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Everything posted by icastle

  1. This month's pretty dead for me. Starts to pick up in February, peaks in June with a couple of real corkers and then a couple a month through to the Christmas/NYE onslaught. We're only a week into 2015 though, so it'll accelerate from here on.
  2. I prefer the finish on the Japanese market one, but that's just personal taste. I reckon they'll shift a few of those. I'm not sure about the future for this one though: http://www.ibanez.co.jp/products/eb_page14.php?year=2014&area_id=3&cat_id=2&series_id=66&data_id=271&color=CL01
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1420564757' post='2650709'] No they don't - but they can smell a bit funny sometimes. [/quote] Speak for yourself Mister Stinkypants.
  4. Most of us reinvent ourselves as we go through life. I started out as a photographer, worked in a music shop, worked as an electronics engineer, jumped back into retail, moved to telecoms, and then into IT. My one 'constant' over those 35 years was music, but it could just as easily have been model trains or stamp collecting. Music is an odd one. Not only is it a potentially expensive hobby for many people, it also needs a degree of discipline, time and artistic input. As such, there are a lot of points where involvement can falter or fail. One thing I have noticed is that there are numerous posts in the 'Introductions' forum containing 'I used to play but gave up when...', so it would seem that bassists don't give up, they just take time out.
  5. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1420557618' post='2650604'] I've done deals on here but I wouldn't be giving a photocopy of my driving licence or passport to any of you! [/quote] Well Algernon Prendergast Freebody-Smythe is a bit of a mouthful.
  6. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1420557523' post='2650601'] There is a last-minute hiccup concerning the cash and one has Western Union offered, or similar. [/quote] +1 I meant to mention that earlier but got sidetracked. UK Cash only. No foreign currency, cheques or wired transfers.
  7. *sigh* Why do I never get the ones where you meet up on a foggy bridge at midnight with a brown envelope and use the greeting [i]'My strings are brighter in the sunshine'[/i] and get the response [i]'You should fit flatwounds in the spring'[/i] in return..?
  8. It could just be that the buyer is equally cautious and using a friend to collect the bass. Ask to see a driving licence or passport before parting with the goods and jot down the details (or photocopy it). If it's a legit transaction then there shouldn't be a problem. If it's a con then it's a fairly low level one that probably wouldn't call for fake ID.
  9. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1420554722' post='2650559'] maybe get one of those tester pens or something, make sure it's not dodgy notes. [/quote] Got to be a little bit careful with those. As with all countermeasures, crooks immediately start working on ways to beat them and it is reputed that a chemical spray is being used to coat the notes rendering the pen test ineffective.
  10. Well 'couldn't be delivered' does suggest that Thomann successfully delivered the package to DHL. You obviously typed the correct shipping address (which generates the address label) so one can only assume that the label has got torn, defaced or damaged in some way. I think I'd be inclined to call the local DHL depot and see if it's sat in a corner somewhere waiting for the missing details.
  11. [quote name='PlungerModerno' timestamp='1420460141' post='2649496'] [/quote] LMAO
  12. We never have them, we deal with 'stuff' as we go along.
  13. [quote name='Stance' timestamp='1413402200' post='2577989'] Does it have cool bass lines? [/quote] No, but it will have a cool ass line if she slips.
  14. [quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1420460451' post='2649503'] I think it is important to look like a band even if you don't sound like you're together [/quote] PMSL
  15. Crikey. Some of your 'in' and 'out' lists look like a music shops sales ledger...
  16. [quote name='fingerz' timestamp='1420457976' post='2649466'] I have to defend Thomann. [/quote] I've used them in the past and I've never had a problem either, in fact I can't actually recall seeing any complaints about them here previously, which is a bit of a record. The thing that tickled me was their tracking system. My parcel was picked and despatched in a matter of an hour or so. It left Germany and arrived in France a few hours later. It arrived in the UK the following morning. Pretty damn good I thought. It then wobbled up the country through various depots and was finally delivered three days later. Seems ironic that they can get a parcel all the way from Germany to England in slightly less than 24 hours, but that final 170 miles took 72 hours...
  17. [quote name='SingleMalt' timestamp='1420325138' post='2648186'] I wonder how many people were inspired to get into Bass by Geddy. [/quote] Not me I'm afraid. I'd never actually heard of them until I joined here and everyone was talking about someone called Geddy, but then I've never heard of half the names talked about here. I've listened to the 'Permanent Waves' album since and it's good, but not really 'my thing'. One thing that does shine through though is that they're thoroughly enjoying themselves and not just 'doing it' because that's 'what they do'.
  18. That's a pain. What was the problem with the label?
  19. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1420378725' post='2648527'] Many years ago I used my 2 Marshall Super Bass 100s and 2, 4x12s as a home stereo. [/quote] Blimey! I can't even begin to imagine what you used as headphones.
  20. I generally look like Wurzel Gummidge most of the time, but if I put a suit on there's quite a noticeable difference. I look like Wurzel Gummidge wearing a suit.
  21. My best guess, without actually seeing it, is that there's a bad contact there somewhere. Taking it apart and reassembling it has probably 'shoved' whatever it is that's loose, back into a position where it can get a passable contact again. It may work for the time being but it will fail again. If it were me, I'd just change the switch (or get it changed) and have done with it.
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1420401293' post='2648987'] Yes, you really should! I though [i]my [/i]jokes were crap!! [/quote] Such are the tribulations encountered on a voyage of self discovery.
  23. Is he gonna play 'Must hang Robbie' do you think? I'll get me coat....
  24. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1420396580' post='2648872'] Some of the best basslines I've played have been in songs that I hated! [/quote] Nearly all of the basslines I've ever played have been in songs that I hated.
  25. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1420393112' post='2648769'] Yup, the Guitar Show in Birmingham - exactly the same weekend as the LBGS 2014. [/quote] Ah yes, that was the one. I guess most of the 'missing' companies had enough staff and exhibition kit to do one or the other, but not both. I dare say it'll pick up over the next few years now it's becoming established, provided the dates are chosen sensibly and it's seen as a cost effective way of increasing brand awareness.
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