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Everything posted by ahpook

  1. "What about the voice of Geddy Lee How did it get so high? I wonder if he speaks like an ordinary guy?" "I know him and he does!" "Well, you're my fact-checkin' 'cuz" 'Stereo' - Pavement
  2. It's a matter of personal taste as to whether one thinks something has artistic merit, or any form of merit at all To say someone who doesn't like something is merely as not liking it because it is 'outside the norm' or is 'failing to understand' it is ignoring the essentially subjective nature of taste. It absolutely implies that you have a privileged viewpoint, and IMHO not an opinion anyone engaged in an artistic pursuit should hold. As an example - I don't have a great deal of time for representative visual art, but I don't regard anyone who likes it as missing any point or being unable to appreciate alternatives. It's just their taste, and they're perfectly entitled to it YMMV, of course
  3. You're missing the whole joy of soldering angle Oh, did I mention that before ?
  4. Go to studio in the middle of nowhere in Quebec. Smoke a lot of fine Canadian weed. Record an album or two. It'll all make sense.
  5. Watch the punters try and dance in 7/4
  6. A while back, having never really listened to them before, I spent a month or so going through Rush's back catalogue. The only two albums I found I could get into were Permanent Waves and Moving Pictures (my recommendation to you @sammybee). Although I find it best to ignore the lyrics - which do seem to be written by an 6th-former who has yet to grow out of an 'Ayn Rand' phase Amazing musicians, without a doubt, but that's not enough for me.
  7. The control knob arrangement looks a little 'Friday afternoon after lunchtime leaving drinks'
  8. Deffo worth having a chat with them about your requirements as @ped says - very helpful chap.
  9. Why have the long horn on the bottom ? They missed a (cheap) trick to offset the inevitable neck dive.
  10. I think arrangement is the key. The band Tortoise used to play with two drummers and two bassists - their interlocking parts were fantastic to listen to. I played in a improv band (with a BC member - sorry, names escape me) with two basses on the go. You just have to think in a different way to that which usually would.
  11. I built my own 2-way selector with a large Hammond box and a mains toggle switch. A 3-way would obviously need a switch like the unit @Doctor J has but other than needing the appropriate drill bits it was very straightforward. And a good excuse to break out the soldering iron, as always
  12. These folks ? https://www.geminipickups.co.uk/ Very good - I've used both their guitar and bass pickups and I've been very pleased. I've a set of Dawn Lightnings in one of my jazz basses - a lovely, slightly mellower sound than your usual jazz units. I think they're great. Their Degenerate SB 'EMG'-style (with one of the coils hotter than the other) is a really nice passive pickup with a more focused sound than your usual humbucker - iirc correctly they accentuated the difference in windings for me to allow them to be coil-tapped for a jazz pickup tone. Huge improvement over the EMG-HZs I was replacing. I've also fitted a couple of my friends' guitars with their mini humbuckers and it was smiles all round. Nice folks to deal with too. HTH
  13. Assuming the effects power supply is happy to pass the current needed for the Ant - a couple of amps by the looks of things - you should be fine. I strongly suspect it would. The Cioks manual isn't too clear about this though, perhaps an email to them might be in order just to dispell any doubt. It would certainly make for a nice compact set-up.
  14. Your post might possibly put off others loaning them money for 3 1/2 years at 0% interest. They strike me as a bunch of shysters, given what you've shared in this thread. I'm really chuffed you got your dosh back. Hopefully this thread will serve as an education for other prospective creditors, sorry....customers.
  15. Scott's Bathysphere Lessons For those "deep dives" (God, I hate that phrase)
  16. An adenoidbucker ? All rather nasal, I'd imagine
  17. I've converted my Spector basses to run at 18v rather than the stock 9v. Any excuse to switch on the soldering iron
  18. Version 2. It's black. 'Nuff said.
  19. Robert Robinson voice on/ "Would that it were, would that it were.."
  20. Sadly, that's very likely to cause grounding issues.
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