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Everything posted by umph

  1. [quote name='TimR' post='1064074' date='Dec 19 2010, 10:02 PM']I see you are selling some pickups. Are you one of these people still searching for that elusive "Tone"?[/quote] i build all my own gear so not really searching for it since all my stuff does sounds i like and i'm pretty happy with it. No need to be a dick about people enjoying finding the sound in their head.
  2. i'm bored of these threads, unfortunatly different gear does effect how you sound and unfortunatly punters tend to like it more if it sounds more pleasing to the ears.
  3. [quote name='4-string-thing' post='1062657' date='Dec 18 2010, 05:09 PM']Bitten the bullet and bought a MAG600, which I intend to use (for now) into the pair of 15" cabs. The intention is to build a replica cab of the Acoustic and use the drivers from these. For bigger gigs I'll use both amps and both cabs. Then next year, I'll be looking at a Barefaced![/quote] still should've just respeakered the acoustic, the increase in volume would have been much greater than buying the new head
  4. umph


    [quote name='wallace' post='1061988' date='Dec 17 2010, 08:16 PM']All original condition valve 1967 75 watts valve head. A superb vintage amplifier. Very rare and unique. Must be great for recording. £600.[/quote] you could do with a bit more information than that, ie valve line up, output impedances.
  5. umph

    Passive Tone Shaping

    [quote name='Al Heeley' post='1060478' date='Dec 16 2010, 12:20 PM']I fitted a 3 way toggle switch to my p-bass which switched in 3 different caps to the tone pot. This works in a similar way to the 'varitone' arrangement. the result - slightly more treble cut on a bass that sounded pretty dark anyway as well as a light difference in ramp to the tone pot. Conclusion: insignificant change in tonal quality but it was worth 1/2 an hour with a soldering iron to try it out. I never use it.[/quote] proper varitone is a bit different to using caps to shunt high frequencys to ground
  6. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1060928' date='Dec 16 2010, 07:58 PM']Problem with feeding a 4x10 and a 2x10 with the same impedance from the same amp is you are stuck with the upper limit of the 2x10, they'll both get the same power, but the 2x10 will only deal with half, and the 4x10 will be louder, potentiall drowning out the sounds of the 2x10 complaining. Better off with a 16 ohm 2x10 so each speaker gets the same.[/quote] power is equally distributed between all speakers, so it'll be seeing a third of the total power and the 4 be 10 2 thirds
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  8. [url="http://www.google.co.uk/images?q=mesa+m6&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB%3a%6ffficial&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi&biw=1350&bih=559"]http://www.google.co.uk/images?q=mesa+m6&a...350&bih=559[/url] - mesaboogie m6 carbine
  9. should draw up a schematic for my pedal and get sme feedback ;o
  10. [quote name='4-string-thing' post='1059873' date='Dec 15 2010, 06:55 PM']I had considered buying a more powerful head, more efficient speakers etc but to be honest, I was being a cheapskate and trying to use stuff I already have! The Power amp I have is a very basic Thomann job, so I don't think it has a parallel switch or anything. Keep the suggestions coming though chaps![/quote] seriously i've got a 1X15 with a basslite that blew the acoustic out of the water volume wise, so if you put a pair of those into your cab it'll turn into an absolute monster and destroy your guitars volume wise, you may need to retune the port though for best results
  11. [quote name='4-string-thing' post='1057848' date='Dec 13 2010, 09:19 PM']Ok, I've decided to retire my old Acoustic head from gigging, its 30 years old, after all. I used my Ashdown mag 300w head into my Acoustic 2x15 cab for saturdays gig and got some nice comments about my sound. Problem is, I had to run it almost flat out to compete with our 2 power mad geetards and a powerful drummer. So, I also own a stereo power amp, 200w a side and am thinking about using the Ashdown and this power amp together. The Ashdown into the 2x15 and the power amp into two 1x15 cabs I have. My question is this: Whats the best way of getting a signal into the power amp? Using the line/tuner out for one channel and the fx out for the other? Or is it ok to split the signal from the line out using a little jack plug into 2 jack socket adapter? If I decide to do this, has anyone removed an Ashdown head from its case and rack mounted it? If so, how easy/hard is it? Cheers![/quote] i'd recomend respeakering the acoustic 215, those cabs are hugely ineffiecent in my experience and new speakers would work wonders for them!
  12. [quote name='Pentode' post='1057872' date='Dec 13 2010, 09:39 PM']I know it's a bit chunky, but is there no way you can ship it? Want it! Want it! Want it! [/quote] if he will ship it i call first dibs ;<
  13. get in touch with mr shuker sure he could help
  14. bitta work, done fretboards and put laquer on
  15. [quote name='Christophano' post='1051636' date='Dec 8 2010, 01:32 PM']Hmmm, interesting. So if it had a minimum load of 6 ohms an 8 ohm speaker could be alright. I've got a multimeter in the post so will find out for sure after i've had a play around. Will post up my results![/quote] needs 16ohm speaker to be ideal, although it wouldn't be hard getting another transformer put in or sending it and getting it rewound with taps for 8 and 4.
  16. did some work today, started one of the necks and spent the day getting the the body ready for finishing, unfortunatly lost a bit more of the original finish, but it looks great in person.
  17. i'm guessing it will be around 400watts, what head are you using it with?
  18. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' post='1050863' date='Dec 7 2010, 06:53 PM']I think u should keep the body the way it is [/quote] this is after quite a bit of flatting haha. belt sanding a bass is a bad idea unless you have an extremely steady hand
  19. [quote name='McCat' post='1051034' date='Dec 7 2010, 09:00 PM'], maybe some smooth bass would make them more laid back and 'cooler' in later life?[/quote] i like this mental image of playing children to much jazz turns them into cool cats
  20. [quote name='Delberthot' post='1050832' date='Dec 7 2010, 06:22 PM']I meant for this one £20 + £150 for speakers and I've seen the tolex for about £20, glue etc[/quote] i meant the one in the link, sorry for the confusion, the one in the link seems a lil steep to me
  21. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1050896' date='Dec 7 2010, 07:12 PM']Works for me. I missed out on a 70s Dimarzio pickup recently on EBay... I wasn't pipped by you was I?[/quote] nah i got mine from a record shop in devon it was well worth the 20quid i paid!
  22. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' post='1050852' date='Dec 7 2010, 06:41 PM']I like it Very em...different[/quote] haha yes its what happens when you use a belt sander to try and strip a finish. I think i'm part the way there to rescuing it though!
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