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Posts posted by EBS_freak

  1. [quote name='andy67' post='126820' date='Jan 24 2008, 12:27 PM']hey..hey..

    I have two ampeg b410hlf's....but cannot use them as an 810 because they are both 4ohm (making it a 2ohm load) my amps do max 4ohm!

    I have bought leads and boxes allowing for series connection but it does not appear to work well.[/quote]

    Hey dude!

    Ah, this ohm thing can be a right pain in the rear at times...

    Yeah, if your amp is expecting a 4ohm load, you won't get the maximum out of those cabs. Nightmare huh?

    Hmm. If you can manage the size of it, go for the 810 - just make sure you audition them before dropping the wedge! Good luck with it all!

  2. Woah. A bit of ferret/ian friction here.

    Chill it geezers.

    Bassing is about finding stuff that you like, you make mistakes along the way! You live and learn.

    Good luck with sale ian and hope you get what you are looking for, whatever shape it may take! I'm sure you'll have no problem shifting this, there are a lot of Status King bass fans out there!

  3. [quote name='Sibob' post='126771' date='Jan 24 2008, 11:40 AM']What i find slightly odd is that Rudy Pensa and John Suhr are different people, they have of course worked together on various Pensa-Suhr guitars and basses, but the listing says "MADE BY GUEST LUTHIER JOHN PENSA SUHR"


    I thought that also. John Suhrs stuff are a cut above the rest though... as was the stuff by the late great John English.

    I have to agree with earlier comments though, the stuff coming out of Fender's custom shop are not that good on the grand scale of things - and certainly not worth the premium over the standard run of the mill stuff.

    If you want something nice, it's probably worthwhile going direct to the likes of Suhr, Anderson, Nash, Tyler etc...

  4. [quote name='andy67' post='126736' date='Jan 24 2008, 10:45 AM']I know, i know....

    cheers for the morning laugh folks!

    found this: [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~Marshall-MBC810~ID~7642.asp"]http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~M...810~ID~7642.asp[/url]

    any input would be cool



    Thats a good price. Thomanns are coming in at 540ish so in my book, I reckon that's a pretty good deal! Have you test drove any cabs yet?

    I still reckon you are making a mistake though... 4 2x10s, 2 4x10s I would say were a lot more useful than an 8x10... The transportation issues... and also, if you are playing a smaller gig and you turn up with an 8x10 you aren't going to be a popular guy.

    That's just me though. What would I know? My experience is as follows - I've gone from 2 4x10s, to 1 4x10, to 2 2x10s. To me, lots of small cabs to me makes more sense, especially the 4 2x10s. Big gigs, take all your cabs, small gigs, rehearsing, just take the 1 2x10.) Of course, having an amp that goes down to 2 ohms helps.

    I can fit my two 2x10s in the boot of my car. I couldn't get the 4x10 without taking the seats down.

    But I have to admit, 8x10s do look cool.

  5. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='126680' date='Jan 24 2008, 09:30 AM']I have to admit a Neo 6x10 will give you anywhere from 90% - 110% of the performance of the 8x10's that you've ementioned @ 50% of the weight... you know it makes sense!

    Total weight of cab (2100 watt) and amp (1000 watt) 38kg. Certainly saves this old man's back :)[/quote]

    Sod it. Get 4 2x10s. Your back will thank you. Make sure you get the right impedance though!

  6. [quote name='BassManKev' post='126499' date='Jan 23 2008, 10:30 PM']nice to see people jumping to conclusions against me, just for a change

    sorry mate i didnt recieve the string, i didnt ask you about it as i thought you had just changed your mind or something, when did you post it?[/quote]

    I posted it last Wednesday...? Ugh... don't tell me our national postal service has screwed it up. Again. Bah. Anyway, let me know if it comes.

  7. [quote name='ped' post='126388' date='Jan 23 2008, 07:26 PM']I suppose if it doesn't turn up then me and you could gang up on Mr. Overwater - I will join the side of whoever looks hardest[/quote]

    Jeez. All this over a Trace-Elliot.

    *Grabs coat and runs for cover.*

  8. [quote name='overwater#1' post='126202' date='Jan 23 2008, 03:40 PM']I took the B strings, and sent a very appreciative PM to WH!!! Very generous guy.. :)

    Edit:were you reffering to me??[/quote]

    Nah - BassManKev - I sent him a string to quit his whinging.

  9. [quote name='ped' post='126311' date='Jan 23 2008, 05:26 PM']Bugger. Considering upping your warning level Mr. Freak ;0)[/quote]

    Aw c'mon. It's been a bad day at work. Everybody needs a little fun!

    I'm not doing too well am I? First "The Wife" post... now this...

    *sigh* nanny state. ;0)

  10. [quote name='overwater#1' post='126305' date='Jan 23 2008, 05:23 PM']I know what you mean, I fancy a couple of 1x12's or 2x10's now to be honest.. plus something with a bit more top end, as my 4x10 doesn't have a horn in it, hence my great interest in a bright box. The stack could do with more top end to really show off my bass.. yes, why do I have such an expensive bass, and can't afford to spend on an expensive amp... my parents actually bought the bass outright for me, god theyr'e awesome.. I want to make a career from playing, so they thought it right to help me in this way, and get me my dream bass.. but unfortunately, I really cannot afford to get the amp to do it justice just yet.... I keep considering selling both cabs and buying some light EBS stuff, or similar, but I wouldn't get a large amount for the Trace cabs i'd of thought, so I can't be arsed.. I did though send the seller of this bright box on ebay an email explaining my situation, and offered him £50, and asked for him to make a deal sort of... £50 is way too less I guess, but I wanted him to say, well.. call it £80 or something.. but I don't think he was to pleased by the message.. haha :)
    The trace rig I have has always been my dream rig, and to be honest, I want to keep hold of it.. im never selling that head!! But the cabs are just so damn heavy and awkward to move around!!

    If anyone fancies the cabs though, send me a PM.. I wouldn't mind selling them for the right price really.. well, id have to think about it.. !

    I must try and find a 2x10 or similar to be honest, but I could only spend like £100 or so on one... where the hell would I find something decent for that sort of money...??

    Anyways.. i have finished having my moan now haha.... :huh:[/quote]

    You wouldn't want EBS cabs with a Trace anyway - the EBS cabs are rated at 4 Ohms which means you could only hook one up to your amp.

    As for getting a cheap cab, it may pay to go with a BFM- I've never heard one but there are lots of people on here who certainly do rave about them. Instead of looking at bright boxes, maybe you should look into that.

    Alternatively, you could get a cross over fitted in your trace and wire in a horn. In fact, I reckon you could find the exact components and change yours to the horn version for less than £50. Much better than a bright box in my opinion.

    My mate modded his Ashdown. He put in an Eminence crossover and a bullet tweeter and he was away.

    Fitting a fixed crossover is easy and would require no modification but if you wanted to have say, a variable level Eminence tweeter, you could still put it in without modification. Just take one of the speakers out and put the crossover inside and secure it down somehow. A bit of a pain to change the level but it would mean no cutting of the outside of the box. You would still have to cut the baffle to mount the tweeter though.

    My mate bought a cheap one of eBay. It sounds pretty good. The EBS have the Seleniums - [url="http://www.iakn.com/prosound/st304.html"]http://www.iakn.com/prosound/st304.html[/url] - The original horns on the Traces weren't anything spectacular by any means so I reckon an Eminence with the Selenium would be a pretty mean upgrade... (and still sound better than a bright box)

    Anyway, it's funny how when we all start out, it's about the biggest rig. Now it's about the smallest, most powerful rig! (hence my 2 2x10s) Portable, powerful. Job done.

    What do you reckon your whole rig is worth? I thought I would never sell my Trace rig... and then I stumbled across EBS... If there is anything that shows your bass off... well... pure hifi.

  11. [quote name='overwater#1' post='126209' date='Jan 23 2008, 03:45 PM']Hah.. hey im always on the ball looking for tracey gear lol!! In fact though, I really need a bright box...

    Are you the guy selling the Bright Box on the Bay??[/quote]

    Nah - I got rid of all my Trace gear a while a go. Good stuff though... I was going through one of those stages where I just fancied a change! Although the 4x10 wasn't much fun lugging around.

  12. [quote name='overwater#1' post='126199' date='Jan 23 2008, 03:38 PM']Holy sh*t!!!! Sorry, I nearly had a heart attack!! haha That would have been quite nice..

    I seriously fancy the one on Ebay at the mo, that would be awesome, but really cannot afford to spend that at the moment..! Damn :)[/quote]

    OK... so where's Kev?

  13. [quote name='nottswarwick' post='125855' date='Jan 23 2008, 12:00 AM']coolio

    I was talking to Mr G last week, and he was indicating to me that in comparison wiht the fodera/sadowsky etc basses, his are very affordable for what is basically a top top notch instrument. I would love one, and will be saving little by little.


    Indeed - I think he is spot on. He often mumbles that if it had Fodera on the headstock he could more than double his prices... It amazing what Mr Wooten can do for the price of basses. Given a shootout between GB and Fodera, GB could more than hold it's own.

    The other thing I like about GB is that it's guts are unique. Loads of people can load a guitar with "this brand" pickups and "that brand" electrics, but the combination of the pickups and the electronics on the GB is only found on a GB.

    People may think I am biased, but I honestly believe that GB are amongst the best in the world. What with GB and Sei in the country, I think people are mad to even bother looking elsewhere if they are in the market for a top end instrument.

    Get saving, you won't be dissapointed. Bernie wouldn't let you be. If there were something you didn't like (which there wouldn't be) he wouldn't let you go away with it until you were!

    - and you won't find pitch pipes or a metronome in a Fodera...

  14. [quote name='terryblyth' post='125849' date='Jan 22 2008, 11:32 PM']Would anybody have the audio of 'When The Bass Players Took Over The World'?

    I remember it being on an Earwave promo-CD with Bassics magazine several years ago, but the CD has vanished from my vault!

    The track would be a great help to me with a project I'm working on at the moment - does anybody have a copy knocking around?



    Dave Pomeroy - that's a name I haven't heard in a while! It's all about the beard...!

    Sorry I can't help you with your project at the moment though. Good luck!

  15. All those strings and not one in the gauge I use. Ha ha. If anybody has a spare 125 long scale going? I have a full set minus the 125...

    [quote name='dood' post='125708' date='Jan 22 2008, 08:37 PM']If you feel that you want to contribute to the cost of p&p, then that would be grand... get 'em whilst they are here!

    Best to PM me so I can pick up any posts via email.

    ok I have for you:-

    1x Rotosound SBL 140 long scale suitable for a B / drop A tuning for example
    2x Rotosound SBL 135 Long Scale - Thats a B I reckon! ;o)
    1x Newtone 'Diamond' 130 Long Scale - utterly brilliant strings!
    1x Newtone 'Diamond' 105 Long Scale - still utterly brilliant strings!

    2x Rotosound SBL025 Long Scale - I reckon these are a light high C on a 6er.
    1x Rotosound SBP020 Long Scale - this is a plain unwound high F string. Its like cheese wire and a nice LOUD string too ;o)
    1x Elite stainless steel 020 Long Scale - again a light C or a high F string.
    2x Rotosound SBL035 Long Scale - these are 6er C strings. - One has been put on a bass to test but never played. Therefore I will leave both in the same packet and treat as one string.

    Sorry, I'm hanging on to the Newtone 145's as they were made specially for my bass, i seem stupidly attached to them!!!

    If anyone would like the whole lot, I have a jiffy bag big enough, dont worry!


  16. [quote name='D-COOPER' post='125557' date='Jan 22 2008, 04:56 PM']Fantastic bass!!Im really thinking seriously about a Rumour 5 at the moment.One question...what kind of sound does the metronome give(would be great to hear a kick drum sound rather than the usual click) and can the tempo be changed at all?(ok thats two questions!!)[/quote]

    No problems - first up, stop thinking about it and just go for the Rumour, you won't regret it!

    OK, about the metronome, on the back of the control plate on the back of the bass, there are two small buttons. Push both to activate the metronome. Press one of the buttons to increase the tempo, press the other to decrease. Once you have finished, push both buttons to turn off the metronome. The circuit remembers the last tempo you selected.

    The metronome is on part of the "G Spot" circuit which gives you the pitch pipes to tune to.

    The sound of the "click" is a kick drum sound... it's pretty cool to play along with. On the circuit there is a trim pot which controls the level of the kick drum that will come out of the bass.

    Any more queries or anything, just give me a shout!

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