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Everything posted by jazzyvee

  1. In my experience of insuring instruments and other high value items outside the home on a household policy, there is usually a clause that excludes cover if the items are used for reward. For example gigs. This was pointed out to me when i tried to include my instruments on it. when i joined the MU, i took out instrument insurance through them. Remember insurance company will often try to find any way to avoid paying out if they can.
  2. HAHAH I had the same look when I turned up for an audition with my fretless electric guitar. Didn't get the gig though because the drummer thought my playing was too jazzy. Which to me was a compliment, as jazz guitar is something I have always struggled with. 🙂 A few years later we were in the same touring band for about 4 years, he still had the same attitude so I deliberately brought the same guitar to some of the early gigs and played as jazzy/bluesy as I could since he, like me, was also a hired as a session player and played to order.
  3. I got fed up with the cost of inkjet printer cartridges since the number of prints you get from them before the solvent in them evaporates is really low. I bit the bullet and got a colour laser printer and the current cartridges were bought pre-covid and still going strong. I get refillable cartridges also which saves a few quid.
  4. From what I read on bass forums, I think there is more bass envy than bass snobbery.🥱
  5. I've just started rehearsing with a band as a dep and the guitarist has one of these guitars. Sounds Lovely!!!!
  6. Yes it does if you are already a snob. But if not, then playing an alembic is not a sign of snobbery just a sign of different taste in basses. 🤣 Play on my alembic buddy. 🙂
  7. Yes actually i did bring it along and nervously let some of the attendees play it. I didn't know how to operate it back then, but i have gigged a few times with it since. Out of interest, is there another one happening this year?
  8. I think guitars and basses are objects of art as well as musical instruments. I too bought an EUB in the 2018 to learn to play double bass, and whilst putting it in the corner of the room was a practical place for me to keep it and practice, It also looks good as an item of decoration.
  9. I don't think it was something i had ever considered as a requirement any more than set neck vs bolt-on vs neck through. Just happens that I bought a really good neck through and just stayed with what I know. I have bought a Vietnamese minor brand bolt-on that I use for jam sessions or practicing if i'm away from home. The access to the upper end of the fretboard is better with the neck through but to be honest i spend minimal time up that end to really say it's an issue. Also the sustain is not something I have found lacking in any bass I have owned.
  10. My bass has a 30.75" scale length and for about a year i had been trying to get used to nickel strings, however i have had to resign myself to not using them because ny finger tios don't seem to get on with them. I don't understand why but after playing my fingers feel like they did when i first started playing bass. Anyway at the weekend i changed my strings to some dunlop superbrights which i like the sound off and have a bit less tension and the right amount of resistance when bending strings. However, when bending i now find the strings roll on the frets causing my fingers to slip sometimes. Any tips?. It didn't happen with the thicker strings which had more tension. My fave strings are D'addario pro steels but i just wanted to try dunlops for a change.
  11. I love Orions, beautiful, and i know it sounds even better than it looks. 👍🏾
  12. I had to look up that Orion..... Sweet and with a classic crown headstock too. 👍🏾
  13. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I just hope Nile Rogers is not a member of this forum.
  14. I have the same issue as the OP, though i think it happens more when tuning on a loud stage during sound check rather than at home. i have gone back to tuning using the 12th fret harmonics much more stable.
  15. My one cab solution would be a Big Twin II. Lightweight, great sounding and extremely powerful when you need it to be.]
  16. Any polls regarding musicians, singers, bands as being the greatest of all time or even their generation, genre…. Etc, are a complete waste of time and have no merit. There, i said it now where’s my coat.
  17. Nope, i have always had a day job and if I had ever got to the point where I was getting enough gigs to do that and keep my bills paid. I think I would have enjoyed it but, apart from my regular band, I only get sporadic dep gigs or studio calls. That said, whilst on my day job I have managed to take time out to do quite a bit of touring with a couple of bands in Europe, USA/Canada, a Caribbean cruise and a festival in Singapore. However none of them paid me enough to cover what I was earning in my day job but I did them because I love gigging and getting to tour abroad was an opportunity not to be missed.
  18. Yes, Stanley Clarke was the impetus for saving up for an alembic. Up till that time, (2002), i didn't fully appreciate the difference between the signature model and his series I bass, i just went with the body styling and how it sounded in the shop. I eventually got a series I short scale bass. Nowadays, a bass used by another bass player wouldn't influence me to buy into it as i get all the sounds i want from my alembics.
  19. I'd still like to see an old picture if possible. 👍🏾
  20. Not a chance. I have a beater bass that I take to jam sessions and have on occasions let others use there but would not let someone take it away on a gig.
  21. Thanks for your offer, though i am not sure that I want to keep the logo's at all since the neck ones are virtually worn off and also gold which doesn't seem to fit the aesthetic of maple and chrome. But I will have a think about it. I posted this on the alembic site and mica indicated she might have some old vintage look cream pickups that may go with this bass so i just need to get an email fired off to find out what may be available and at what price. No idea if they have the alembic name moulded, transfers or plain. I do recall they had some cream pickups with splashed paint on called "Clown's Vomit' which might be a nice contrast. :-)
  22. If i am looking for a bass, the tone wood claims or counter claims would not influence my choice. if i liked the sound and it felt good to play and i liked the look of it. that's it. The reality for me is that i only have two basses that i tried before purchase and the others i bought on line and they sound great. The reasons they sound different is a combination of far too many things for me to be able to isolate and properties of the construction woods. YMMV
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