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Everything posted by Josh

  1. [quote name='Marcus' post='259407' date='Aug 10 2008, 05:06 PM']I plugged my old Kingbass into my EBS Rig at the time (TD650 & pair of neo212) sounded horrible !![/quote] I'm knackered then.
  2. Someone needs to nab this pronto, a SS 2 is a must for any bassist who likes a good growler
  3. [quote name='ziggydolphinboy' post='258913' date='Aug 9 2008, 04:36 PM']Hi everyone , i want to upgrade sell my 4 string its a fender jazz bass plus, i was just wondering wether to sell ot trade for a warwick or status any thoughts? kindest regards ziggy.[/quote] Well it depends which Warwick or Status your after exactly, say for example, if you can get at least £500 for your jazz, you could easily get a second hand Corvette, Streamer LX, Streamer Pro-M, Streamer or Corvette Jazzman, or a Thumb B-O if you look in the right places. But as I said it depends what you can get from the jazz, if you only manage to get about £300 then you will struggle find a proper Warwick for that price, if so then Warwick Rock Bass would be an option. I can't necessarily vouch for Status though, alot of S1's and S 2's go at varying prices, and then there are the other models (Energy, Empathy, etc...) which I'm not very familiar with. But still just keep your eyes on the for sale section, a good few of the basses I've noted are up for sale. Are there any specific Warwick or Status basses your after?
  4. [quote name='ste_m3' post='258906' date='Aug 9 2008, 04:29 PM']EBS? PS, mine was much more creative ^_^[/quote] Git
  5. And it's not necessarily the first letter.
  6. B.......................................
  7. Come on man, who else on here is more in love with a certain piece Trace Elliot engineering, maybe Rayman but my guess was on Ped as soon as you said "And i dont think most of you will believe he's parting with it!", and the combo happens to be loaded with valves and tubes Tell you what man, I've just secured a deal myself on a new head, and I bet I could make mine alot harder to guess
  8. [quote name='ste_m3' post='258874' date='Aug 9 2008, 03:50 PM']Would you like to inform everyone how you got there! Good job [/quote] Happily Sir Tray + Cellulite = Traycellulite Man could've made it harder!
  9. I'm guessing a Trace Elliot maybe.
  10. Josh


    It's great to see Manring in a band situation, just letting the song breathe, and his tone is just right.
  11. Ahhh the old girl, a stunner in the flesh and is packed full of the 'Wick growl, and holds a good variety of other tones as well! Also, Adam is just great to deal with, buy with confidence! Chrisdabass was the previous owner to me, so he'll be along soon to share his tupence
  12. Ummmm my [url="http://www.bassmerchant.com/pics/products/zoom_wt550_front.jpg"]Eden World Tour 550[/url]+ Cash??
  13. Ahhh let's hear it for Dirk, one last time: That is the Incubus that will never come again
  14. Nic eone man, also have a good time gigging with Evita!
  15. [quote name='Matt_UK' post='255396' date='Aug 5 2008, 02:03 PM']Blimey Josh, thats a sweet SSII...and that 535 is gorgeous as well, what wood top has it got? Spalted something...? (at a guess) Maple? G'ah...I knew it... Bad GAS [/quote] At a guess, I'd say Splated Maple as well, but I actually don't know, wish I knew where to find out, and the spalted top came as a nice little suprise actually .
  16. *Up-Date* My 1998 (Sorry John ) Warwick Streamer Stage II 4 String: I love it, it's so smooth and comofortable, and the tone is exactly what I was hoping for!! And heres the 18volt pre-amp, I'll be damned if someone can guess what it is: It's feels awesome to have a (Even Better) Warwick again Also, that makes a 3rd bass that is has an 18volt pre, eight 9 volts between 3 basses
  17. [quote name='Matt_UK' post='255316' date='Aug 5 2008, 12:52 PM']I think youre right Josh. Dirk - I think - makes that original 'bus sound and although Kenney is now the bassist, Incubus is a different band now. Not better, or worse - just different ![/quote] Very true, but still certain songs live don't have the impact they use to have, for example, A Certain Shade of Green, has the slapped verse and really drives the song, Kenney just holds a chord through it, making it sound so empty and bland, and the same for the more earlier Incubus songs which are heavily groove orientated. Ah well, change is change. I'd better get a few pics up of my new growler as well!
  18. [quote name='Matt_UK' post='255019' date='Aug 5 2008, 02:12 AM']If Dirk came back, it would be awesome! Kenney is technically great...but hes great at EVERYTHING. He is literally a one man band: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47fzpzNOcw0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47fzpzNOcw0[/url] The 'wicks are so incredible - and to think I was going to fork out more moolah on a Jazz...I dont think they suit my music style - IMO, 'wicks are all about the funk; espesh the Streamers I bet your SSII sounds gorgeous - might have to add it to the GAS list ! I'm orf to dream bout that growl - I've got a busy day lying in tomoz...(its wicked being a student) [/quote] Kenney just can't justify Dirk, he is technically gifted, he can sing, compose, play competently on different instruments, but, to me, he dosen't embody the role of the bassist in Incubus, Dirk was the key to that sound which made you move, Redefine for example, it just makes move when it comes to the break down, it's a long buried incident, but many fans will always bring up the Dirk + Incubus = True Incubus until their dying day.
  19. [quote name='Matt_UK' post='255016' date='Aug 5 2008, 02:01 AM']Aaaaah man, she loves the 'quai I was having a great sesh earlier Out of interest, why Jamiroquai? Early Incubus is frocken awesome too - especially Battlestar Scralatchtica and You Will Be A Hot Dancer Katunich = Leg-end Funk FTW![/quote] Thats for my beast! Science is the ultimate show case of Dirk IMO, his tone is just amazing, and with the SS II, it's easily replicated, and sounds even better when it's coming out of an Eden Rig! Unfortunatley the latter 2 albums only offered a few of last his last good moments, Science and Enjoy Incubus are excellence in execution....andwell now their on an indefinite hiatus, hopefully sorting something out with Dirk maybe on the cards?
  20. [quote name='Matt_UK' post='255011' date='Aug 5 2008, 01:39 AM']Aaaaaaaah man, in black she looks hot - I used a whole box...I still prefer that natural look though That flamed figuring...phwoar... She needs a good waxing every now and again - shes always so dirty... She's not getting away, she's firmy tied down dude and I give her a good slapping to keep her in check every so often [/quote] Man, enjoy that bass she looks amazing, and please say you have a good noodle along to some early Jamiroquai with her?
  21. We do like our dirty growlers, John loves his nice and old, I like mine fresh from bench
  22. [quote name='Matt_UK' post='254942' date='Aug 4 2008, 11:34 PM']Damn straight mate, She's a disgusting dirty growler... :brow:[/quote] Wax her then man, tie her down and give her a good slapping [quote name='ahpook' post='254948' date='Aug 4 2008, 11:40 PM']niiiice. did they do them in black, do you know ?[/quote] Ohhh yess: [url="http://www.warwick.de/modules/custom_shop/NewsCustomShop.php?newsID=1761&modell=Streamer&page=1&cl=EN"]Tissues at the ready![/url]
  23. Congrats man! Is she a dirty filthy growler??
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