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Everything posted by casapete

  1. I don’t think so, although I’m not sure about all of the streaming platforms. ( DVD’s still for sale on eBay though by the looks of things.)
  2. Happy days for rock’n’roll fans shortly -2023 Little Richard biopic ‘I am everything’ on CH4 at 11.05pm. Alternatively Chuck Berry ‘The King of Rock’n’roll’ at 11.15pm on Sky Arts.
  3. Halfords used to happily give away the boxes that cycles were delivered to them in. Various sizes so probably be worth a visit?
  4. How do the Hull gig go Steve? Nice venue The Wrecking Ball, putting on some great stuff. Albert is a class act, seen him many times both playing with his own and other bands. Great he’s still out there doing it.
  5. Withernsea can be a drag to get to Mart. Hull’s roadworks are going on for years yet, building a new intersection by the Marina. Once it’s done you’ll be able to whizz straight through to Withernsea though! Would have liked to come and see your band, but family health stuff meant I was unable to. Hopefully catch you soon. All the best, Pete.
  6. Believe it or not Dave , when we go to east Scotland it’s usually quicker going up the A1, then across the A66 to Penrith and then north on the M6/M74 etc. Going all the way on the A1 to Edinburgh looks like it should be quicker but some of it is single lane with a 50mph limit for vans. My band is in Dundee this Thursday and we’ll be heading there via the same route.
  7. Mentioned these before, but the best case I’ve ever used is the ‘Bass guitar foam case’ by G4M. I bought two of these, and in over 10 years of use on the road all over the UK I’m still just using the first one! Light but very strong, mine originally cost around £30/35. They’re now £49.99 but even at that still very good value for money IMO.
  8. My onstage settings rarely vary, with everything centred tone wise. However, last night for instance (at the engineer’s suggestion) I turned down the lower mid control a touch and quite liked it! I do prefer a rounded sound onstage, but have found that what often sounds a bit more ‘middley’ at soundcheck sounds just right when the theatre is full, so a good compromise. I think I’ve reached a point using the same amp/cab/bass combination for so long that if anything altered too drastically I would feel uncomfortable. Sounds a bit sad but it just suits me as it is. Occasionally get to use something else and I manage okay but prefer my own rig.
  9. Got some from Amazon this week Dave, £6.99 for a pack of 5 tests.
  10. We were. Few spare seats so could have sorted you a couple of comps too! Next time round maybe?
  11. Our upcoming gigs over the next few months, ( although we’ve just heard that the Carlisle gig has been cancelled due to problems at The Sands venue regarding the concrete structure of the building.)
  12. Couldn’t agree more. Seen them a couple of times in small venues and they are a powerhouse.
  13. You’re probably right - never get to see any! 🤣
  14. Depends on how much really - once you start getting into four figures then someone may start getting a bit twitchy about notes. Definitely best to avoid £50 ones as they still carry some stigma from counterfeiting operations in recent years. If you’re doing a bank transfer also beware of dodgy accounts, although this is maybe more of a problem when selling with scammers using fake screen shots to show the funds have left their account, and saying it will show up in yours after a ‘delay’ etc. I always prefer cash still, and think most sellers probably do. (Best to take a mate with you though of course, just in case. 😆).
  15. Also back on OP, a Trace BLX combo. Great idea, small combo design etc and very well built. Just sounded meh and heavier than my car.
  16. You’re a better man than me for allowing the mixer to be placed on top of your cab! Admittedly I am a bit touchy about things that may vibrate or cables everywhere though, and when set up space is limited there are sometimes no other options. Like the look of your TKS cab too. 😊
  17. That’s quite possible. The preamp tube may have been duff, although I think you can run them without it in the signal chain so who knows?!! Also the earlier ones were ( IIRC) a Mosfet design which I believe was later altered so perhaps this affected things too. I had one of the matching cabs with the aluminium cones which I didn’t get on with at all. 😆
  18. Great that we’re all different on here - I really liked the couple of Hartke HA3500 amps I had. (There’s also a recent thread in the ‘Amplifiers’ section with quite a few glowing comments.) For me they are solid, reliable and loud with a good EQ and one of the few compressors I’ve ever got on with! Only moved mine on for smaller amps, but would happily use them again. Had hoped the newer TX models would be as good but many comments about them being underpowered.
  19. It did seem a bit like that, but the owner was very watchful when anyone approached. Would like to know if he had any serious enquiries on them.
  20. It really is a wonderful place, and run so well too. If Carlsberg made theatres…..
  21. Thanks Lozz. It really is a superb place. When we arrived, we got signed in at the stage door and each had lanyards with a photo ID made before we went in. We only had to show the ID in the cafe to get unlimited free coffees and teas - just a small gesture but very much appreciated by us after such a long journey to get there. For the whole gig we were made to feel appreciated, which these days is getting more of a rarity. I’ve just found out we’ve been given a choice of two dates for returning there next year too, so happy days.
  22. First of two gigs for us this evening in the south west of England. The Hall for Cornwall in Truro is a fantastic Grade II listed building which incorporates the recently opened auditorium ‘The Cornwall Playhouse’, a superb venue with a seated capacity of 1,354. Both front of house and backstage are really top notch, and coupled with a decent cafe/bar it is a favourite of ours. Lots of helpful staff ( many of whom are volunteers ) ensure a good night for their customers. We all but sold out the gig, so had a great evening. It’s a good sounding room so we got soundchecked pretty quickly too. Always a pleasure to play in Truro, despite it being a massive trek for us. We are back into Devon tomorrow night playing in Torquay.
  23. I’m the only person in my band who uses a conventional wedge monitor onstage, everyone else uses IEMs. I like to hear the FOH sound in the room, whilst having enough in my wedge of the things that are key to my playing and singing. This is usually lead vocal, backing vocals (including my own), drums ( kick and snare with some toms and hats etc) and acoustic guitar with some electric (if it’s a large stage and I can’t hear the guitar cab). Don’t have any of the violin or two cellos in it as they are usually loud enough being on my side of the stage. The monitor really does the job of giving me a balance of what is lacking on my side I guess. Have to add that we use electronic drums, so no onstage sound for me other than my wedge and my rig. I also don’t like my bass in my monitor, as it doesn’t sound like my rig! If I need any more of that I can just adjust my amp. It all works fine for me, and I like having control over my overall monitor level - depending on the venue/my mood I can have it all pretty quiet or alternatively kicking a*s without really bothering anyone else. 😊
  24. Speaking with the guy who owns them, he’s been collecting for years and is now starting to reduce what he has. Didn’t seem overly concerned about sales TBH, so maybe that’s why he’s aiming on the high side? Helluva collection though. I have his details if anyone wants to contact him for a haggle! ( I have no connection with him ).
  25. I know what you mean, but I always feel it a little unfair that Whitney gets lumped in with Mariah and all the other trilling warblers that followed, when really she was so much more than that. As Paul says above, her early stuff in particular was almost void of any of that stuff, and her tone & ability to be able to control her voice over such a range was truly wonderful I saw her live in Monaco at the start of her decline and it was both stunning and sad at the same time.
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