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Everything posted by thumbo

  1. [quote name='parker_muse' post='86396' date='Nov 10 2007, 09:33 AM']I think we are the only ones! I had an arguement with a kid in my class about him 'He can't play bass, he arrogant, up his arse and hes an idiot who i'd happily wipe of my shoe' 'Yeah, but he's hot so i don't care. AND HE IS THE BEST BASSIST EVER OLOL!!!!1111' Thats pretty much how it went. 'AND HE IS THE BEST BASSIST EVER' I hate it when the mini moshers say that. It makes me cringe.[/quote] So you're not into clean-cut mediocrity? Get out! Pete Wentz is the bestest LOLZ!!111
  2. [quote name='Buzz' post='85211' date='Nov 8 2007, 01:30 AM']Squire are improving though, and to be honest, I doubt he plays the production model anyway, it'll just be money making gimmick.[/quote] [quote name='crumpet_tramp' post='85452' date='Nov 8 2007, 01:53 PM']Best thing any one has ever said him the little c*nt Mike Dirnt sig one looks cooler![/quote] The Dirnt Squire is great too, it's got a really nice feel to it and sounds good too.
  3. I like these basses a lot and would buy one as a back up for my 70's P if it wasn't for that hideous bat thing on the body.
  4. Quit making your life hard and buy a nice old Fender P and be done with it
  5. [quote name='ARGH' post='82206' date='Nov 1 2007, 12:38 PM']Same here onstage,but in the studio its a totally different arena. Ive tried Ibanez and warwicks...numerous stuff,but the Fender sound just...well it fits,they are bulky,heavy,and crude...but they work,and engineers smile when they come out of the case.[/quote] My 70's P always sounds great in the studio, with minimal mucking around with things. My Warwick's on the other hand take a lot more work.
  6. [quote name='Cantdosleepy' post='80762' date='Oct 29 2007, 12:09 PM']Some lovely old P tone courtesy of QOTSA: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Dy56iQd6Jg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Dy56iQd6Jg[/url][/quote] Tone! I sometimes get stuck in a rut with the sound of my P-bass and go off it a bit but that changes very quickly after listening to a spot of his filthy tone.
  7. [quote name='chris_b' post='80291' date='Oct 28 2007, 01:47 AM']You can love your Fenders but, in my opinion Lakland, Shuker, Sadowsky, Alleva Coppolo and dozens of other companies consistently make far better Precision basses than Leo ever did.[/quote] So what is the "definitive" precision bass? Fender P's (especially the older ones) have got this kind of charisma that no-one's come close to copying IMO.
  8. I believe both statements to be true. I'm trying to think of other things that have been invented and not changed much at all because they were just great to begin with... having no luck... Anyway, if it aint broke don't fix it.
  9. [quote name='BeLow' post='79920' date='Oct 26 2007, 07:32 PM']Hey Thumbo glad it went well - slightly relieved would have felt a bit daft if you had a mare - anyway this way maybe I get ocome and see you playing bass in a country band wearing a tutu - never thought I'd hear myself uttering those words in the sequence![/quote] Cheers mate!
  10. I love these amps. Good luck with the sale!
  11. Hiscox cases are stronger than the Fender ones. I've compared both brands' cases side by side and just pushing down on the top of the cases alone there's a big noticable difference in how they flex. You can stand on the hiscox cases and they'll only bow slightly... i wouldn't dare stand on a fender case.
  12. [quote name='BB2000' post='79207' date='Oct 25 2007, 02:57 AM']Why are folks so worried about neck pocket gaps? If it's 0.5mm or 2mm it ain't going to sound any different. If the neck moves in the pocket tighten the screws up! I've always preferred Fenders with a bit of a gap - with some of the Japanese Fenders you sometimes can't get a cigarette paper between the neck and the pocket, and more often than not you'll end up with paint chipping at the edge of the pocket if the neck does get a knock.[/quote] Why can't Fender just get it right? The neck is meant to fit snug in the pocket yet for some reason 1/2 the time it doesn't. It's a small example (and I agree, I doubt it affects the sound of the instrument) but it's one of many to add to the list of Fender's very poor consistency.
  13. Have a crack at learning a new song every day.
  14. thumbo

    Longbow Bass

    You don't want one. They're horrible and wrong.
  15. No tutu pics I'm affraid, it was in the wash. The gig actually went really well, I had a word with the guitarist, told him exactly how I felt about stuff which paid off. We spent an hour before the gig going over stuff and I scribbled random letters on a some paper to remind me of things. I hit a some bum notes, but I hit them with conviction so they just sounded like dodgey notes, not mistakes! I'm glad I played the gig, I had a good time. I honestly can say that I wouldn't have played it if you lot hadn't convinced me otherwise though! Thanks We also got offered two more gigs, which with a bit more practice should be great. cheers
  16. thumbo

    PC v Mac

    [quote name='Bassman7' post='76655' date='Oct 19 2007, 06:50 PM']You just got to have the next Mac OS X Leopard with a screen like this![/quote] I'm really looking forward to leopard, i think it's going to be great. They've added a lot of little features that just add even more convenience to using a mac. My mum's just bought one of the new imacs, it's an awesome machine.
  17. [quote name='BeLow' post='76950' date='Oct 20 2007, 01:09 PM']Are you sure that is wise in the Plymouth area?[/quote] Nope! But I'm a fast runner. I'm playing at the Hub, so i'll be right next to union street (rated the 4th roughest street in country if I remember rightly!). Lovely.
  18. [quote name='Hamster' post='76777' date='Oct 19 2007, 10:45 PM']Play the easiest 3 you've run through, refuse to play the other 3 and insist on playing Rawhide, Stand By Your Man and I Walk the Line. If he argues, remind him the rugby is on and that's a game played by gentlemen, and a gentleman wouldn't have treated you the way that he's treated you. Hamster[/quote] I feel inspired by this, I think I will demand a bass solo spot and a cover song of my choice. I pick 'Blood Red' by Slayer, a popular classic in the [i]c[/i]o[i]unt[/i]ry community in plymouth.
  19. Thanks alot for the replies. It made for a great read! I knew that I'd get some good food for thought posting on here. Last night I was feeling as stubborn as a mule and was almost set on not playing the gig just to prove a point, but you lot have convinced me otherwise. I'm gonna do it, and I'm gonna wear a pink tutu. BASSCHAT POWER! Cheers!
  20. That's stunning. Mr Shuker really is upping his game all the time. Congratulations!
  21. I'm in a some what of a predicament with gig I'm supposed to be playing tomorrow (sat) night. To cut a long story short, I'm doing some session work for a good friends' country band. I've had about an hour and a half to learn 6 of his original songs with the band up to gigging standard, they're not tricky tunes but I'm quite a way off feeling confident with gigging them. I was supposed to be rehearsing these tunes with him last night but he stitched me up. I got in from work and rushed to get my stuff together and shove food down my throat, tried to phone him and no answer. I tried 3 times and had no luck and he's only just contacted me over 24 hours later, now there's no chance of rehearsing these tunes before the gig because I'll be at work tomorrow. The predicament really is this, I havnt played a gig in nearly a year and I'm dying to play live again. However, I think he needs to be taught a lesson in me not showing up tomorrow and not answering my phone when he calls. He's done this kind of stuff before too, it's not just a one-off. ...and there's also the slightly large issue of me not feeling confident in playing these songs. What would you do? I don't know if I'd be cutting off my nose to spite my face by not showing up. It's not like it's a big opportunity of a gig, it's just that I havnt gigged in ages. I don't know what to do! :wacko:
  22. [quote name='rodl2005' post='75868' date='Oct 18 2007, 01:18 AM']true-valve DON'T mean good sound, neither does solid state ;-)[/quote] Damn right! Anyone heard the new Line 6 Spider 'Bogner' guitar amps that they've put valves in? It just goes to show, you can stick a valve in a turd... and it will still sound like a turd.
  23. I'm 99% sure that's a MIM model Dave. Check out this site- [url="http://www.guitaremporium.co.uk/index.php?f=data_fender_japan_new_guitars&a=3"]http://www.guitaremporium.co.uk/index.php?...guitars&a=3[/url]
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