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Everything posted by joescartwright

  1. A quick update: I bought a PC-2A yesterday to give it a try, no dice, that's going straight back! Had a rehearsal last night with no Cali on the board and definitely missed that midrange presence it brings. Sat down with it this morning and decided I'd have a fiddle with the jumpers on the inside of the pedal that control it's input sensitivity. BOOM! By having the input sensitivity set to minimum (the opposite of how it comes set up) you have LOADS more resolution on the input/comp knob on the front. I can finally get it set up with that barely noticeable compression that keeps my attack intact but still get all the tonal goodness that the Cali brings and it's quiet as can be! Cheers to all who got in touch, particularly you Cuzzie, and made me stick with the pedal. What a lovely bunch you all are! Joe.
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  3. Yeah, maybe the effectrode sounds more up my street really. The cali is great, it certainly brings a lot of presence and midrange character at all settings, but it feels like if you have an accentuated, thumpy attack it's maybe a little on the grabby side. Dannybuoy, if you fancy meeting up and trying the two out against each other I'd be down, I'm mostly near Nottingham at the moment so we aren't that far apart, PM me if you're interested!
  4. Cheers for the input everyone, I'm still experimenting with different settings and haven't made up my mind about the Cali. Not sure if I'll keep it on the board long term but it works great for processing other stuff in the studio so I'll hang on to it for a while I think!
  5. Yeah that's about where I'm at but with the attack dialled right back. Cheers for the input!
  6. I'll look forward to it! Cheers.
  7. Yeah the compact looks cool, might give it a try.
  8. There's an AD200 going on the classifieds at the moment for cheap. And I mean really cheap. Buy it and save me the temptation!
  9. Got it at 18v for that transformer goodness. I tend to have the attack all the way CCW, release around 3 o'clock, ratio down at 4. Input set for about 7dbs reduction on peaks and output set at unity.
  10. I've had one of these big boys for a while now and still can't make my mind up about it. I have it set for pretty light compression, more to tighten everything up sonically in the mix rather than impose any sort of dynamic control on the signal. It definitely hypes the upper midrange a bunch and helps you cut through without being too loud but I find it really hard to get the same connection to the instrument with it. If I plug a cable from the bass into the amp I get that lovely spongy P bass "flomp" on the attack and I struggle to get that same feeling with the Cali on, it sort of reminds me of playing an active bass if that makes any sense? So... any tips from all you compressor pros? Or do I just ditch compressors and go out a-flompin'? Cheers! Joe.
  11. I used to have a "whatever the 15" cab is called" when they were pretty new. Structurally it was well made but cosmetically it seemed to fall apart a bit and that f*****g handle was horrible. It sounded massive and was super easy to move around but I ended up going over to some boogie gear which had more character, been happy ever since.
  12. Thanks guys! The WEM looks great but I'm not sure it would be any easier to lug around than my Walkabout Scout. I wish Ashdown still made the little 15 watt 1x10 flip top thing they used to do but I guess tiny valve bass amps is probably a niche market. I'll try and check out the Fender and Ampeg stuff, I played what they had out a couple of years ago and wasn't very inspired but maybe they've made some changes. I always thought the PJB stuff was super clean and pristine? But then again didn't Babbit use their stuff? Maybe I'm wrong! Thanks again, Joe.
  13. Hi, I'm looking for a small amp, mostly for practicing, if it can do small gigs then that's an added bonus but small and transportable are the main thing I'm looking for. Most of the stuff in this category seems to be aimed at the modern, super clean bass sound which doesn't really suit my playing. Has anyone got any experience of something that nails a more vintage sound? I'm a P bass and flats kind of guy... Cheers for any help! Joe.
  14. Would you consider splitting? The Orange looks great but I've already got plenty in the way of cabs. If so what would be your price for the head (and case) alone? Joe.
  15. [color=#34495E][font=Lato, sans-serif]Here's a couple of links to better pictures if it's of any help to anyone.[/font][/color] [url="https://www.flickr.com/photos/jacksinstrumentsvcs/sets/72157629783285034"]https://www.flickr.com/photos/jacksinstrumentsvcs/sets/72157629783285034[/url] [url="https://www.flickr.com/photos/jacksinstrumentsvcs/8387555784/in/photolist-GE5Ge5-f8i9U1-dMbq7L-bZNH8d/"]https://www.flickr.com/photos/jacksinstrumentsvcs/8387555784/in/photolist-GE5Ge5-f8i9U1-dMbq7L-bZNH8d/[/url]
  16. Hi all, Had some gear stolen last night, if anyone sees anything floating around for sale that looks like it might be any of the following I'd be very grateful if you could give me a heads up. I'll link to photos when I get a chance. 1965 Fender Mustang (guitar) black finish very worn, white p/g, headstock has been repaired where it was broken in the past. 90s Gibson J60 with shadow pickup in f hole. 90s Mij Fender Stratocaster, sunburst. Refinned squire vista series musicmaster bass, no headstock decal, natural with white p/g. Thanks a bunch, Joe.
  17. Super nice guy. J drove a bass across London just so I could try it out. Cheers for such an easy transaction . Joe
  18. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  19. I bought Jason's Tarkin, great pedal, super quick and easy transaction, couldn't ask for anything more. Cheers!
  20. Dan and I traded a couple of pedals. Super quick and easy transaction, safely packaged, as described, what more could you want?
  21. How does the skreddy cut through in a mix? Haven't been able to find any good demos
  22. Sold a Yamaha Silent Bass to Kristofer. It was the easiest of transactions, great comms and quick payment. What more can you ask for? Hope you're enjoying the bass dude.
  23. Hi team, Looking to sell my Yamaha Silent Bass SLB-200. It has a few marks on the sides of the body (I've tried to show them as clearly as possible in the pictures) but is in great condition other than that. I had the bass set up (bridge re-shaped and fingerboard planed) by the lovely Lawrence Dixon last year and it's strung up with a set of D'Addario Helicore Pizzicato strings. Collection would be preferable (Melton Mowbray or Nottingham, I'll be in London briefly on Mon 7th Nov, possibly in Manchester on 6th Nov) but I'm happy to ship at cost if you're further afield. I'm looking for £1200 but can move on that for a quick sale, just get in touch!
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