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New to bass amps


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Hi, im a guitarist but im taking up bass to fill in for a mates band. I currently just have the bass and practice using my recording interface and my monitors. As i already have a quite expensive guitar amp setup i dont want or have the room for another setup for bass.

I have read the sticky at the top of the page about DI into PAs etc.. as a short term solution would it be useable to just get something like an MXR M80, Sansamp Bass DI or Line 6 Bass pod XT live and go straight into the PA.. and thats it.. no bass amp or would i come up against some problems??

Cheers, David.

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[quote name='lemmywinks' post='1179253' date='Mar 28 2011, 11:02 AM']As long as you have decent monitoring then it's an ideal situation. Nothing to carry!
If your monitors are just for vocals then you won't be able to hear yourself.

Amps aren't actually needed nowadays, we just like 'em![/quote]



Be gone foul spirit!!!!!

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[quote name='51m0n' post='1179276' date='Mar 28 2011, 11:24 AM']Sacriledge!


Be gone foul spirit!!!!![/quote]

Technically, you're wrong.. your amp, which I am a BIG fan of, is really bass monitor. Unless you play in band that has no PA or you play where there is no PA, you amp is really only for you..

MXR or Sansamp and VERY GOOD monitoring will work a treat..

That said, I still rather a little amp behind me.. but the FOH is always hearing your DI

I played a big festival and their glorious SWR 6x10 rig, that was supplied, stopped working just before the show.. my trusty sansamp saved the day and sounded miles better..

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[quote name='algmusic' post='1179303' date='Mar 28 2011, 11:42 AM']Technically, you're wrong.. your amp, which I am a BIG fan of, is really bass monitor. Unless you play in band that has no PA or you play where there is no PA, you amp is really only for you..

MXR or Sansamp and VERY GOOD monitoring will work a treat..

That said, I still rather a little amp behind me.. but the FOH is always hearing your DI

I played a big festival and their glorious SWR 6x10 rig, that was supplied, stopped working just before the show.. my trusty sansamp saved the day and sounded miles better..[/quote]

Well more often than not when I get to play out my amp is all the bass anyone hears, rarely need the PA to have the bass in it - but then I'm playing in pubs and ickle venues with not the biggest FOH. Teh PA we use could easily handle it for FOH, but very very few portable monitors can do bass justice IME, and I cant justify IEMs

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[quote name='DaveMal' post='1179637' date='Mar 28 2011, 03:40 PM']haha, i dont know.. 16 years of playing the guitar.. that will always be my #1[/quote]

trust me mate. you'll end up with a bass too

.. and yes you're talking to a drummer and bassist.. no room in my house to sleep :-)

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Find yourself a decent cheap, small amp. A DI box is a good backup plan or if you can be sure of every gig you'll play, but I bet there's not one person on here that's gigged regularly and hasn't [u]needed[/u] an amp at some point.

Turning up to a gig without an amp is unprofessional and will quickly earn you a bad rep if you do it without good warning. If you're not going to get an amp, at least make it very clear before every gig that you won't have one with you to the promoter and other bands that may lend you gear. I don't let bands use my gear at gigs unless it's all organised before hand, even if it means they don't have an amp (the last gig I played where both the other bands showed up without an amp, they both ended up using a small combo and blacklisted from the venue). If someone can't be bothered to shoot me some contact asking about it, I can't be bothered to lend out my gear.

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[quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1179778' date='Mar 28 2011, 05:35 PM']Find yourself a decent cheap, small amp. A DI box is a good backup plan or if you can be sure of every gig you'll play, but I bet there's not one person on here that's gigged regularly and hasn't [u]needed[/u] an amp at some point.

Turning up to a gig without an amp is unprofessional and will quickly earn you a bad rep if you do it without good warning. If you're not going to get an amp, at least make it very clear before every gig that you won't have one with you to the promoter and other bands that may lend you gear. I don't let bands use my gear at gigs unless it's all organised before hand, even if it means they don't have an amp (the last gig I played where both the other bands showed up without an amp, they both ended up using a small combo and blacklisted from the venue). If someone can't be bothered to shoot me some contact asking about it, I can't be bothered to lend out my gear.[/quote]

Well, not really.

Silddx doesn't use an amp, but then all the gigs he plays have proper setups with adequate monitoring - i class "adequate" as fully capable of handling bass btw, not just vocals and a bit of kick.

It's not unprofessional at all, if you know you have good enough monitors you can completely do away with an amp. I guess less people are in that position, hence needing a bass amp for monitoring and in some cases an addition to (or the bulk of) FOH.

The OP wasn't talking about cadging or borrowing gear, he was talking about using the gear they have to omit a bass amp.

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There's a world of difference between someone who's been playing bass for years as their main instrument and is playing decent sized gigs where they're garuanteed to have a good PA and someone who's a guitarist offering to play bass but doesn't want the bother of a big bass amp.

I'm sure there's been gigs where Silddx has needed an amp, whether he's used his own or borrowed one is irrelevant, I doubt he started off in good venues with a decent PA.

Not having one of the important tools of the trade when you could need it at any point is unprofessional IMO. What happens if you need it for a gig? The other bands don't have amps either or aren't prepared to lend them out? At best it'd cost money to hire one out anyway, then you'd have no control over what kind of sound you had (at least around here all the hire amps are knackered old things that could clap out at any second).

Like I say, anyone that is guaranteed to be playing good gigs and you know there'll always be a decent PA, then it's fine. But at smaller gigs you could potentially cause real stress for everyone.

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And considering that a Sansamp new is £180, and an MXR M80 is about £140, a fairly decent powered combo 2nd hand on here isn`t going to be too far away from that amount. As long as it has a DI on it, that would be my preferred option as to just getting a DI pedal. That way, enough power for smaller venues, and DI available to house pa at the larger ones.

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The OP was talking about not having room for a bass amp, rather than money, and I think depending on your situation it's a viable option. In the past I've done sound for a functions band that didn't bother with amps at all, just DI'ed and used foldback. Worked fine out front but that was a situation where they had their own PA plus subs that were adequate for the job.
Mind you, after a few years they switched back to using amps and it did sound better, though that was more obvious for the guitars. Half the time a decent bass rig is using PA-type drivers anyway. Just don't expect a cheap monitor to be able to thump like a dedicated bass amp!

Also when I was a student I frequently let student bands use the PA rig for bass foldback. I often preferred it because they weren't in a position to be overly fussy about stage tone, I had no problem getting a nice clean signal and as a result I could get a better mix out front.

Edited by LawrenceH
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Whatever the issue is, it's all possible to work around (unless you're living in a cupboard).

2x10s don't have much of a footprint if stacked vertically and they're strong enough that a guitar amp or other stuff can be put on top when not in use and you can get small heads that will fit in a gig back that will be enough. I doubt you'd struggle to find a nice rig (new) for £500 that would be giggable and compact. £400ish would buy you a new GK MB200 head and Ashdown 2x10 for example. Any gigs where that would be too little should have PA support anyway.

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[quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1180113' date='Mar 28 2011, 09:43 PM']Whatever the issue is, it's all possible to work around (unless you're living in a cupboard).

2x10s don't have much of a footprint if stacked vertically and they're strong enough that a guitar amp or other stuff can be put on top when not in use and you can get small heads that will fit in a gig back that will be enough. I doubt you'd struggle to find a nice rig (new) for £500 that would be giggable and compact. £400ish would buy you a new GK MB200 head and Ashdown 2x10 for example. Any gigs where that would be too little should have PA support anyway.[/quote]
Funny, I'd been thinking this as a suggestion but didn't as the OP hasn't given any budget for this.

But yes, there's a few good small heads that can be picked up for @ £300 that'll fit in a gig bag & there's good small footprint 2x10s from the likes of Markbass & TC Electronics (to name but a few) & a narrow 2x10 could always be stacked within the guitar rig when neither are being used.

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Surely if the PA fails then it's gig over? Unless the singer goes through the bass amp....

I think we're getting away from what the OP asked. His situation is that he is filling in on bass for a friend's band and is looking for a temporary solution. If they have a suitable PA then it's totally fine, in some cases preferable, to not have a bass amp and just DI.

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