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Everything posted by tommorichards

  1. Very interested. Just run through with me what the oscillation and diode mod does?
  2. This bass has one of the biggest threads in this area. love to see it in person one day
  3. Says on the link that the product is discontinued. May be getting rid of old stock?
  4. S S S S S SOLD! To a man in yorkshire!
  5. Just placed an order for the xotic. Though none in the Uk, ordered from reverb, and its in america, so ive got a little wait til it arrives
  6. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1472045261' post='3117965'] My votes would be for a COG 66 or an Xotic BB Bass Pre Simples Si [/quote] From the online demo, it does seem like the xotic bb might just be the one.
  7. I feel like he has added an extra zero to all numbers involved. £100 bass with £40 pickups makes so much more sense
  8. Very sexy synth sound, and extremely odd video
  9. your builds are always fantastic. Even the photography. I look forward to seeing the results Question, are all the basses on your site still in your possession? Because if so, thats a literal asstonne of basses.
  10. Maybe to help get words into sounds, im after this sound in a pedal. Just made the video. Its playing through the tiny Marshall MS-2 amp. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNgtYCuIFLA[/media]
  11. Yeah, ive got the sansamp. Its good for clanky, but im more after an old school wooley atyle overdrive
  12. Im looking for a pedal. A specific pedal. Im not up for all out fuzz, but more like playing a very low wattage amp and getting distortion from it. Anyone use a pedal for something similar and point me in the right direction? Youtube demos a plus. Ive had a look round and most seem to just do fuzz.
  13. Thats correct, you can use it in any bass. Just the preamp thats used in a sabre bass.
  14. Im extremely tempted by the flea bass. I eagerly await more pictures.
  15. This is the Gibson G3 Grabber from 1976, made popular by Mike Dirnt from early greenday. Sexy beast, sounds just like you think it will. Like literally exactly how it sounds in your head. Frets are low, but plenty of life left in them. Slight twist in the neck, but not noticeable unless viewed headstock down, and in no way affects the playability. This one is up for £800 ono, and i am mightly interested in trades for basses, though nothing modern shaped (read spector, warwick etc). Part ex's too. Im based in new brighton, wirral. May ship but collection preferred. Pictures:
  16. Nah, id say it looks right handed. Thick string up the top
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