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Everything posted by dudewheresmybass

  1. nazi punks f##k off - dead kennedies / napalm death
  2. I’ve been very fortunate to play most of the basses I’ve listed after, but there are a few still left A bc rich wave Gibson explorer and v aria an black and gold and/or cb A Rick modded in a similar way to cliffs
  3. when I asked those in the know at ashdown when it was in development, they said yes. however, when I tried a production model I thought it was pants lol Others may have a differing opinion lol I now use the mxr BOD
  4. from a quick google search, that tool appears to hold the inside of the socket whilst tightening the nut. Should do the trick
  5. can this be set to play one track from the memory and then stop after playing it through once?
  6. Summer NAMM has been less significant traditionally than the winter edition from what I've read, and therefore a lot of producers seemed to concentrate primarily on the Feb exhibition
  7. @Cosmo Valdemar's bc rich and a harris preamp
  8. I've listened to it a fair bit since it arrived on the doorstep. There are some interesting songs there, but nothing WOW. Lars' rat-a-tat snare stuff got really tiring and the volume/ eq of them cut across everything else (I guess we know who spent most time at the studio and signed the cheque) Some of the tracks had real potential, but either threw away the best riffs or were just too long. All IMO etc....
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