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Posts posted by EBS_freak

  1. [quote name='Faithless' post='120819' date='Jan 15 2008, 02:29 PM']:) Same thing to me happened, bro...

    Whole story's here - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=10292"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=10292[/url]

    I said 'em all - it [i]really looks like[/i] the amp's broken, or dead, or sick,or ill, whatever...!!!!!

    It was the first time for you with that battery trick, wasn't it, bro?[/quote]

    Quality! I've seen that happen before... the funny thing is, the guy I saw it happen to and he had a backup bass which he reached for... only to find the batteries in that were on the way out also.

  2. [quote name='Flanker' post='120967' date='Jan 15 2008, 05:06 PM']I'm not finding the Nordy any more noisy than my other basses but it does have the pickups which are meant to cut down the noise level I believe.[/quote]

    Well, there you go, completely different experiences. Can't knock the tone out of them though. Pretty stunning.

  3. [quote name='andy67' post='120789' date='Jan 15 2008, 01:53 PM']what do I do with it?

    Last week I bought a Crown XS500 power amp to use with my two 4ohm b410hlf cabs - my trace/ampeg dont do 2ohms - with a view to using the pre amp out on my svt 3pro...when I hooked it all up it was utterly horrendous!

    Crown have a good name and the net reviews where, to say the least, staggering leading me to believe that this was the right option for me!

    [*]Crown XS 500 - list £699 Sound Control £199
    [*]Ampeg 810e £749
    [*]Ashdown abm810 £600

    So you can see why it was the right option gone badly wrong!

    so help...what do I do? I need to spend the moeny![/quote]

    I don't quite get it? What's so wrong with it?? - am I not reading this right? - Did it just not sound good? And why have you listed the Ampeg and Ashdown

  4. [quote name='pnefc42' post='120749' date='Jan 15 2008, 12:53 PM']Here ya go!

    Ist up my custom Daphne Blue Rumour 4 c/w the GB LED Controller system - made for me in 2003

    And my custom Standard IV built in 2006 - has through body stringing and the Rumour electronics but the jazz control layout

    Like I've said these basses are the absolute mutts - the slap sound on the Standard is just incredible!!


    Cheers for that. They do look classy... I really like the Rumour in Daphne blue. Blue LEDs I presume?

    You should have your own seperate porn posts for these!

  5. [quote name='Hit&Run' post='120320' date='Jan 14 2008, 06:44 PM']SWR have got a rackmount tuner in the latest issue of bass player.[/quote]

    SWR tuner here -


    - looks quite meaty. Anybody know the price?

  6. Hey Flanker, how do you find the Nordy for noise? I know that single coils are noisy anyway, but what are they like on this? I find my Nordstrand pickups sound great, but they are particularly noisy. Doesn't bother me so much in the band situation - just solo. Just wandering if yours were any quieter.

    Nice setup by the way. Very tasty :)

  7. Has anybody got one of these?

    What are they like?

    Australian efforts - [url="http://www.ashtonmusic.co.uk/productlist.asp?CatID=1060"]http://www.ashtonmusic.co.uk/productlist.asp?CatID=1060[/url]

    They look very trace influenced...

  8. [quote name='bassmandan' post='120240' date='Jan 14 2008, 05:26 PM']+1 ..... some toerag lifted my DTR2000 from a gig a few months back and I need to replace it with like, or better. Do we have a 'ball park' notion of what kinda BC price is likely yet?[/quote]

    Hex bolts man. The opportunist never carries them.

  9. [quote name='StiffyP' post='119333' date='Jan 12 2008, 11:00 PM']


    KSD custom
    Ibanez EDC700
    Ibanez AEB100


    EBS HD350
    EBS Classic 410
    Behringer BTR2000

    Effects (through parallel loop):

    EBS BassIQ -> EBS UniChorus

    soon to get a sansamp bass driver or multidrive !

    hmm which to choose..[/quote]

    The KSD looks really nice with the tort scratchplate by the way. Those aren't the standard pickups are they? Or are my eyes playing tricks on me?

    How come you went for the 4x10 classic cab? They look pretty cool don't they?!

  10. [quote name='pnefc42' post='119963' date='Jan 14 2008, 10:20 AM']I have 2 GBs (as some of you probably know) a Rumour and Standard (both 4 string) which were both custom built for me by Bernie - these basses are the dogs!! Nothing else like 'em - simple as that!!!


    Nothing like them indeed! Have you got any pics of your GBs?

  11. [quote name='DamonUK' post='116185' date='Jan 8 2008, 01:40 PM']Lovely bass Mike.

    I've got 2 Spitfires. One bought through the forum.

    I do quite fancy a Rumour. More GAS for the New Year.

    Big EBS fan too.



    2 of them? We need pictures in the porn section!

  12. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='119701' date='Jan 13 2008, 07:10 PM']She certainly does, had two Gospel outings with her so far and first new secular band praccy on the 23rd. As suggested she has a slap sound to die for (yes some Gospel music has a bit of slap)! I just cant get over the bell like clarity, havent really had time at home to crank it up and check out all the permitations available, but the early signs are superb.[/quote]

    Yup - they certainly are monsterous thing. Scarily good. How does it compare to the Lakland then? Had many people comment on her yet?

  13. [quote name='gypsymoth' post='117905' date='Jan 10 2008, 03:28 PM']for those of us incapable of googling any info on this beast - is there a link to specs or something?
    curious as to how it might compare to an old hiwatt 400.[/quote]

    It's not out yet... so specs aren't available yet.

    The details should hopefully be on the EBS website after it has been released over 17-20 Jan at NAMM.

  14. [quote name='cris the man' post='117610' date='Jan 10 2008, 08:12 AM']can anyone describe to me how the bass works? :)[/quote]
    can anybody do my work for me?

    google is your friend.

    OutToPlayJazz has helped you out big time. It may be worth looking at active/passive circuits and commenting on the EQ and how this is done. Look at how a bass is grounded... and why it's grounded...

    Do you want to know about the physics of the bass (the pickup bit) or do you want to know more than that? You can open pandora's box when it comes to tone. Choices of wood - for body, for neck, for fingerboard. Through necks. Bolt on necks. Graphite necks. Maybe you could comment on fretless and fretted...? Solid body, hollow body. Scale length. Round wound strings, flat wound strings...

    Don't be lazy, there are loads of people here who will help you out dude and give you pointers to write an excellent piece of work... just don't expect an essay to be written for you.

    If you need some more help, just give us a shout back and I'll give you some more pointers.

  15. [quote name='jono b' post='117516' date='Jan 9 2008, 11:04 PM']I'm looking for a new bass amp and keep finding lots of Warwick ones about. They all seem to be pretty powerful, but do they sound any good? It's Profets and X-tremes mainly that I've found. I [i]think[/i] I tried one before, but I can't be sure, it was borrowed from a promoter and I was a little bit drunk at the time, so I have very little recollection of the sound it produced. Any help?[/quote]

    They sound OK, not a bad amp. What sort of budget are you looking at?

  16. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='117431' date='Jan 9 2008, 09:25 PM']ebs_freak me thinks u have over stepped the mark! but boy did I laugh..........cheers mate my sides ache![/quote]

    What do you mean? I hadn't even started talking about her BadAss!

  17. [quote name='The Burpster' post='117356' date='Jan 9 2008, 07:49 PM']Has anyone tried the floor stompy version of the Peterson?

    I doont have and doubt if I will ever have a rack as my Mesa is just to cute to be bound by a rack, however the tuners have the best reputation I just wondered about having a stopm verison instead.....[/quote]

    Stomp version is near as enough damn it the same... but obviously without all the inputs, outputs... oh - and the screensaver!

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