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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. Love Moron Police. Bonkers in places, but great stuff
  2. Trondheim Audio SkarBassOne has been a constant on my pedalboard since it arrived. Probably my desert island pedal. Pricewise, the Darkglass Microtubes 500v2 I won in an auction a couple of weeks back…though it still needs a run out in anger to prove its mettle and no unknown problems. Sounded great fired up for a test though a BF One10 when it arrived
  3. Dep at a pub 10 minutes from home 😁 Now I really should work through the set and get some cribs sorted. Maybe a chance to fire up the latest amp acquisition with a spare stacked in case 🤔
  4. I had a bit of a Tubesfest yesterday including Remote Control & Live in London. Really reminded what a great player Rick was. Solid as, but some lovely stuff going on on "What Do You Want From Life?"
  5. We always go to at least one show when they are over and I was hoping that they would get some smaller shows in when they were over supporting Hollywood Vampires in July. We used to end the set with WPOD some years back because we all loved The Tubes. Because of the influence there was a while when it started with a cop show medley, and we always ended it with a bit of Love's A Mystery that's repeated at the end of Telecide. Confused the hell out of the crowd to start with but I have a couple of live tapes where it went an absolute storm. Like I say they were a huge influence on my bandmates stage shows before that and we often worked up 'overture' medleys just because of that. Rick locked in with Prairie Prince and covering all the different styles in the set
  6. I might give it a go with my Boss pedal. If the amp is reacting to what it sees, and bearing in mind any guitar lead can be used to connect the footswitch, I may already have what is needed
  7. Thanks. I'll have to carry on the search then. Everywhere seems to be quoting 1-2 months for stock
  8. Saw a Facebook post at the weekend to say Rick died on Friday. Sad news as The Tubes were such an influence on my band back in the day
  9. Stupid question of the day, but will any latching footswitch work with the M500v2? Just acquired one without a footswitch and they appear not to be in stock anywhere, so unless there is something proprietary in the Darkglass switch I have a spare Boss pedal I could use. (So why don't you just try it Alan!? 🤔) I can see what looks like three different 'lights?' apparently for Power On, Microbes, and Mute so wasn't sure
  10. OOPS! I appear to have acquired another amp in an auction

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    2. WalMan


      A Darkglass Microtubes 500 v2.If it's OK a great price sold as seen in an auction, if it's not, well I may have pee'd my cash up the wall but it may still be worth it to repair.


      Courier due to deliver on Monday so we're currently at fingers crossed :scratch_one-s_head:

    3. WalMan


      Well it's arrived. Looks like it's just been sat in a UPS depot waiting for the import duty to be paid. Seems fine. Fires up and everything seems to work, so result! 😁

    4. WalMan
  11. We did a short (but probably still too many) CD run for my main band's EP. They go in one's & two's at gigs and were probably more us (me) being an old f@rt that wanted to have a physical disk. Also sold for a set price on BandCamp and on streaming services through Distrokid. Had a few sales from d/l's and the princely sum of $8 gross for around 2000 streams in the first few months. Cheesy Christmas single coming later this week By contrast for the prog project one of the guitarists & I just released went to Bandcamp as "name your price" and to streamers. No numbers for the latter but a few sale for the former. I doubt I'll be retiring on either
  12. Cheesy Christmas single and silly video ready to roll next Thursday (too early? It'll be December after all.


    Really not our usual style but I think it sounds good & catchy :) 

  13. Tonight I have been mostlyrecording BV's for the band Christmas song :D 

  14. Francis Dunnery's blues project Tombstone Dunnery @ Trading Boundaries on 19 Nov
  15. Finally finished and released the first album In The Box for a proggy project I've been working on called The Volunteer Club with one of the guitarists from my main band. Please with the way it has come out. https://thevolunteerclub.bandcamp.com/album/in-the-box
  16. If I bring one it’ll probably be the baby rig…One10 and Aguilar TH350
  17. Doesn’t hurt to bring an amp, but not essential. There’ll be an amp nearby, but if you set up an amp and basses in the big hall then there’s something to try stuff through
  18. Having been told by an audience member in the break that we were the best band that'd played the pub, after a set that had been a motorway pile up (forget car wreck) with a band I sometimes stood in with, I have learned just to say "thanks" and walk on, never believing a word said 🤣
  19. Sadly no Winger anymore as it wasn't economically viable for them to come over In the meantime I have got tickets for Tombstone Dunnery (Frank D's blues project) again @ Trading Boundaries. Also seeing Rich Hall in Bognor in October - last time we saw him it was a set of comedy and a set of improvised songs with his band
  20. Skid Row & Winger @ Chalk in Brighton followed two days later by Tiger Moth Tales + Magenta @ Trading Boundaries. Also just got tickets for Nik Kershaw @ The Factory in Worthing next April
  21. Blimey I didn’t think I’d been doing the buzz cut all those years ago! Fun day as ever, and before the GAS had hit so only my baby there as my then only bass iirc. Plus ca change 🤣
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