' post='22768' date='Jun 24 2007, 09:31 PM']is yours candy apple by any chance?[/quote] No, sunburst with black scratchplate and maple board. Looks the biz! [quote name='Muppet' post='22772' date='Jun 24 2007, 09:40 PM']Is that paint any heavier? [/quote] I'll strip it off later and weigh it They may have put an ultra thick layer of lacquer on it I'm having a real problem not taking a dislike to anyone with a DJ at the mo. I so want one!!
  22. Mine must have slipped out in the middle of the night then, coz there's no way it's under 10 Ibs. If it was it would be nigh on perfect. As it is I need to get my hands on one of the sub-10 Ib ones.
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