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Everything posted by 6stringbassist

  1. [quote name='liamcapleton' post='460679' date='Apr 12 2009, 06:08 PM']Most people want 4-string, passive basses... put it down to conservatism, but it is reality.[/quote] I don't know, a lot of players do sure, but a lot of players nowadays are playing 5 string basses. And active electronics either as standard or aftermarket are a big seller. Just look at the companies like Aguilar, Delano, John East, Nordstrand and many others who sell pickups and preamp circuits.
  2. [quote name='walbassist' post='460561' date='Apr 12 2009, 02:14 PM']I just got one of [url="http://www.peavey.com/products/browse.cfm/action/detail/item/115024/PV®%206.cfm"]these[/url] and it is perfect. I can use my Wal, Godin, and acoustic bass and tenor guitars on a gig through one amp and they all sound great. £20 off eBay.[/quote] That's something I hadn't thought about, thanks !.
  3. Got it last week, and thanks to the school holidays I haven't stopped playing it since. Initially I was awful and couldn't help thinking that I'd made a mistake in buying it. But after an hour or so, and when I started to use my mind as well as my fingers to play, it really wasn't that hard to get around on. I even used it with my one band for a couple of songs last Sunday afternoon. I started off with the tripod stand, but I kind of felt detached from the instrument, I really didn't like it, so now I only use the endpin stand. I came up with the idea of lying it on its side on the stand while not playing it, it looks kind of odd but it's really stable and not going to fall over. It has the magnetic pickups as well as the piezo, but I really only use the piezo. I have the pickup balance set full clockwise (piezo only), the balance between pizz and arco is set at '3 o'clock', the treble is turned off, and a bit of bass boost. The result is an almost perfect amplified double bass sound. A sax player that I play with in a couple of bands is a conservative, he loves jazz from the 50's right through to the modern young guys like Robert Glasper, and Jeremy Pelt. But he likes the traditional instrumentation sound of double bass, but he was blown away by the sound of this. I love it.
  4. If you've seen my other threads then you now I'm after an A/B switching device to switch between BG and EUB. I want it to be true bypass, quiet and uncloured. [url="http://www.redonionsolutions.co.uk/Gallery.htm"]http://www.redonionsolutions.co.uk/Gallery.htm[/url] These seem to do everything I want, and the price is great but they look a bit like a school science project. Anyone have any experience of their products ?. Are they good and reliable and everything else that I've stipulated ?.
  5. I don't think we're as conservative as guitarists are, or as we think we are. We do have have ERB's (whether some bass players like it or not, they do exist and they're not going ot go away, and I think they'll increase in popularity. But that's a different argument), fretless basses, EUB's, active basses, basses with piezo's only, graphite basses, the lightwave bass etc, etc. Guitarists tend to use some variant on Strat, Tele or Gibson.
  6. [quote name='BassBod' post='460056' date='Apr 11 2009, 06:26 PM']My ultimate solution for this was the Alembic F2B preamp - not cheap, and a rack mount box! However - one thing I did learn was this. I always assumed that I'd need to make radical eq changes, as the bass guitar always sounds so "weedy" when used next to upright. But, I had a dual channel/switching DI pedal made for a banjo player with a gain adjustment for each (by John at Orchid electronics). When I tried it out with BG/EUB I found that getting the relative gains properly set up virtually removes the need for major eq'ing of either - it really surprised me.[/quote] What EUB were you using ? I'm lucky I guess, I tend to keep my amp EQ flat with my BG and use the onboard preamp. And on the EUB I just keep the treble turned all the way off, and a slight bass boost. I don't seem to have a problem with the gain settings either. But I've only used it at home so far, apart from last Sunday where I only used it on just a couple of songs. So maybe it's worth considering getting something more versatile, with independant gain controls for each channel. Something like this perhaps - [url="http://www.smart-distribution.co.uk/page5/page102/page38/page38.html"]http://www.smart-distribution.co.uk/page5/...e38/page38.html[/url]
  7. There's absolutely nothing wrong with trading your wife for a Tobias, I traded my brother for an Alembic once while we were in the US. He still writes occassionally, and sends Christmas cards etc.
  8. Thanks for all of your replies, I'm going to get one of these two [url="http://www.redonionsolutions.co.uk/AB/Selector.htm"]http://www.redonionsolutions.co.uk/AB/Selector.htm[/url] [url="http://www.loop-master.com/product_info.php?cPath=23&products_id=35&osCsid=qkih18ar9mqvuje6pj0r2qubq2"]http://www.loop-master.com/product_info.ph...vuje6pj0r2qubq2[/url] Just need to decide which one.
  9. They look great to me, and the price looks excellent I was prepared to pay a lot more than that. [url="http://www.redonionsolutions.co.uk/AB/Selector.htm"]http://www.redonionsolutions.co.uk/AB/Selector.htm[/url]
  10. [quote name='lee650' post='459659' date='Apr 10 2009, 10:22 PM']Hi Kev Ive just bought one of those radial bigshots, not tried it yet though as ive no amp at the mo!!! its built really well and has a tuner out and mute facility, and a volume control on one channel ( to bring the louder instrument down) and a three position bright switch, its passive, too and quite small, mind you when i had my NS wav4 i used an EBS microbass2 which worked fantastically, a bit more cash though, and maybe more bells and whistles than you need!!! the radial seems great though ill update you soon, they are about £80 i was lucky and got one off old horse murphy , top fella- all the best mate - lee[/quote] Thanks Lee, that's now on my short list of possibles, that and the Lehle little. These look rather nice too - [url="http://www.loop-master.com/product_info.php?cPath=23&products_id=35&osCsid=10b6gt8hb0vib9uvcesrcg6a74"]http://www.loop-master.com/product_info.ph...ib9uvcesrcg6a74[/url] Kevin
  11. [quote name='bobbass4k' post='459621' date='Apr 10 2009, 08:55 PM']If you feel handy with a soldering iron, you could knock one together yourself, there's a post with some schematics up in the forums somehwere edit, found the link: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=40389&hl=schematics"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...p;hl=schematics[/url][/quote] Thanks for that, I have a reputation for being dangerous with a soldering though, not handy. I had my last one confiscated before I'd even unpacked it. But many thanks for your time anyway !. 1
  12. Incase are good but the pockets are daft. I use a Protech which is similar to the Incase but has better pockets, and when I was last at the Bassdirect shop they had these in stock which are even better. [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/IGIG_Bags.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_sp.../IGIG_Bags.html[/url] All three are expensive, but when you consider the price of your bass, and how much it'd cost to repair if it got damaged then it kind of makes sense, to me anyway.
  13. For switching between my BG and my EUB. Thanks.
  14. As the contender for the longest title on Basschat says, I'm after something to enable me to do this, something that won't affect my sound. My amp is a single channel Genz Benz Shuttle 3.0. Thanks.
  15. I got this with my really nice new CR4M EUB. I prefer to use the endpin stand that I have, so this is for sale. It's in excellent condition. The price for a new one from Bob Golihur music is $189 plus shipping and taxes, I'm asking £80 including postage.
  16. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='456217' date='Apr 7 2009, 10:41 AM']It is not that they are inately crap - it is that there are 53 million songs out there and everyone playes those 5. Punters like them because they are passive consumers not because these compositions are particularly good. There are literally thousands of tunes that have equal levels of immediacy and are easy to play but, because people can't be arsed to look for them or to transcribe them/prepare charts, they never get an airing.[/quote] I should have added earlier that we also play 'Come together' by the Beatles, a couple of Coldplay songs, and a bit of a tribute to Lalo Shiffrin including the theme from 'Bullitt' and 'Dirty Harry'. All transcribed and arranged by our trombone player.
  17. I voted jazz 'cos that'd be my choice of the two, but I don't really like either.
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