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Guest BassAdder27

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Now Iā€™m a convert to all that is ABM I thought I should start a posting topic for all owners of Ashdown ABM series amps and cabsĀ 


Iā€™m learning quickly that the ABM600 head is a true workhorse gigging kind of amp with a lot of sounds waiting to be tweaked out.


ABM cabs Iā€™ve only used the Pro Neo Cabs ( sealed ) but Iā€™m very pleased with the sound / weightĀ 



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I agree the ABM600 has a quality about it.


Im now using the 4 way footswitch with mine to add a touch of drive when needed and turn the compressor on and offĀ 


Waiting on my Roqsolid amp cover to arriveĀ 

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11 minutes ago, BassAdder27 said:

No pre amp for me but Iā€™m about to add the TC Spark Booster to the front end šŸ‘

Iā€™ve got an audition tomorrow and one of the songs requires a bit of drive so Iā€™m doing the same, TC Spark to the rescue.

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The full sized TC spark might be what I'm looking for. I don't want to colour my ABM EQ too much but I do want some always-on grit. Can't go wrong at Ā£49 new as well; bit cheaper than a new Sansamp!Ā 

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5 minutes ago, BassAdder27 said:

What songs have they got you playing ?Ā 
Good luck with the auditionĀ 

Thanks, itā€™s an originals band, sort of rockabilly punk. I want to be as near to their album (of which Iā€™ve had to learn it all) as possible. I really like the music and the whole way the band is set up really works with my ways of thinking so I really hope I get it.Ā 

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I owned an ABM600 for a while but it just couldn't compete with what I already had; the ABM1000 is still where it's at for me and is on a very short list of kit I've never even considered moving on. I really wanted to be able to justify a pair of neo 4x8 cabs for it when they came out, but I just couldn't spare the space so it has to make do with my Barefaced bits.





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Here's my rig:



Always thought Ashdowns got a bit of a bad name, but the above rig is excellent - I've also got a 210 evo ii cab if I'm using the Pbass.

23 hours ago, Jonse said:

I'm debating whether to buy an ABM 1200 or is it that just madnessĀ šŸ˜…

I have an ABM 1200 at my practice room - I guess if you've got 2x 4 ohm speaker cabs and you want to get 600w to each, then maybe its worth looking at. Or if you want more than 2x Speaker cabs. They are pretty damn heavy though.


I'd be interested in how everyone sets their EQ, whether they use onboard compressor etc.

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2 hours ago, alexa3020 said:

Here's my rig:



Always thought Ashdowns got a bit of a bad name, but the above rig is excellent - I've also got a 210 evo ii cab if I'm using the Pbass.

I have an ABM 1200 at my practice room - I guess if you've got 2x 4 ohm speaker cabs and you want to get 600w to each, then maybe its worth looking at. Or if you want more than 2x Speaker cabs. They are pretty damn heavy though.


I'd be interested in how everyone sets their EQ, whether they use onboard compressor etc.

Iā€™m using mine ( PBass with pick ) as image ( shape pushed in and trick is drop the 340hz slider to remove honk )Ā 

Dont use compressor as it drops volume slightly and smothers tone a bit


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I've been thinking about the Ashdown ABM 610 available in the classifieds since it's a good price and not too far from me. I've been using a Barefaced Supertwin with my ABM600 and I can't help but feel it's a bit harsh sounding with the amount of drive that I use (maybe it's my EQ?) I also have a Barefaced 610 that I'm yet to try but I feel that something like the Ashdown 610 may suit me better since they're apparently a bit darker sounding.Ā 


(Currently playing P bass with flats.)Ā 

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5 minutes ago, BassAdder27 said:

Iā€™m using mine ( PBass with pick ) as image ( shape pushed in and trick is drop the 340hz slider to remove honk )Ā 

Dont use compressor as it drops volume slightly and smothers tone a bit


Yep, I go shape in and scoop the mids slightly. Iā€™ll try isolating the 340hz and see how it goes

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8 minutes ago, Jonse said:

I've been thinking about the Ashdown ABM 610 available in the classifieds since it's a good price and not too far from me. I've been using a Barefaced Supertwin with my ABM600 and I can't help but feel it's a bit harsh sounding with the amount of drive that I use (maybe it's my EQ?) I also have a Barefaced 610 that I'm yet to try but I feel that something like the Ashdown 610 may suit me better since they're apparently a bit darker sounding.Ā 

I had 2 x 210 barefaced cabs. I prefer the ashdowns - didnā€™t expect to, but I did. Plus I picked the cabs up for Ā£100 each, which in comparison is a steel.

I am intrigued by the BF super compact though, I think that would have been more my thing.

There is 410 on eBay for a decent price


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Yep that 340HZ slider is key to a good tone on the ampĀ 


I even asked Ashdown if in their opinion it was better to run SHAPE out and feed in more mids in particular boosting 340HZ or ..Ā 

my preferred way

SHAPE in .. and pull the 340HZ down a fair bitĀ 

Ashdown agree itā€™s personal taste but less power is being pulled when SHAPE is in as itā€™s not trying to boost a ton of low endĀ 

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3 hours ago, Jonse said:

I've been thinking about the Ashdown ABM 610 available in the classifieds since it's a good price and not too far from me. I've been using a Barefaced Supertwin with my ABM600 and I can't help but feel it's a bit harsh sounding with the amount of drive that I use (maybe it's my EQ?) I also have a Barefaced 610 that I'm yet to try but I feel that something like the Ashdown 610 may suit me better since they're apparently a bit darker sounding.Ā 


(Currently playing P bass with flats.)Ā 

DM me dude, its my cab and I usually use bf cabs, it all depends what sound your after mate, more than welcome to have a blast anyways manĀ 

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ABM 600 user coming up to 3 years I think, probably the longest I've kept an amp in my music life, best amp I've ever had.

Got a bddi V2 complimenting it.

Usually paired with Bf 410/210 or both, occasionally an ashdown 610.


I have a very "aggressive" EQ probably most if you will raise an eye brow too, but it works for me haha. I'll only change it when I need the 1200!




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40 minutes ago, Stofferson said:

DM me dude, its my cab and I usually use bf cabs, it all depends what sound your after mate, more than welcome to have a blast anyways manĀ 

Cheers mate, I think I'll head down to the practice room tomorrow and give the Barefaced 610 a blast. I'll let you know how I get on.Ā Ā 

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5 hours ago, Jonse said:

I've been thinking about the Ashdown ABM 610 available in the classifieds since it's a good price and not too far from me. I've been using a Barefaced Supertwin with my ABM600 and I can't help but feel it's a bit harsh sounding with the amount of drive that I use (maybe it's my EQ?) I also have a Barefaced 610 that I'm yet to try but I feel that something like the Ashdown 610 may suit me better since they're apparently a bit darker sounding.Ā 


(Currently playing P bass with flats.)Ā 

I reckon that would sound awesome. Iā€™ve paired my ABM600 with many different cabs of many brands but IMO itā€™s always sounded best when hooked up to ABM cabs.

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