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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. Brand new still in box unfitted, had a change of heart, i think its meant only for emg pups but i could be wrong. £50 posted or poss swap for a nice set of meaty jazz pickups. All the other stuff in my other thread is still going, inc the bart mmc bucker and the peavey combo etc
  2. works fine mate, thats what i had running!
  3. sweet thanks, ill put something up to let you all know how i get on.
  4. same i have em on all my basses including my ray and use em all the time, even mid song with no worries at all mate
  5. The restoration (now Varsity) on weds, the strand on Thurs (my fave) the frog 'n fiddle on Fri, the fiery angel on Sun, apparently the St Pauls tavern every other Sun or something like that and i think theres a Tues one too, but cant remember where.
  6. Go for it mate, id never been to one before moving to cheltenham and now there are about five a week! I love just going along and jamming and ive made a bunch of great mates doing it too, and met a fellow basschatter too!
  7. [quote name='David Nimrod' post='161635' date='Mar 21 2008, 11:03 PM']I drove straight to my tech. in Leicester... couldn't resist. He's gonna sort out the action & mend the black s/plate... I'm not surprised you're missing it... bloody gorgeous bass! I just can't wait to play it, I know we're going to have fun. & it's just about the most awesome bass I've ever had [/quote] would that be Bob?
  8. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='160689' date='Mar 20 2008, 10:48 AM']In relation to wiring it up the small unit has 3 connections. The output wire to the jack socket goes to one and from another on the unit you take a wire to the jack i.e. the output runs through the unit. The third connection (the one I forgot when rebuilding my bass the 2nd time) goes to ground. Easy peasy and very effective, the rotary unit has 4 positions the 1st being off or straight through (bypassed). Peter[/quote] thanks dude, sadly i didnt understand a word!, im such a goon at this stuff
  9. How strange that this should resurface as im waiting for a geddy! Is that gold hardware and and a tortie guard i can smell! mmmm Does this also make my sonic blue jazz one of those 1970s little things that puttered about
  10. Thats actually a good idea, but im starting to get sold on the villex idea (d'oh) does anyone know if it will work wired up : neck vol, bridge vol, tone, villex ?
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  13. I have an audere JZ3 deluxe with three band z mode switch and passive tone control on my jazz as of Fri, but have decided to take it off to stick a villex prtb in there. (£70) Anyone interested, cause if i know i have a def buyer ill buy the villex and take it into the shop to get it swapped out? Also [i]might[/i] be persuaded to sell my east J retro too, as its also coming out another jazz if anyone def wanted one?
  14. 99% its the 1/2 mate, it came with the wrong insert in the box but im sure i recall it being a 1/2 when i bought it about a month ago
  15. stuck one on mine, i really like em
  16. sometimes i find this and its because im unconciously applying back pressure to the neck as im playing due to the height/position of my bass
  17. I have decided that active jazzes arent for me so im gonna pull my audere out my jazz but this will leave an extra hole on the plate as the bass is now fitted with a side mounted jack so i was thinking about the villex rotary variable mid control to fill the gap, or possibly an extra tone control so eack pickup would have one, is this do-able? any thoughts folks?
  18. Not mine and no pics yet but he wants to sell it so i said id mention it on here, its pretty much unused (hes a guitarist) in black with five strings same as the one in the other thread hes asking £200 but im sure hed consider offers...
  19. My names Gaf, i'm 31 years old been playing and indeed gigging for 17, mainly on four string jazz basses stingrays and warwicks, always modded someway or another! As a child of grunge my favourite players were Flea, Bill Gould and Cass Lewis, and i do get compared to the first two, but then i have also been compared to Boosty too? (its prob the wah pedal! ) Im also a huge Neds fan! so love high melodic bass lines. Although I am primarily a fingerstyle player who likes to be the centre of attention with showy technique i will use a pick if the song needs one and sometimes a thumb if it dosnt! :blush: Im guilty of being a bit of a show-off and know i should stop! My quest for new gear and 'the tone' is painfully never ending and as i get older im slowing down, getting groovier and the bass is getting higher!, im also starting to wish id just bought a p bass and an ampeg! and am going off active electronics!
  20. No pics yet but is average condition a 75w chorus and reverb amp with two 12" scorpion speakers 'supersat' channel and sounds ace, but way more than i need! couldnt post so pick up only looking for £170 or offers..
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