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the hand of john curley

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Everything posted by the hand of john curley

  1. Woah...easy! ...I'm not commenting on the price at all. I just wonder why you'd sell something that clearly has a lot of sentimental value. Ultimately it's nothing to do with me...it was just a comment not a judgement.
  2. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1388335688' post='2320896'] Using an optical micrometer I measured the angle of incidence created by the shadow of the strings on the fretboard. I then divided this by the number of frets illustrated giving me a sloping gradient of .2ml/inch, this of course is not accounting for error of parallax which would possibly increase or decrease the factor depending on the viewing angle. 🍰 [/quote] Ah....splendid! I thought it looked a gnats cock away from being level....maybe the nut needed filing down and some wholly inappropriate pickup sticking in it.......hold on....you don't know my guitar restoring mate do you?....his names mark......???😁
  3. How can you tell from the photos that the necks possibly warped? Not disputing it at all....just that I'm buggered if I can tell! I need your expert advices!!
  4. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1388174571' post='2319209'] Someone like it there is now 1 bid [/quote] Don't worry-I've called for medical assistance. Clearly the bidder isn't at all well!!
  5. [quote name='simon1964' timestamp='1388172095' post='2319174'] Sorry - I wasn't really having a pop, but I couldn't resist in the context of the thread! [/quote] No worries 😁 You were right! Really ought to proof read my posts in future 😆
  6. Apologies! I should indeed have used 'fewer errors' as the errors themselves are countable. If the 'devil may care' remark was aimed at me then I assure you that this is certainly not the case. I made a genuine mistake-albeit ironically, given the topic-as opposed to the truly awful eBay advert! In the meantime.....I'll get my coat!
  7. Not too sure what's wrong with this one?.... http://item.mobileweb.ebay.co.uk/viewitem?sbk=1&nav=SEARCH&itemId=350941406045
  8. Well coincidentally...they have recently done a very similar guide for a chap from 'cleartone guitars'....he needed a guide to turning perfectly acceptable 7 string guitars into utterly butchered monstrosities !.....😁
  9. Think I'm going to have a punt on this...quick bit of research needed first though!
  10. I'm a primary school teacher....and most of my year 3 class could put this 'persuasive text' together more effectively and with less errors.....
  11. Looks like the bridge on the ibanez BTB range! May have a punt on this!
  12. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1385560961' post='2289640'] Is there any possible logical reason (and I ask in a spirit of pure enquiry, you understand) why anyone would solder a jack-lead directly into a bass? At what stage of insanity/inebriation/hallucination ([size=2][i]delete as applicable[/i][/size]) does this seem like a good idea? [/quote] I know a guy who does this... Does a mean 7string to 6 string conversion too in case your hands are mahoooosive )
  13. Ha ha ! ... For a moment there I thought his add said £1800 ha ha ......oh wait.....
  14. I bet I know someone who could've filed the nut and adjusted the neck to within a knats chuff of being level 😆
  15. I've got a jumbo electro acoustic bass by HB. It's bloody brilliant. Sounds great acoustic or plugged in.
  16. Lol....oooh....for one minute there I thought it had a BIN of €1000.......oh, wait....
  17. Amdek chorus pedal for sale. These are built like tanks and very rarely come up for sale. I just don't use it so here it is! Pics to follow.
  18. As description really. The plastic window is cracked and the grey paint has worn away in a course if the corners. No case and it's about 15+ years old !! Other than that it's all good. Wouldn't feel comfortable taking money for it, so cover the postage and it's yours. Cheers Matt
  19. I'll have the Chorus pls - PM on its way
  20. Shocking...didn't meet reserve at £68..... Amazed....I had one as my first "proper"bass when they came out. Amazing guitars.
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