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Everything posted by dudewheresmybass

  1. apparently, from what I've read and heard - yes it is
  2. 3 i found too scooped for my taste. The 4 are the harris sig, so I imagine should have more mids to them
  3. He was switching regularly between passive and active modes during his noodlings, and he spoke about it in his spiel
  4. the butler vintage is a great p bass no matter what the name attached to it is. Its a bit subjective as to whether a 'name' instrument will sell more than a bog standard one. However it does seem to draw people to them perhaps in the first instance - along the lines of "oh! a *insert name here * bass I wonder how that is. Presumably the hope from there is that the instrument is good enough to sell. I have sig instruments from different manufacturers (not my sig! LOL) and I bought them because they did what I wanted them to do and not based on the associated name
  5. looks pretty comprehensive. If you don't mind me asking, how much was it?
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