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Posts posted by EBS_freak

  1. [quote name='Muppet' post='114378' date='Jan 5 2008, 09:35 PM']Who's 'we' ? Are you a store? Have I missed something?[/quote]


  2. OK - so the Stroborack is here.

    It certainly lives up to expectations... given the deal (roughly the same as the Korg DTR2000) that I got on it, I am more than happy and it really is a killer piece of kit! I loves it!!

    It simply is the best tuner I have ever had. Bar none.

    Went out and got a latched pedal for it. Silent tuning on stage - yay! And with the nifty screen saver, I can keep people entertained when the band decides to play something slow and boring...

  3. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='114251' date='Jan 5 2008, 06:42 PM']I played that one too but Bernie had fitted some other eq as a test comparrison or something, It sounded fine but the GB eq was head and shoulders better and more powerfull, some of the db ratings on these are a tad scary and the output is staggering, better look after my preamp stage I reckon or I'll fry it!

    I like single coils, but I need such a quiet output for my purposes the GB pups were super silent over the Jazz ones..

    I also went for the glossy one cause I like polishing it! But the third triplet is there for the taking, I didnt ask the price on that one![/quote]

    Interestingly enough, all of the triplets were gloss finished and the third was taken back to a satin finish... dunno why, but either way, it's still stunning. It's still got a gloss like touch even though it doesn't look gloss. Very odd!

    You'll be hard pushed to beat Bernie's preamp... it's simply stunning.

    Come on, which basschatter is going to plunge for it?

  4. [quote name='rumour6' post='113852' date='Jan 4 2008, 11:35 PM']Hi there, tough at the moment but when you get your new bass (What have you ordered?) from Bernie it'll all suddenly be OK.... well worth the wait... good luck with the sale.

    He picked up his Spitfire today. Check the porn section... "She's coming soon......."

  5. It's only a matter of time til the GBs come flocking...

    Everybody I know who has gone into Bernie's basement has come away with new ideas about what bass they should be playing...

    I smell a Thumb and a Marcus Miller Jazz quivering as they know it's not long til they get the chop...

  6. [quote name='GremlinAndy' post='107863' date='Dec 21 2007, 09:06 PM']My [i]Peterson Stroborack [/i]arrived a couple of weeks ago. Well what can I say. It's fast, accurate and does a whole load of "[i]sweeteners[/i]" and the like, which are a bit beyond my needs, and is much more accurate yet stable/usable. It also has a neat programmable scrolling message function, which has no reason to exist on a tuner, other than it's a cool effect. It's *the* most fantastic piece of kit, but [u]very[/u] expensive, so unless you have money to burn, I'd stick with my previous rack tuner, the Korg dtr2000 which I keep in my studio rack now.

    Looks: 9/10
    Build Quality: 9/10
    Ease of use: 10/10 (basic use) 5/10 (extended use)
    Price/Value for money: 5/10 (so expensive and just does the same job as a *much* cheaper unit)
    Overall: 7/10 (low [b]only[/b] because of price)


    Some of you guys may have remembered that I ordered a Stroborack back in September last year. Well, it's still not here.

    I have however, had a slip through my door saying that I have a parcel that was attempted to be delivered and it would be held at the depot. Not knowing what it was, I entered the tracing figure and saw that the parcel had originated from the distributor I had bought the Peterson Stroborack off. I had no idea when the Peterson tuner was being shipped (I don't know if you guys know, the demand in the states is such that it's way outstripping the supply and as for Europe getting a look in.... anyway....) and so this was a nice surprise.

    I got up uber early this morning to get to the depot before work and when I got there you can guess what had happened. Yup. Despite the card saying that it would be available at the depot, it has been reloaded onto the trucks and out it went. I apparently missed it by 5 minutes. Typical.

    So it's somewhere out on the road. I seen they have already had a failed delivery at my house. I'm only hoping that it gets back to the depot pretty soon so I can pick it up before the collection points close tonight. I need my new toy!

    It's interesting to read GremlinAndy's review above. Give the fact that I paid roughly the same as what a DTR2000 would cost me, I wonder if his overall review figure would change...

  7. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='113363' date='Jan 4 2008, 08:55 AM']The neck on that Pear is both bolted and epoxied ... I bloody hope he's got the set-up right![/quote]

    Looking at the precise engineering that took place with regard to that thumbrest, I would say it's a dead cert.

  8. [quote name='joegarcia' post='113448' date='Jan 4 2008, 11:53 AM']Yea good idea. Had considered this sort of thing. I would much prefer to have it for the whole session though if possible. I use a lot of fx and would want to tweak them according to the amp.[/quote]

    You could still do that during the mixdown process. Had a look through my book for Ampeg hiring but the closest I could get to Bristol was Newport, Gwent. :)

  9. [quote name='Beedster' post='113393' date='Jan 4 2008, 10:14 AM']Genius thread isn't it :)[/quote]

    The best.

    I think the thing which adds to it the most is the fact that Beedster's smiley face is there right next to the first post.

  10. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='113253' date='Jan 3 2008, 10:48 PM']I'm like a kid in a sweet shop. Not gigging until a week on Saturday, and can't wait.

    Bernie set up my Marcus Miller Jazz for me today, and it plays better than it already did. And those Neos make it sound monstrous!

    He also played a Spitfire he's made, but with Rumour electronics in it........and that was just off the scale. It's given me serious cravings for a GB now (I nearly bought a Goodfellow bass about 15 years ago, and still regret not buying it). How do I convince Mrs Thunderthumbs to stick £2000 under my pillow?[/quote]

    Bernie's like a kid in his own sweetshop! He loves it.

    I reckon that Spitfire you saw is the one that Psychoandy is going down to collect... It's a lovely piece of kit that one.

    I've never heard of anybody go down to Bernie's without leaving with a massive smile on their face. Maybe I'm biased, but I really do believe the best of British basses and amps (OK, I know they aren't British - good job really, cos they wouldn't work properly) are in Bernie's BASSment.

    The combination of Dick's electronics and Bernies attention to detail with regard to the basses themselves, it's a winning combination. I would urge people to take a look!

  11. [quote name='joegarcia' post='113089' date='Jan 3 2008, 06:12 PM']Hi,
    Was wondering if anyone knew anywhere I could hire an Ampeg V4B or maybe an SVT for two weeks (18th Feb-March 3rd) for recording. Ideally near Bristol or possibly in West Wales (where we're actually recording).

    If anyone has any ideas let me know.


    Just thinking of saving you some cash but I have been involved in a couple of recording sessions where I have plugged straight into the desk to record... then in the mixdown process, a feed is taken from the isolated bass track into say, an Ampeg which is then recorded as another track. With the two track, the blending of the amp and the direct bass signal gives you a fat but precise sound (of course, you could choose to remove all of the DI from the mix if you wanted).

    The advantage for you of course, is that you could hire/borrow/beg etc the amp for just a day for doing the recording of the amp. Just an idea for you to consider and potentially save you some cash (and yeah, I can assure you it does sound as good)

  12. Bassmankev, if you are feeling hard done to, PM me and I'll post you a 130 B string to keep you happy.

    There's one condition though...

    stop trolling in the for sale section and let people do their deals :)

    So yeah, send me a PM and it's yours... gratis.

  13. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='111976' date='Jan 1 2008, 08:53 PM']Hope to collect on Friday, its about an 8hour round trip, but cant wait, now the weather looks crap! Snow! Bollocks.

    Heart rate increasing,
    Sweaty brow,
    Damp patch,

    Is this GAS or another common affliction of the nearly 50's,

    nb:reaches for blue pill![/quote]

    I know somebody getting no sleep tonight...

  14. [quote name='stevebasshead' post='113090' date='Jan 3 2008, 06:15 PM']I found the same worked well for me (AH300SMX head) but I also had pre-shape 1 turned on so probably got diffferent results from you. Pre-shape 1 was a smiley face preset, wasn't it? Or is my memory playing tricks?[/quote]

    I thought preshape 2 was the smiley face (in that the button was pressed in and the led was lit)?

  15. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='113079' date='Jan 3 2008, 06:00 PM']Nothing on the EBS site yet but one online seller has them cheaper than the HD350! I recon they are getting it mixed up with the old classic pre-amp.[/quote]

    Funny you should mention that, *somebody* told me that they are cheaper than the HD350 although official prices have not been released yet.

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