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Everything posted by krysh

  1. this evening I had the 1st gig with my jazz trio (drums, keys, bass) to perform some songs of our 1st album. it was a complete blast. one of the most promising female singers in hamburg entered the stage just to join us during our set and this song was a real blast. we improvised over our themes to make her feel comfortable and it just rocked, if I'm allowed to use this expression in jazz context. well, it helped that our 1st performance was on the birthdayparty of the label-owner and producer of our 1st album so we could really make some cool contacts, but it was really cool since we agreed to do a collaboration with the great singer within the next 2 months. so, it was a fantastic day!
  2. for me it has been completely fulfilling. 1st, I finished my contribution to the november 2012 composing competition, only have to mix and master it properly on sunday (tomorrow - today? . then later his evening I had the 1st gig with my jazz trio (drums, keys, bass) to perform some songs of our 1st album. it was a complete blast. one of the most promising female singers in hamburg entered the stage just to join us during our set and this song was a real blast. we improvised over our themes to make her feel comfortable and it just rocked, if I'm allowed to use this expression in jazz context. well, it helped that our 1st performance was on the birthdayparty of the label-owner and producer of our 1st album so we could really make some cool contacts, but it was rally cool since we agreed to do a collaboration with the great singer within the next 2 months. so, it was a fantastic day!
  3. puh, 3/4 finished, rest on the weekend. sorry, but didn't listen to anything else yet. but great fun, and my first tune since a whole year.
  4. happy swapper here. always depends on the sound.
  5. I'm in, just just finished the intro and 1st/3 of the tune. now off to rehearsal.
  6. two 1x12": plus: weight, flexibility minus: can't see one 2x12": minus: weight, unflexibility plus: can't see
  7. [quote name='he man812' timestamp='1351983247' post='1857654'] do they sound better to you? i've read that 10s are more punchy [/quote] well, if I like them better, it's obvious, isn't it? but as everything it depends on the chain and what you want to hear.
  8. [quote name='he man812' timestamp='1351982996' post='1857647'] Why would you do that over a 2x10? Not being confrontational or anything i just don't know [/quote] easy. I like 12ers better than 10ers and a 12" cab or combo is usually much lighter.
  9. [quote name='Candybassed' timestamp='1351981477' post='1857627'] Best sounding ABGs I've ever tried are the Rob Allen range and Rick Turner Renaissance acoustic fretless. Sweet, thick tones. The next best thing and significantly cheaper is what I currently play: A crafter fretless acoustic with D'Addario nylon wrapped strings, which are far superior to the Rotosound Tru88s. I had the Rotos for 4yrs and switched to the D'Addarios and the they sustain AND thud better than the rotosounds. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVcVCSruKIU&feature=relmfu[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfrRBqscf7I&feature=relmfu[/media] Both clips demonstrate the thud, and the fretless growl if required. Very versatile and for less than £300 in total compared to nearly 3grand for the Rob Allen/Rick Turner basses. [/quote] great sound and great playing. and a great voice. good luck!
  10. I'd choose a good 1x12" combo and maybe an additional extension cab. if I 'd ever had to choose a combo...
  11. thanks again shep, great as usual. I hope you guys enjoyed the tour. it was a pity that we couldn't meet up. cheers.
  12. no gig but studio recordingsfor the whole weekend. we hade been able to record 6 songs live. tonight will do at least 2 more. FUN! [url="http://s210.photobucket.com/albums/bb210/kryshpix/soundport/"]some impressions[/url]
  13. hmm..., well..., so the m6 carbine is not in discussion. I did forget the tte 500. I really loved it when I was testing light weight heads. but isn't there the tte 800 already?
  14. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1351377101' post='1850726'] I set my compressor up at least once a week, depending on what I'm playing.... Once set up for what I'm doing I leave it alone for the rest of the evening though. Having the lights to back up the knobs is vital IMO. I set a compressor up differently for every instrument in every mix that I put compressor on (hint, I use a lot of compression in a lot of ways to do lots of things, all of which make it sound better). Compressors are the closest thing to a magic talent switch that there is if you know how to use them when mixing [/quote] +1
  15. congrats, and welcome to the club. [i]edit: (club of the thread title!) [/i]
  16. f****n' great. another proof how musical a bassplayer can be. victor is great. thanks for sharing.
  17. [quote name='clarket2' timestamp='1351345699' post='1850375'] The rc30 has two channels, but what is synced is the length of each loop... I guess that means the bpms are the same but it also means that if your sections are different lengths you run into problems. If you've got the money, the boomerang loopers might be worth a look though not sure how long a memory they have. Or get a looperlative lol [/quote] thanks clarket2, if I stop one of the 2 running loops in the rc-30, when I want to start it gain does it then start automatically synced to the 1st one again?
  18. I'm not so tall, so almost every bass above 34" feels uncomfortable.
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