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Everything posted by icastle

  1. I don't have any heating in my house at all, I suffer but my basses don't. From what's been said so far, it seems like those oil filled radiators are a good move. You might want to do something about that 'wind whistling through the window frames' thing though or you'll be heating the back garden.
  2. [quote name='bassbiscuits' timestamp='1420759311' post='2653254'] Maybe the whole thing about electrical stuff from skin isn't the whole picture then... [/quote] It's simplistic but close enough. The stylus described will have a tip made of conductive rubber. EDIT: edited to make vague sense.
  3. [quote name='bassbiscuits' timestamp='1420759124' post='2653252'] Wow! Thanks folks - at least I'm not a total freak [/quote] No, it just means you're in similar company.
  4. [quote name='bassbiscuits' timestamp='1420753916' post='2653160'] Does anyone else have this problem? [/quote] Yes! iPad's and iPhones totally ignore my fingers.
  5. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1420740445' post='2652907'] Bloody foreigners coming here and paying in full cash on collection as promised with no funny business.... [/quote] Wouldn't have happened in my day I can tell you...
  6. Well, bank clerks handle cash in bulk every single day and can usually spot a dodgy note quicker than I can say 'BassChat', so all appears to have turned out fine and dandy. Quite aside from the transaction appearing to have been a success for both parties, it's always great to see BC members looking out for each other, pointing out potential things to watch for and sharing experiences.
  7. Hard to say without seeing it, but if you've adjusted the action too high then the string will stretch as you push down at the 12th fret and you'll never get decent intonation. As I said earlier, it's impossible to say without seeing it, but if the action is excessively high then maybe the neck needs shimming?
  8. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1420645400' post='2651691'] Sorry Ian, I glossed over your post! I'm duplicating information now! [/quote] I thought someone had left a DD-7 plugged in for a minute there.
  9. I'm a bit posher. I use a label printer to make a label and then use clear heat shrink over the top of that.
  10. [quote name='organic' timestamp='1420636410' post='2651558'] [*]it's hard on the fingertips even though I play acoustic fingerstyle on medium gauge strings [/quote] Of course it is, you're playing a manly instrument now. In all seriousness though, even the thickest string on an acoustic is only going to be as thick as the G string on your bass and it's going to take some time to get used to that. The natural inclination when moving from guitar to bass is to use the same parts of your fingers (the very tips) to fret the notes. It takes a while to adapt, but the usual contact point is a little bit further back down the 'pad' than you're probably used to . [quote name='organic' timestamp='1420636410' post='2651558'] [*]getting an awful lot of string squeak which is annoying, I take it it's practise that's the cure for this(?) [/quote] Pretty much. Cutting back on the treble will help, as would using flatwound strings, but (there's always one of those somewhere ) if you want a particularly bright sound then, IMO, you'd be best off working around the issues with technique during the learning stages than revisiting it later and trying to unravel it.
  11. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1420722538' post='2652529'] ^ 20th Century ended 15 years ago dude! [/quote] Why wasn't I informed about this?
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1420668311' post='2652076'] Hmm, I prefer my onboard preamp to be invisible... [/quote] [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1420668688' post='2652087'] Perfect for any musical style? Might get a few odd looks turning up at a motown gig with that one.. [/quote] I've got to admire them for trying something different, but it's perhaps a bit 'too' different.
  13. [quote name='Hugh971' timestamp='1420666596' post='2652045'] Hi guys, thanks for your advice. I was the last owner of the cab and have been trying to help the current owner, who is a friend of mine, get to the bottom of what's up with it. I wanted to make sure that this was not a possible factory fault as if it was there may have been a chance Hartke would have replaced it. I've heard great things about their customer support. Looks like the 1st owner must have damaged the driver and bodged a repair (or lent it so someone who did) and the repair has failed. Anyway, I've said to the current owner that I'll go halves on the cost of a new driver to get this properly sorted so it won't recur. [/quote] Hugh, you're an absolute gentleman.
  14. I just use a racked amp and a couple of cabs. Takes me 5 mins to setup if I faff about and less if I don't. I've no real inclination to change that.
  15. I've come across this more than a few times before. The conversation afterwards generally goes [i]'I couldn't get a T fuse so I stuck a bigger F fuse in there, it doesn't make a difference does it?'[/i] If a fuse blows, [b]always[/b] replace it with the type that the manufacturer recommends - anything other than that then you're wasting your time at best and endangering yourself or others at worst.
  16. [quote name='VTypeV4' timestamp='1420594905' post='2651202'] That'd shake the tree! Fender buying Peavey would be something else.. Can't see it happening tho. [/quote] Not in the next few months that's for sure.
  17. icastle

    2 x BG250's

    If it had a line out then it'd work fine, but with just a DI out I suspect it'll become a little bit awkward.
  18. It's hard to see on their website, but this one is the right spec from an electronics point of view: http://www.allparts.uk.com/collections/guitar-and-bass-electronics/products/mini-switch-dpdt-on-on-on
  19. IME it's usually far easier, and often cheaper in the long run, to buy a generic set than trying to source a single one in the hope that a manufacturer didn't change sizes part way through the lifetime of a model.
  20. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1420589474' post='2651162'] I've remained in the game for close to 50 years and the thought of giving up or slowing down has never crossed my mind. [/quote] I'm 35 years in and it's not crossed my mind either, but I've certainly given up other things during that time.
  21. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1420587965' post='2651141'] I'd hope it didn't leave the factory that way, but I can just about picture the scenario. 5pm Friday; assembly worker sticks a screwdriver through the cone, is fully aware they should get a new driver from the storeroom and fill in a form, but sod it, they want to get home and the glue gun is already warmed up... I've worked with people with that sort of attitude, so I reckon it's not impossible! [/quote] I can see your thinking there but the materials are all wrong. You'd use a glue gun to perhaps provide extra support to coils or big hefty resistors on a crossover board. This is clear silicone, the sort of thing that you'd use for waterproofing (think bath sealing or window fitting). I can see a glue gun being to hand but I can't picture a silicone gun loaded with clear silicone being used for anything that Hartke make.
  22. No. Hartke would have just dumped it and fitted a good one. That's a rather sloppy DIY repair done with a tube of silicone.
  23. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1420576985' post='2650912'] Too late.......... he's dead Just kidding [/quote] Not that sort of nasty weirdness you berk.
  24. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1420575053' post='2650867'] Thanks Ian - I'll suggest he tries that [size=4] [/size] [/quote] No problem. Make sure he reconnects that driver before powering up and trying again though. I don't know what amp he's got or how the cab is wired up so all sorts of nasty weirdness could happen if he doesn't...
  25. Quite likely. I've repaired tears, albeit temporarily, using layers of tissue paper and copydex before now but I've never tried using a blob of silicone before. How about taking that driver out of the cab, extending the wires and moving it round the back of the cab? If the farting is just as bad then it's not the problem. If it reduces then it is.
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