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mike f

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Everything posted by mike f

  1. Thank you all for your contributions - some great advice; all noted! I should say that I play in a 4 piece pop/rock/swing band, with lots of vocals i.e harmonies, plenty of guitars and, of course, a thundering rhythm section! So, we're not too loud. The two cameras idea seems like a good one, and then going on to sync the sound afterwards. There are venues in London which will film a gig for you, and I guess that option is to be used when appropriate. The camera my band, The Hops, needs is more to document each gig and if anything is of good enough quality, to put on show at myspace, youtube etc. Thanks again for the advice, I'm quite chuffed. Regarding Route 66. In the late 80s it was THE place in Hanley, Stoke on Trent to drool over guitars. This is the place I bought a Capri Orange 77 P-bass for £270, and 78 Stingray for £695. It was run by Don and Karen. Don ALWAYS wore those big glasses with the bottom half shaded bit, and Karen was a bit of a rock chick..., or was. Lovely people who must've seen me at least monthly as I could not go to Hanley (from Congleton) without walking up the hill to, well, just go and look. Oh, they had a sale every year and I swear once they had a Dan Armstrong(?) plexiglass bass for "£85 or make us an offer"!!
  2. Thanks cheddatom, that would be great! Or should I say, grate! Cheddar - cheese - grate..., ahem, sorry. How is S-O-T? Does Route 66 still exist up 'anley? Any more suggestions would be appreciated.
  3. Hello there, I should imagine that a good few of you film your own band when ever you gig - perhaps more as a record of events than a rockumenatary, if you will. I need a camera for this very thing. Must be reliable, good value, handy-sized/good portability, have relatively good sound reproduction (or an attachable mic) and work well in the low levels of light we have become accustomed to working/stumbling around stage in. Second hand is not a problem. So, can you recommend a camera? Thanks, Mike
  4. I'll be there. Scott's one of my favourites also. Be good to meet up too.
  5. Sunday bump. Q Tron price dropped.
  6. Hi spaz91, I'm afraid I'm not after trades. Mike
  7. [b]Q-Tron [/b] Its 24v and I've had it since new. With box, power supply, adaptor and EHX instructions. SOLD [b]Big Muff[/b] Had since new. With box. You know what it does. SOLD [b]Morley Pro Flanger[/b] An amazing sounding flanger. Quality. SOLD The price of postage will be added to the above prices. Thanks, Mike [attachment=59073:DSC_0131.jpg]
  8. Pantherairsoft, Thanks for those, I really appreciate you taking the time to put them up here. You've also inspired me get going with my own sounds. Good stuff. Mike
  9. I've got two 1988 Streamer Stage I's, fretted and fretless, and a 2001 Limited Edition bolt-on Thumb (bubinga body, ebony fretboard). The Thumb is the heaviest and is rock solid. Sounds fabulous too and looks gorgeous. I bought it brand new, as a treat for myself. The Stage I's are just amazing. They both hang better than the Thumb and have slim necks and are light, but solid. The fretted is my main gigging bass now. The Thumb used to be. I bought both of them in the last two years at good prices. Though the neck on the Thumb is deeper I still don't have a problem playing it and I haven't got the biggest of hands. Warwicks are so well made and reliable, and I think they look great, the Streamer especially. Take advantage of second hand Warwicks being cheaper at the moment. Find one; buy it! Or find three and buy them.
  10. I concur. It's fab. Though I've yet dare change any of the pre-sets on it with my PC. Could do with some suggestions on what to try.
  11. I love Cardiacs. Check out Fiery Gun Hand lower down there on the right.
  12. Rickenbackers. Had one years ago, looked lovely, sounded great but the neck profile and the body's edge just got the better of me; it had to go. P-basses. Had a 1977 capri orange one (bought for £270) ; looked fab but had a neck like a tree trunk. And my own Thumb bass (which I still have and cannot part with). Due to the headstock being made out of lead, magnets, small stones and churches, I now have got a damaged shoulder. Have two Streamers now and all is good.
  13. Ah, good Cud; Rich and Strange. Great song, saw them in Leeds a long time ago. Just got back from South Africa. Listening to Paul Simon's Graceland, heard it lots there; great fretless playing on there. Lots of Macca again too.
  14. I played a gig in January and afterwards this chap in his 50s said I reminded him of Horace Panter, the way I played but mostly the way I moved and my presence on stage. Having not really listened much to The Specials except to what was in the charts when I was a kid I didn't know what to make of this. Of course I said thank you cause I certainly know who The Specials are, i.e a great band. Having now had a look and listen to The Specials I realise that it was some compliment! For me I'll always point people towards Scott Thunes, who hardly ever gets a mention here. He played with Frank Zappa. He played good.
  15. I'd say he was groovy too. Getting Better and Baby You're a Rich Man spring to mind, and Hey Bulldog. And Come Together. And Taxman.
  16. Prince. Is it a secret or summat that Prince is an amazing bass player?!
  17. Rehearsed with my new Markbass Super Synth last night. Didn't have much chance to use the synth part but I can report that the Octave, er, bit, is fantastic! Any other Super Synth users out there?
  18. [attachment=53710:DSC_0027__2_.jpg] Both from 1988. Both well played. Both bloody lovely.
  19. Anyone know which fuzz would replicate that sound? Thanks Mike
  20. There's also Panic in Acton. I can recommend Survival too; nice chaps running the place, lots of rooms and not too expensive.
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