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Everything posted by Wooks79

  1. Just gonna bump this, one sale legitimately fell through, another had a comedy story attached where I got messed about, and then I forgot to keep bumping... Would also trade for an Orange Terror Bass 500 if anyone fancied a change?
  2. Well cos of all this talk I had to go and put some old flats back on my spare P bass for a play around
  3. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1412375352' post='2568492'] Ah! Thanks for the info! The Hail Satan Deluxe sounds just like what my church band need for our Christmas Psalms concert series. [/quote] There was a limited 'Praise Jesus' version at one point, for christians who were offended by the Satan stuff hahaha [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1412375704' post='2568499'] And another thing... I find the interviewer's beard a bit disturbing. [/quote] Joe was a really nice guy! He plays bass in a cool band called Polymath... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c950yWQ62E4[/media]
  4. [quote name='madshadows' timestamp='1412363859' post='2568345'] Excellent interview, love your P-Bass John [/quote] Thanks very much for watching
  5. I'm a bit late to the party on this thread it would seem, but loving the stuff on here. Some really good videos! Here is our last video - [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmIfC955kGs[/media]
  6. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1412341263' post='2568012'] Great video/interview - I worried for your lovely P getting chucked around so much [/quote] Cheers man, I did watch this back and think wouldn't it be funny if I'd have dropped it, but it gets worse onstage, so it's cool
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1412341190' post='2568010'] That's it, now. I'm going to spend the rest of the day answering questions with and saying nothing but, 'Hail Satan Muff!!' ... I'll let you know how I get on. [/quote] Haha, it's a lifestyle choice let me know how it goes! Just spotted that there's a sale on at the mo, 12% off with the code "baby"... I really fancy the Deluxe HS and his Unholy Grail delay :/ No spare cash damn it!
  8. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1412339281' post='2567972'] Ha! You've been found out, lad! Your name is Simon! Oh, yes. Don't even imagine I could overlook that! I enjoyed that from start to finish. Thanks for sharing! Is the pedal called "Abominable"? In case: great name! [/quote] Thanks for watching! Yeah it's an Abominable Electronics Hail Satan Muff... I liked it so much I ended up buying two! http://www.abominableelectronics.com/products/4941307-hail-satan-distortion-fuzz-pedal I really wanna get hold of the deluxe version that he does now with a clean blend and the green russian/creamy dreamer toggle switch.
  9. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1412339327' post='2567975'] Shut up Wooks. [/quote] This. Forever. hahaha
  10. Thanks for watching I had to google Bill Turnbull though In a strange turn of events, I waffled on for longer than both of my guitarists!?
  11. The lovely folks at GAK asked me to chat about my gear, so obviously I was happy to oblige I'm not that exciting to watch though! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phPwY5cnAcQ&feature=youtu.be[/media]
  12. Since this wasn't getting posted I bought one new, and have to say these are amazing cases, so it's a bargain for anyone that can pick up!
  13. Anyone else playing? http://breakoutfestival.co.uk
  14. Cheap = Behringer BDI Expensive = Verellen Meatsmoke
  15. Next Saturday, our first London gig, and would love anyone that could make it to come along! This is a pretty important gig for us, and would appreciate any support that could be mustered between you We are first on, and early at about 19:30 I believe. Thanks for reading!
  16. Theres a few amps that deffo cover the djenty stuff as well.
  17. JamUp app on ipad or iphone and a Line6 sonicport would be the best option in my opinion, and would be cheaper than the Kemper or the AxeFX.
  18. From absolutely out of nowhere, I suddenly decided I like the look and idea of fanned frets, and thought wouldn't it be lovely to have a bass pretty much the same as my '79 Precision that I love, but with fanned frets... A quick google later, I found a bass that I really just lust over so much, as I really love my Precision, but love teh Black block inlays on my Jazz. It's a dingwall, but if you imagine the bass in the pic but with just Precision pickups, and only 4 strings... oh my god I want it! Damn you GAS, I will never afford it
  19. We get together once possibly twice a week, it's the getting together and playing together that I enjoy, so the more the better, and you can never be too tight! I'd hate to just learn stuff at home on my own, it's not for me.
  20. Yeah I did it, and donated... [u][color=#0000ff][media]http://youtu.be/JdjGjxOV8pg[/media][/color][/u] Then my pregnant wife got nominated, so I was her stunt double [u][color=#810081][media]http://youtu.be/Z8-Uwl5-x9Q[/media][/color][/u] [color=#810081]I was one of the whingers when it was the whole no makeup selfie thing, but then after it said how much money and awareness it did end up raising, I couldnt really argue with that. [/color] [color=#810081]I bet people who say about the waste of water wouldnt think twice about spending a few minutes longer in the shower, having a water fight in teh summer, running the tap when they brush their teeth etc.[/color]
  21. I was after it, but collection only, just what I need right now as well!
  22. Price drop for cash before this gets traded - £1200 ono gets it.
  23. I took 2 years out, after a frustrating end to a previous band, and still kick myself to this day about 10 years later! It was a bigger knock back in my playing than I could have imagined.
  24. We're a definite rock band in a sea of indie locally, and it's a real shame there isn't more!
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