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Everything posted by dangerboy

  1. [quote name='umph' post='274349' date='Sep 1 2008, 11:47 AM']as apposed to raping peoples ears with high end fizzle? to me it just seems like you like bad tone i'm sorry but thats the impression i get.[/quote] I don't think there's such a thing as 'bad tone'. Every tone has a home somewhere. Depends on the style of music, and what other people are playing around you. So there's 'bad tone for the situation', but not 'bad tone'. As evidence I present this: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLr5EXyoQCE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLr5EXyoQCE[/url]
  2. There's no answer to this question. There's just personal taste. There isn't even a single pedal we can all agree is crap, is there?
  3. [quote name='Alastair' post='274119' date='Aug 31 2008, 11:14 PM']Oi, removing posts ya cheeky bugger [/quote] Sorry - I realised I'd posted back-to-back and didn't want to look greedy! This refers to Oscar South's comments that 85% of people who slate ERBs do it because they can't play/afford them, and 10% do it to get 'bass cred'. I saw a taxi today with the numberplate BA55 ERB. Strange world.
  4. I don't think it's a perverse kick. It would be boring if we all agreed. A Bassworlder once told me my playing was 'not proper bassplaying'. That made me proud.
  5. I think this thread is great. Reminds us all that we have different tastes, and hopefully gives a bit of perspective for the 'what's the best...' converstions we have elsewhere. So here's my utterly opinionated list, to be read very much with a 'dangerboy is trying to get a certain sound and feel, and this gear just can't do it' slant. I understand other folks will get exactly what they want from these things, but they'll never work for me... All active basses. Honestly. The lot of them. I just don't see the point. I increasingly can't stand humbuckers, either. Warwicks, Ibanezes, etc. Ashdown Trace Marshall Hartke The thumb of the right hand. Does that count as a bass-related product? Boutique pedals that are just clones of basic BOSS models or Tubescreamers. All Line6 gear except the DL4 and Echo Park The BOSS ODB-3 Any digitally-modelled distortion Flangers Non bass-related: Girlfriends/boyfriends in bands who don't do much and stick out like sore thumbs Cymbals (unrealistic, I know) Delay on vocals Bands that are less than 25% bass player, except where said band has over 8 members Hats on-stage Metal Strats Nearly all guitar music made before 1976
  6. Or buy my Copilot android with built-in expression pedal jack.
  7. Although all the reports I've read say the Backline stuff is good, I would say: BUY SECOND-HAND! A good GK head will set you back 250-300 on basschat, and you'll get a pair of great cabs for £286-336. Plus, everything will hold its value for when you get bored of it.
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  9. One is pushing it. I only let a guitarist into me and Jim's band on the grounds that he would play a Baritone.
  10. [quote name='ahpook' post='269469' date='Aug 25 2008, 01:28 PM']oi ! gateshead's not newcastle...gateshead's the one with the cool bridge !! stupidly, i'm tempted by this...i mean, for that price...[/quote] When I lived in Newcastle, some of the locals would slate Gateshead, but then when you asked them what they were proud of in Newcastle would name the Baltic, the Sage, the Angel, the Bridges (which are half in Gateshead!) etc.
  11. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='267735' date='Aug 22 2008, 11:37 AM']A hacked account, plain and simple I've absolutely no 'real' PC skills as such but I have a good dollop of common sense and intuition and I managed to get into that account with my 2nd attempt at guessing the users password I feel sorry for the user but what a prat![/quote] I hope you never use your telepathic skills for evil!
  12. [quote name='lowhand_mike' post='267721' date='Aug 22 2008, 11:21 AM']is that the one that is almost opposite the bass cellar?[/quote] Rockers is, yes. The other one was nearer Charing Cross Rd.
  13. So what do we think? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RICKENBACKER-STEREO-BASS-GUITAR_W0QQitemZ180279330845QQihZ008QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RICKENBACKER-STEREO-...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] Fuzzy picture, indefinite details, only a 3 week wait from the supplier. What is this?
  14. I've never had a problem in the Cellar. That's because, to be honest, I go in there for 30 seconds, or look in the window to see if they have anything I've never seen in the flesh before. I'd never bother trying anything out or (gasp) buying something, because of all I've heard about the staff. Oh, and the steely glare I get as I walk in. On the other hand, Rockers is the same group, and they're nice and helpful, if a bit young and metal. They've found all sorts of bits for me, and tell me to go and take anything I want down from anywhere in the shop, and play with it as soon as I walk in. There's another one of the same group, can't remember which, where I had a similar experience. First time I ever walk in: "Can I help you?" (Said nicely) "I've just come in to look at basses" "They're all towards the back. Feel free to get anything you like down and play it"
  15. [quote name='Shaggy' post='265915' date='Aug 19 2008, 09:54 PM']Thanks - always really useful to hear from an actual owner/ex-owner. Haven't put me off, I still want one![/quote] Good luck with your quest! Owning a Bean has changed the entire bass-playing experience for me.
  16. Lovely guy to deal with, and someone who can be relied-on to complete a transaction after asking you to hold something. It's been a pleasure.
  17. Great work Joe. I love the way that bass combines Rick and Telecaster Custom looks.
  18. I've owned a Disaster Fuzz, a Soda Meiser (not sure if Devi still makes these), an Aenima, a Bass Fuzz, a Karaoke Party, a Destructo Noctavia and a Dark Boost. Best low-end and most usable are the Soda Meiser and the Bass Fuzz. I let the Aenima go because I couldn't stop it screaming. The Karaoke Party retains low-end really well, and is like a thick overdrive. So I kept it. Disaster Fuzz trades its low-end for mad glitchiness - only really usable as a special effect for bass. Dark Boost is good at putting the low-end back into fuzzes, but is basically a clean boost. The performance of all of these will depend on your bass - I haven't plugged an active into any of them, for example.
  19. [quote name='steve-soar' post='263623' date='Aug 16 2008, 03:23 PM']That's a beautiful mess, how do you power them all. I can imagine but I would like to see it in the flesh.[/quote] Rusty Box has its own 40V power supply. All the rest run off a single diago power supply, with a lot of daisy-chaining.
  20. dangerboy


    When you say fuzz, what kind of sound are you after? If you want versatility to experiment with, maybe a Zoom Ultra Fuzz would be best. Fuzz is so personal, it's hard to take a recommendation. I don't like Big Muffs, for example. Others love them. To blow your mind go to www.deviever.com/fx .More flavours of fuzz than going into a Baskin Robbins full of off-duty police and snogging the lot of them.
  21. [quote name='BassManKev' post='263506' date='Aug 16 2008, 10:18 AM']how on earth do you engage the copilot or the ge and not the other![/quote] CAREFULLY!
  22. Right... This is the board that I think will fulfill all the needs of my new band, "Songs From The Shows". I thought that buying a PedalTrain Junior would teach me discipline, but all it taught me is the virtue of buying small pedals. 'Tc' is my faourite home-made synthy fuzz, 'Ge' is a bass-friendly home-made Fuzz Factory clone, bottom left is a momentary kill switch (actually a momentary loop, but with nothing in the loop).
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  24. dangerboy

    A Favour...

    What's the pedal? There are lovely people all over the net who make veroboard layouts for the classics available. I vero all of mine, and it's much easier than using a PCB (plus no need for weird chemicals in the bathroom!).
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