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PaulWarning last won the day on July 5 2018

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    Chilwell, Nottingham

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Community Answers

  1. there's an interview where Lydon explains his feelings, he's never really got on with the others that's why he orchestrated getting Sid in, he does seem to take offense very easily, just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me 😊
  2. I'd rather see the Sex Pistols without Lydon than not at all, which seem to be the alternative, similar situation to the Undertones without Fergal Sharkey, I loved their recent gigs I've been too
  3. I think Rose coloured specs comes into play on a lot of these statements, but yes teenage years are the most formative music wise, I think it's great they use old songs in TV ads, it means everybody knows songs we do in our set like Blitzkrieg Bop and Should I Stay or Should I Go etc
  4. NL4 plugs will not work with a NL2 connector but NL2plugs will work with an NL4 connector, most modern PA's have NL4 connectors, so no problem. https://www.amazon.com/review/R3CPRR8V9Q7C7C/ref=cm_cr_srp_d_rdp_perm
  5. If you're using your laptop speakers you'll never hear bass, headphones should help edit, just reread the post, if you don't want to use headphones you cold do what I do and and connect the laptop to a stereo system, or buy some good quality computer speakers, built in laptop speakers are barely better than ones that are in a phone
  6. FTFY, if there's one way to wind up Forest fans it's to call the club Notts Forest, Forest, Nottm Forest or Nottingham Forest all fine. on the subject of Eurovision, haven't watched it for years, it's middle of the road Saturday entertainment, like Strictly, Britain's got Talent etc, I don't watch those either
  7. presumable it's worth £20 as firewood
  8. different solution to the same problem, I had trouble hearing myself sometimes now I put my amp/speakers on a table or chair to get them at ear level, it's solved the problem for me
  9. Give Ashdown a ring, they fixed mine for free, all I paid was the postage to get it there. Here's the photo
  10. Yes the Glitter Band had their own hits but when I've seen them, post Gadds peodo activities coming to light, they've done his hits as well, much to the crowds delight
  11. just watched This Town, good in parts, not so good in others, but the ending, although highly predictable was truly ridiculous, the whole crowd invasion thing to a song they'd never heard by a band they'd never heard off and worst song by the band in the whole series as well
  12. I thought was Glitter that sold the rights? according to the TV program anyway, or perhaps they both did
  13. no, because of the laws in USA his was able to pay off his accusers, but enough has come out since to convince me there's was something in it, if it had been Britain he wouldn't have got away with it edit, you could say the same about Jimmy Savile
  14. I've seen versions of the Glitter band a couple of times, since Gadd got convicted, brilliant gigs they played all the Gary Glitter hits, went down a storm, I suppose if Gary's not playing them it's different, great songs. Still not sure how the Michael Jackson legacy seems to escaped his very dodgy past
  15. yes, uncomfortable viewing, but necessary I think, pop stars in their 20's taking advantage of 14 year groupies is bad enough, but 8 years olds is beyond my comprehension
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