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Everything posted by cheddatom

  1. Heh, Linkin Park? I'm glad you like it though. I'm guessing you're a potter? You should pop down!
  2. I don't think anyone disagrees about the sound of ashdown, it's just whether you like that sound or not. He obviously does, so I have nothing to contribute other than my attempt a wit!
  3. Antibiotics won't put cash back in your wallet after your infection clears up and you realise you've bought an Ashdown!
  4. Full and organic, like your ears blocked with a horrid yeast infection.
  5. I take: 1 bass 2 pedal boards - one heavy bstrd, one in a bag with extra leads etc in 2 combo amps 5 items - Not so bad considering the amount of floorspace I take up on stage!
  6. This will be our first gig in ages so you know it'll be a great show, and we're playing with some great bands! Doors are at 8pm tickets are £4 so I guess it might be £5 to get in, but once you're in you can stay in for the club night, which is apparently good. You can hear us here [url="http://myspace.com/nologorock"]myspace.com/nologorock[/url] The other main band is bad sandwich [url="http://www.myspace.com/badsandwichuk"]myspace.com/badsandwichuk[/url] And also playing are our friends called Screwloose [url="http://www.myspace.com/screwlooserock"]myspace.com/screwlooserock [/url] EDIT: If you turn up and say "hi cheddatom, I saw your free beer advert on BC" i'll get you a pint!
  7. I played guitar for ages and only got a bass 'cos a mate wanted someone to play in a band, and I always loved the sound of basses. ou7shined sayed about playing along to the TV - I've been doing this all my life. I'm not particularly great, but I can generally play something that is at least in tune and in time with anything that comes on, and I find this helps me find my way around the fret board.
  8. What's the EBS thing? and is that a Jaques distortion? What kind of sounds does it do well? Doesn't anyone else have a crazy disorganised board? I feel a bit stupid next to all these perfect boards :-/
  9. cheddatom

    Must haves

    I found that buying multi-fx to learn what effects do, and how you can control them was really useful. It didn't make me look for places to use the new crazy sounds I had, but it made me know what sound I wanted, and how to get it, when I heard a place that needs it. That's not worded very well sorry!
  10. cheddatom

    Must haves

    I think the best advice is to get a multi-effects unit, and learn about what the effects are doing, and how to get the sounds you want. You don't have to replace your unit with singles if it sounds good enough to your ears. I recommend the Zoom B2.1U The only "must have" effect I think a bassist in a guitar band should have is some sort of compression/limiting.
  11. I don't lust after basses or amps, but effects!
  12. what does YMMV mean? I agree, everyone has different tastes in distortion pedals. A big reason for this is that when you're playing in a band, you may have to have quite a crap distortion sound to cut through, and sound good. As in, it'll sound crap solo'd, but works well with the band. We're all in different bands, so we all need different distortion pedals etc?
  13. It seems these kind of aches and pains are really common for bass players. There have been a few thread about this kind of thing. I personally have pains in my wrist and hand, and it's made a hell of a lot worse by using the computer. I haven't found anything to cure it. I went to an osteopathy clinic for 4 weeks and they said that they couldn't do anything, and gave me some exercises to do. These are to strengthen, and loosen the tendons in the arm. Basically, they told me to get a can of beans, and keep lifting it with just my wrist, so that only your hand is moving - it could be some help?
  14. Would you split it? I'm interested in the head.
  15. Their last range was really good too, but was in plastic cases and was a bit unreliable. This new range is rock solid metal, and it costs the same money! I think it must be slave labour, but i'm not going to start a campaign for ethical gear.
  16. I wouldn't bin it, I would get someone who knows how to look for a dry joint to have a look around inside, as that's a really easy fix. Otherwise, there are plenty of people on here who would like to have a go at fixing it if you're getting rid!
  17. OG - If you download the manual, you can zoom in on it! I know the type is a bit small for the older generation
  18. Well, they all start with effects programmed don't they, so you have to find a patch you want to edit, then turn the rotary knob to go through each "module" (i.e mod, amp, fx, eq etc) and turn them off using whatever it says in the manual. Then, to save the patch, press save (I think, it explains this too). Then you have a new patch! There's no function to "clear" a patch, so that you can just add in what you want, although that would be useful!
  19. You can go through each module turning them off. I can't remember how to do it, but I used the manual to get to grips with mine, and it was quite easy setting up patches as you describe them.
  20. It's not just ERBs you're talking about though, it's technical w*nkery on any instrument. There are loads more idiots playing stuff too fast to hear on guitars than there are on 4 strings, or ERBs!!
  21. Not all ERB players are really technical you know!
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