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Notation app anyone ?


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This looks amazing, I've spent about 6 hours so far today entering stuff into Sibelius.


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[quote name='ambient' timestamp='1427839270' post='2735016']
This looks amazing, I've spent about 6 hours so far today entering stuff into Sibelius.


Wow. That's a game-changer right there. They have to release this for iOS too. Are you using it now?

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[quote name='simonlittle' timestamp='1427839558' post='2735023']
Wow. That's a game-changer right there. They have to release this for iOS too. Are you using it now?

I'm just trying to find if it's available yet. I want it, if it's cheap enough.

I have 14 pieces of music to score over the next few weeks, each one is about 24 pages long. I've spent 6 hours today on one piece, this app would be an amazing help.

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[quote name='simonlittle' timestamp='1427840171' post='2735040']
The interface looks awesome. As a total non-pianist if I want to score something out on a computer I have to input each note manually with the keyboard/mouse which takes forever. This is how I want to write notation!!

That's what I like about it, I'm having to score my solo bass tracks.

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This is stirring up some ghosts for me .
My first day-job when I left school was as a copyist at a music publisher . They submitted examples of my compositions to the A.C.C.S. ( Arrangers , Composers and Copyists Society )for me , which were approved and then I was granted Membership and provided with a little rubber stamp saying " David Fry Member No. xxxx A.C.C.S. " . Then I could write a copyright symbol at the end of any of my original works , sign it and stamp it and I was told that that would prove ownership in a court of law .
I used to spend 8 hours a day at a desk writing out the individual parts from the score that the composer or arranger gave me ....

.... with a PEN . :lol:

Just now I remembered thinking back then, that one day in the future , when people will be wearing computers on their wrists and talking to others on the other side of the planet , then a machine will be doing this job . Synthesizers will be able to play anything .
I also remember thinking that in the future anyone will be be able to be a Walter Carlos but there was only one Jacques Loussier , ie real-time improvisation craft must be the thing worth pursuing in the future . But now I think , ...... well the fact is they were both playing Bach . :ph34r:

- Little flashback there , carry on on topic . :blush:

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[quote name='DaveFry' timestamp='1427843475' post='2735082']
This is stirring up some ghosts for me .
My first day-job when I left school was as a copyist at a music publisher . They submitted examples of my compositions to the A.C.C.S. ( Arrangers , Composers and Copyists Society )for me , which were approved and then I was granted Membership and provided with a little rubber stamp saying " David Fry Member No. xxxx A.C.C.S. " . Then I could write a copyright symbol at the end of any of my original works , sign it and stamp it and I was told that that would prove ownership in a court of law .
I used to spend 8 hours a day at a desk writing out the individual parts from the score that the composer or arranger gave me ....

.... with a PEN . :lol:

Just now I remembered thinking back then, that one day in the future , when people will be wearing computers on their wrists and talking to others on the other side of the planet , then a machine will be doing this job . Synthesizers will be able to play anything .
I also remember thinking that in the future anyone will be be able to be a Walter Carlos but there was only one Jacques Loussier , ie real-time improvisation craft must be the thing worth pursuing in the future . But now I think , ...... well the fact is they were both playing Bach . :ph34r:

- Little flashback there , carry on on topic . :blush:


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[quote name='simonlittle' timestamp='1427841037' post='2735056']
Oh PLEASE don't let this be an April Fools joke!!


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[quote name='ambient' timestamp='1427844014' post='2735086']


I want one. BTW, my birthday's next month... :-)

NB the linked article discusses why it's Windows-only.

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[quote name='simonlittle' timestamp='1427881092' post='2735295']
Boo! Hiss!
Surely they must realise the vast majority of music-type folks are Mac/iOS users??
It's madness I tell you!

Yep, my thoughts exactly.

Pretty much all my fellow students and I think all my tutors use apple.

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Have you seen MuseScore? [url="https://musescore.org/"]https://musescore.org/[/url]

It's quite similar to Sibelius but with one major difference - it's completely free rather than requiring another mortgage to pay for it :)
No it hasn't got pen input afaik, but if you can bear to click with an old fashioned mouse it's very good, and the audio playback isn't too shoddy either

Edit: There is also an installer for OSX 10.7 & older

Edited by Norris
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[quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1427894074' post='2735528']
I started with Sibelius and went to Musescore for a new computer. FOund it all but unusebale by comparison!!

Sibelius rocks. Worth every penny. I only wish I had more time to spend on it building up my composing 'chops'!

Sibelius is amazing, it was a bit awkward to use when I first started with a couple of years ago, but like everything else you get used to its little quirks :)

It is a bit slow though compared to that app, it'd be much nice and a lot quicker to just be able to 'draw in' the notes and articulations.

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I love the idea of "writing" the music like this, although I'm probably not going to buy a tablet just to do it.

Re. the thread diversion re other notation programs, I'm using Lilypond, which is free and doesn't appear to be lacking any "must-have" features. Its quirk, in this day and age, is that it uses text input rather than WYSIWYG.

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I hope this eventually becomes an app for iPad ( looks very useful).

For desk top I am a Sibelius user,
but for iPad, I have not found anything to out perform Notion.
Really is worth checking out.

A few Vids. (Tons more on the YouTube).

Edited by lowdown
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