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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. [quote name='JonesTheCat' timestamp='1472666958' post='3123138'] Flea, apparently. I mean, I like his playing on Jagged Little Pill so I'll take it. [/quote]Isn't he only on one song? I maybe wrong
  2. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1472634157' post='3122730'] I have the same view, but use the lack of an imposed meaning to choose my own. Understanding the chemistry of the brain does not make it less wonderful. [/quote] well you tell him that!
  3. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1472588609' post='3122446'] And yes. I think it's been proved that things are just a collection of electromagnetic waves. It's only when other electromagnetic waves interfere with them and then activate our visual cortex does anything actually become 'real'. Which is odd because then it's just a collection of electro-chemical impulses. [/quote] I have a friend who's whole attitude to life, emotions etc is that it's all just electro-chemical impulses. Therefore meaningless, so he pretty much gave up on trying to achieve anything in life.
  4. [quote name='Trueno' timestamp='1472586045' post='3122423'] Have you thought about taking a degree in Philosophy? You may ponder such questions as: does something exist if no-one is looking at it. [/quote] That comes into quantum physics too!
  5. I wouldn't care! Why can't people be cool about things? Why be a pain in the arse and make a problem? People need to lighten up!
  6. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1472303146' post='3120188'] Depends if those people can function after having a drink... I'd expect a couple of pints to have no effect at all.. [/quote][quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1472304447' post='3120200'] I'm very fond of a drink, but at gigs usually stick to water. Apart from the playing, it makes the drive home less stressful if you know you have nothing to fear from the breathalyser. I've never played with anyone who was better after a few drinks (or the dreaded pre-gig spliff). [/quote] I have a jack n coke before each set and I'm fine. Doesn't get me pissed! I know a couple of people who are better after a drink or two, not pissed tho!
  7. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1472259202' post='3119933'] Exactly, like no drinking on the job. Blue [/quote] I prefer no job on the drinking!
  8. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1472248794' post='3119883'] Can I have the past and future tenses please? [/quote] musicesters and musicendants!
  9. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1472242602' post='3119822'] I'm no expert but something sounds a miss to me?, lol. I waiting for other nouns to be 'verbed' , any suggestions? [/quote]I'm struggling to say Musicianionizesers!
  10. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1472226718' post='3119664'] Musiced,musicing,musicer? Come on then let's hear the verb for musician. [/quote] I Musician You Musician He/She Musicians You (plural) Musicianers We Musician They musicianizes It Musicianionizeser
  11. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1472159289' post='3119057'] Yes, it is tricky, but that's because 'musician' encompasses such a wide range of activities, skills, abilities and a correspondingly wide range of opinions. I think I can reasonably claim to be a musician because I can play a few instruments - some adequately, some poorly - have written a few songs and can record, mix and create an album of original songs. But I'm under no illusion that I'm good enough to do these things for a living. I can't read music (well, only painfully slowly) and my understanding of theory is tenuous at best so I'd be laughed out of any 'serious musicians' club. So what does that make me? An average musician? A poor musician? A better musician than the vast majority of people who can't play any instrument? Does it really matter? I am what I am and I play what I play - but the point is I make music and I don't know what the term is for such a person other than 'musician'. [/quote] Despite what I've said I totally agree with this. I guess it depends on your personal definiton of 'musician'.
  12. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1472206443' post='3119403'] On the electrician/musician analogy - You would hire an electrician to do a certain job, and he/she would do what you asked of him/her (well not round here he/she wouldn't, but that's by the by) The equivalent 'musician' would be a dep, or a classical muso - who will play the pieces you ask him/her to That's the only real case where this analogy works. [/quote] Or a school/college/uni as a teacher. Or a theatre company may hire you as an MD. Or film/Tv company as a composer. Or a church as a choir leader. Or another musician who needs you to arrange/write parts. Or an orchestra as a conductor.
  13. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1472213100' post='3119494'] You may [/quote] Thank you
  14. It was Guns 'n' Roses. In the last couple of weeks I've started listening to em again....and I f***in love it!
  15. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1472158334' post='3119048'] To me even just recording your own album in the basement is performing, once it's being done to entertain someone else be it live or recorded it's a performance and has artistic merit, the worst dross you have ever heard might be a number 1 hit, the fantastic album might never get burnt to a cd. Tricky aint it? [/quote] may i just say i don't think being a trained musician makes you a better (artistically) performer, writer etc than someone who isn't.
  16. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1472156900' post='3119033'] You are missing my point, you can be a musician either by qualifications or as a recognised performer of music, there are many unqualified musicians who I think most of us would agree are still musicians, an electrician without qualifications is not an electrician even if they are good at it, at best they would be described as 'handy' or something. If you employed an electrician with certain grades and extra certificates for extra associated skills you should get what you pay for, jib rates even try and pin that down whereas a musician is an artist imo, my neighbour loves opera and classical music, I wouldn't enjoy his music collection and he wouldn't enjoy mine, the level of qualifications gained or albums sold have no bearing on the final unquantifiable product do they? [/quote] Unless i'm not understanding you you are talking about performance. You can get work as a musician that isn't just performance. Arranging, composing, teaching, conductors, MD's, choir leaders etc. But performance wise, in terms of clasical and opera (obviously talent is unquantifiable) but the better trained (qualified musicians) tend to get more of the work. I have two mates who are drummers. One who is self taught and a great drummer, one who went through The Royal Northern and has loads of qualifications. Guess which one tours the world with the BBC Orchestra, Halle Orchestra, does musical theatre work, teaches in conservatoires and schools etc etc etc and guess which one plays in pub bands and soul bands!
  17. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1472114106' post='3118557'] As an electrician and a musician (still open for debate) I'd say the difference there is that my qualifications as an electrician are quantifiable where art isn't, does a grade 8 on violin make you any more enjoyable to listen to if the person listening hates the sound of a violin? [/quote] As a qualified musician(are my many music qualifications unquantifiable) and someone who can change a plug. I'd say whether someone enjoys your violin playing or not has no bearing on whether you are a musician or not.
  18. I'd say to be a musician you need to be able to understand most of the disciplines. Playing, reading, composing and understanding theory and other instruments. You wouldn't say you were an electrician just because you can change a plug!
  19. At college a lecturer told me that when he was asked what he did for a living he replied "I'm a piano player". People would then ask him what tunes he knew and could he play this or that. After a while he got fed up of this, so when people asked him he started saying "I'm a musician". He said people then would say "really!? What drugs do you take".
  20. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1470850417' post='3108963'] I lie awake worrying about it. Your dismissal of my pain amounts to insensitivity beyond measure. You'll be playing Heavy Metal on the wrong bass next. [/quote] hahaha
  21. [quote name='The Jaywalker' timestamp='1470584514' post='3106900'] Good-natured trolling aside; I've had the misfortune to meet not a few folk in my career who actually subscribe to that view. Sad. [/quote] ha ha really. I'd love to meet them!
  22. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1470584149' post='3106894'] Maybe you should have that debate in a separate thread if it's nothing to do with this thread then. [/quote] Well it does, as it was in reply to a statement within this thread!
  23. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1470587345' post='3106916'] I can only think you are wondering what "Heeheehee" means... It's just that I h8 using acronyms, abreviations and initialisms such as lol and I dislike txtspk generally. Sorry for any confusion but I thought what you said was funny and I larfed. [/quote]I thought you were just laughing at "look mate"
  24. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1470573618' post='3106785'] I'm not a big fan of the song. It reminds me of a couple of experiences in my student days of jamming with people who decided they were going to get into jazz without having bothered to listen to any jazz! For some reason, this song always crops up in that situation. I actually like the idea of jazz-influenced pop, but I can think of some much more enjoyable examples, like some of Joni Mitchell's output. [/quote] All you've gotta do is stick a 7th and another number on a chord and it becomes jazz. It's easy really! Don't listen to all these jazz guys who want to make it seem like a mystery. They just want to seem intellectual and more talented than the rest of us! It's as easy Katy Perry songs!
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