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Posts posted by EBS_freak

  1. [quote name='martthebass' post='123473' date='Jan 19 2008, 06:07 PM']Sorry to hijack your thread Ian.

    Does anyone know the standard set that comes with the DJ5 - love the action as it is and don't want to screw around with rod adjustments when I change strings.

    Cheers, Mart[/quote]

    They look like .45s to me - Lakland mediums I would hazard a guess. You can get them off the Lakland site. You may want to mail Lakland to see if they come with Nickel or Stainless Steel though...

  2. [quote name='BeLow' post='115133' date='Jan 7 2008, 12:32 AM']It is rather nice isn't it?[/quote]

    I'm glad you like it.

    I've had it some time now, and it's very stable. The neck hasn't moved a jot and I don't know how I will ever cope without that preamp.

    I'm saving up for the matching Rumour now :) - although I may go for an all stealth black with blue LEDs... Decisions, decisions...

    PS - It's nice to see a fair selection of GBs littering the porn section!

  3. [quote name='lushuk' post='125497' date='Jan 22 2008, 03:19 PM']Look like im sorted for the papers thank Mark
    They are for a time capsule for the birth of a baby (last sat 19-01-08) has anyone else got ideas what I can put in there? ive got some mags cds im after a old lottery ticket from last sat (will accept a losing one lol :) anyideas welcome![/quote]

    You say cds - The top 10 singles on cd would be quite cool

  4. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='125453' date='Jan 22 2008, 02:16 PM']no, ebay in the UK so no customs charges. i can save about 3 quid on the price by buying from the states, but there's all the other pitfalls involved in buying from the US. These have the right angled plugs and will only be used on a pedalboard. I would normally go for something like and OBBM or "john_the_bass's dad" special with neutriks on, but the plugs are too big to get close together.[/quote]

    There used to be a shop in the states where you could buy the pedal pack in really cheap - even after customs charges... but alas, it looks like they have gone pop. Yeah - the advantage of the george ls are the small space they occupy, you can really get your pedals up close. Good luck with all anyway! (and no, you don't need the stress jackets if the cables aren't moving anywhere - but I wouldn't recommend these for anything more than pedal boards anyway!)

  5. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='125387' date='Jan 22 2008, 12:31 PM']by best, i really mean cheapest!
    I've seen a kit comprising 12 plugs and 10ft of cable for £38 shipped. Is there a cheaper way of buying them and do I need to bother with the strain relief jackets? I don't plan on constantly unplugging these cables, they will live in a pedalboard, plugged into pedals.[/quote]

    Make sure you get the right angled plugs - the straight plugs aren't much cop... plus don't bother using these for anything but static cables on a pedal board as they are not strong enough to cope with anything else. Good cables for interconnects though. As for that price - looks pretty good. eBay from the States I presume?

  6. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='124307' date='Jan 21 2008, 01:16 AM']Not quite the piece of cake I thought it might be...

    Pick ups in, much quieter and more even tone across all the strings but when putting the pick up balance control in the centre, the pick ups sound out of phase???? :)

    Sorry - forgot to mention that this bass has an EBS pre-amp and the controls are vol/balance/bass/treble.

    Any thoughts? :huh:


    It's straightforward. If memory servers me correctly, there are three pins coming out the middle of the epoxy resin on the preamp. Trace the cables back to the the pickups in place. There should be a hot and a common ground. Note what goes where, remove and solder the new ones in. If you are still struggling, give me a shout back and I'll see if I can find my notes on the preamp.

    PS - there should also be a toggle switch on the preamp to activate the sweepable midrange.

  7. [quote name='dood' post='123911' date='Jan 20 2008, 04:12 PM']Jaguar actually had a limited addition Fender Statocaster made! IIRC it was a glossy british racing green with luxury gold hardware and the Jaguar logo. The price tag was absolutely ridiculous!!![/quote]

    Look behind the perspex display cabinets in PMT, Birmingham as you go up the stairs to the drum section for one of them...

  8. These are the best in the business in my humble opinion - [url="http://www.amptown-cases.co.uk/"]http://www.amptown-cases.co.uk/[/url]

    Flightcase Warehouse are also very good, right on my doorstep, but I reckon Amptown has the edge on quality.

    Either way, you can't go wrong with either.

    As for places near Oxford, I've got no idea.

  9. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='122758' date='Jan 18 2008, 11:42 AM']GB's love EBS so its probably gonna cost more. Your neck was made using the same bit of wood as mine and it is all gone now.[/quote]

    The blistered maple?

  10. [quote name='NowVertical' post='122572' date='Jan 18 2008, 12:52 AM']Just got in from rehearsal...a few pints from the pub helped the evening along nicely.

    As with my current basses this is gonna be played every day, rehearsed three times a week, gigged every two weeks or so. I do not want to feel in any way like I have to treat it with kid gloves as if it was a museum piece. That includes having to risk the odd dink at a pub gig...don't get me wrong I love and value any venue with an appreciative audience, it's just where there is clutter in a confined space (two of my bands are seven pieces) there is more risk.

    As well as keeping costs down, I hope a simple finish will make me treat it like all my basses. Plus I think there is aesthetic value in good workmanship displayed in its simplest form.

    I am gonna have to rely heavily on Bernie's word for wood choice. I have never taken any notice of the type of wood used in previous bases (I never thought to keep notes), I can take the bases I own and explain what it is I like about the sounds and hopefully he can advise on appropriate choices.

    This is quite an outlay, but I know people who spend a lot more on a flash car and then only use for them for the 10 minute drive to work and back (get on your bike). If I can buy a bass now that increases my joy of playing, allows me to try things I could not really pull off before and lasts me a good few years then it just seems to make sense to me.

    Anyway I better start reading up about wood types for the body, neck and board so I'm better informed.


    It sounds like you have already decided. Get down Bernies - he'll build exactly what you want. If you are going for solid colours, what are you looking at? I must admit, if I was going for a Rumour, I would go for the black, white or that shocking blue he does (not the daphne blue one - but the one which is currently on loan to Micheal Choi)

  11. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='119808' date='Jan 13 2008, 10:01 PM']well there such a numpty lot at Church, mind u a mate whos a carpenter said wow thats a nice piece of walnut! Hell! this has just cost me XXXXX.[/quote]

    Just seen you are getting an Epifani... it's still costing!

  12. Good to see that Bernie is open for doing deals with basschat members - he is keen to get involved with the internet public but as most people on here will know, he's computer illiterate - although I do know he has been on here a few times.

  13. It still sounds the dogs - bass_ferret nails the description.

    dood -

    I'd like to find out what the point of the stand-by switch is then... another name for a 'mute' switch eh?

    and what of:
    450 W RMS @ 2 ohms load
    400 W RMS @ 4 ohms load

    Not really sure here.. if the load doubles, I would suspect a bigger difference than a mere 50W between loads...

    - I know. But all of EBS heads seem to be like that...?

  14. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='121863' date='Jan 17 2008, 12:09 AM']Thought I recognised the name.

    Buy with confidence. Dont forget choice of woods makes a significant difference to the sound. My swamp ash fretless Spitfire was built first and foremost to be light, but it sings like no other bass I hae ever played.[/quote]


    They are stunning and I am pretty sure you will not be dissapointed. They are beasts. The EQ, as stated, is well powerful so you have bags of room to move in terms of cutting through the mix. Remember, the circuit can also be tweaked to taste so if something is not quite right, you can address this. To be honest though, the latest incarnation of the rumour circuit is fantastic.

    PS - if you aren't going to go for the exotic woods and looking to bring costs down, I saw a Rumour that has recently been sent out to Holland. Completely black and it look magic (nice touch that he replaced the red flashing light on the preamp with a blue one...)

  15. [quote name='BigRedX' post='121087' date='Jan 15 2008, 07:58 PM']120V only according to the web site blurb. So you'll need a step down transformer for use here in the UK.[/quote]

    I was going to write that - but then look in the pdf specs. There appears to be support for 240v also.

  16. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='121259' date='Jan 16 2008, 02:12 AM']Hi Folks

    Just wondering if anyone has one of the EBS pre-amps that Bernie Goodfellow supplies and fits in basses and if so, do you know if the pots can be trimmed in any way to adjust which frequencies are increased/decreased? Hope that makes sense......



    The stock preamp is basically a treble, bass, pan and volume - pretty straightforward. With the switch engaged, you get a high cut circuit - the switch changes between treble or a mid/treble mode. In the mid/treble mode, boosting the highs simulatneously cuts mids (superb for slap) and similarly, cutting highs boosts the mids.

    As far as modifications to the circuit, you'll be pretty hard pushed; its in a plastic case sealed with epoxy resin to keep it noise free. It's all that micro circuitry stuff so it'd be pretty hard to do anyway - I guess you could experiment with capacitors at the pots as that could manipulate the frequencys to what you want...

    PS - they are super circuits. Defo worth putting in your bass. They may be only 2 eq, but the circuit doesn't require anything further.

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