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Everything posted by ARGH

  1. ARGH

    More than 4?

    [quote name='bass_ferret' post='96985' date='Nov 30 2007, 09:11 PM']Until ERB's reach a wider audience - how ever that can be defined - I shall continue to refer to it as stunt, circus, musical novelty act and whatever derogatory term I can come up with next. Its gotta be more than the freak show at the trade show. I would even like it to be more than the freak show at the trade show. I didn't make the world.[/quote] It must be tidy,living in a small world,where your general vision can see no further in the darkness caused by the entrapping walls of your skull squeezed against your colon.....
  2. [quote name='Villex_Europe' post='96925' date='Nov 30 2007, 07:46 PM']Standard pickups? Mmm... How would one go about all the different wood finishes then? Tigran[/quote] Get the customer/luthier to supply the wood they want to use,Wal have had that option/idea when it comes to tops and veneers
  3. ARGH

    More than 4?

    [quote name='OldGit' post='96908' date='Nov 30 2007, 07:21 PM'][url="http://www.independent.co.uk/living/food_and_drink/recipes/article100339.ece"]"Simplicity is the key to good entertaining, says Sir Clement."[/url] [/quote] Deviation....
  4. [quote name='Villex_Europe' post='96902' date='Nov 30 2007, 07:13 PM']We do, as special orders. Tigran[/quote] No further questions your honour......
  5. ARGH

    More than 4?

    [quote name='dood' post='96878' date='Nov 30 2007, 06:28 PM']*dodgy Freud accent* but... hmmm , whilst vee are here... why don't you tell me about your mother.. ver you breast fed?[/quote] I tsink it iz in the absence ov creeaytivity that leedz me tou zer ERB as a vital meanz ov expression,vhen restricted tou the basic elemental 4 I felt constrained.....vuns limits ov knowledge,are limits of reality* ..yes? I decided to remov my limits *Wittgenstien
  6. Make pickups for ERBs, esp 9/10/11 strings.
  7. ARGH

    More than 4?

    Sometimes a thread is just a thread.....
  8. ARGH

    More than 4?

    [quote name='7string' post='96627' date='Nov 30 2007, 12:53 PM']Very cool !! Great to see that you've made it onto here with that amazing 'Al Caldwell' Conklin. I've got to say, that your bass is the one that really got me seriously thinking about 9's !![/quote] awww...you hurt me 7string,and i thought you had only eyes for me.... (sexy conklin....) What are the specs Elros
  9. ARGH

    More than 4?

    [quote name='bass_ferret' post='96352' date='Nov 29 2007, 09:22 PM']Me and Si - dont think so. I've never been that bothered about 5 and 6 string basses although I dont like it when some of our younger members feel pressurised into getting more strings they dont really need or get the impression that having more strings makes them a better player, or want to progress to 5 and 6 string basses before they go out and start having fun with gigs and groupies - well gigs anyway. I dont like it when people say the 4 string is finished, out of date etc. I think I said quite early on in this thread that [b]I think[/b] it becomes a big wide tappy thing (aka ERB) when it cant be played like a regular bass and a 7 with tight spacing and fingers like bananas might be played like a regular bass. I dont think your 9 can be played like a regular bass though.[/quote] oh I get it.... things is I do care that you are wrong John? NO-ONE has ever said more strings makes you a better player..YOU have come up with that,we have said ,myself included, that more strings can make you more versatile a player,IF you can master them. jumping up a string to a 5 or 6 and doing it earlier,when young,might be an easier thing,the number of musicians that play erbs tend to say going from 4 to a 5 was the hardest thing..than going to 7+. John,I think... you have never played an ERB,so you dont know,by what you post,how you play one...or have probably never even tried. Regardless of "I dont want to" or otherwise. (clue....hands/plectrums plucking in the regular fashion...y'know,some of us have slapped our ERBs too)
  10. ARGH

    More than 4?

    Dan,have you ever said having more strings made you a better player....I cant recall,me or 7string saying this.... anyone else?
  11. ARGH

    More than 4?

    [quote name='bass_ferret' post='96352' date='Nov 29 2007, 09:22 PM']Me and Si - dont think so. I've never been that bothered about 5 and 6 string basses although I dont like it when some of our younger members feel pressurised into getting more strings they dont really need or get the impression that having more strings makes them a better player, or want to progress to 5 and 6 string basses before they go out and start having fun with gigs and groupies - well gigs anyway. I dont like it when people say the 4 string is finished, out of date etc. I think I said quite early on in this thread that [b]I think[/b] it becomes a big wide tappy thing (aka ERB) when it cant be played like a regular bass and a 7 with tight spacing and fingers like bananas might be played like a regular bass. I dont think your 9 can be played like a regular bass though.[/quote] I cant recall anyone doing that,If the 1st paragraph is to be taken as read. Anyone want to skype me and ask me to prove otherwise? (as in how the instruments played..or just a nice conversation..its good to talk) PM me
  12. ARGH

    More than 4?

    Well Thanks If thats what you think John you are typing out of your arse.
  13. ARGH

    More than 4?

    [quote name='dood' post='96211' date='Nov 29 2007, 04:40 PM']WOH! Could you imagine a 31 note scale temperament on a 34" scale! lol!! - Or how about on a violin lol![/quote] I believe somebody from Denmark made a Bass that could do that,Ive seen a few weird Bassnecks with strange numbers of frets per octave over the years.
  14. ARGH

    More than 4?

    [quote name='gypsymoth' post='96274' date='Nov 29 2007, 06:23 PM']if anything, Joe Q Public could give a ratsass how many strings you've got or what instruments you use, as long as the result is pleasing to their ears.[/quote] To be honest,from what Ive seen and heard,they dont.
  15. ARGH

    More than 4?

    Well thats 2 more strings you 'accept' as being allowed upon a Bass guitar than last year John. Didnt you and OG have a bit of a to do over him getting a 5 back on Bassworld? As a member of 'Joe public' myself as we all seem to be,as 'Joe Public' is everyone regardless of having instrument or not,they/we/I have a habit 'OF' using myspace and google etc to find what we like and want to hear. I have friends whose taste I dont share in music,I have friends that are waaaaaay more avant garde in their tastes than I am,one in perticular dosent play an instrument and barracks everyone for being so conservative (he plunders my Metal section once or twice a year,for blastbeats and drones),he REALLY really pushes me to further myself on my instrument.
  16. ARGH

    More than 4?

    Im actually in a similer position 7string, Ive a set of dormant basses now,each has a use,and has been used,and paid its way. Is it you thats requested the ACG 9 string?
  17. First Bass was a Red Hohner HP Bass (P-Bass copy)ply body, Maple one piece neck,20 frets,white 3 ply scratchplate,black p/u cover, and that was bought for me by mum and Dad 16 years ago yesterday,I had stinking flu,and Dad wanted to get the Marlin Jazz copy in black,I demanded the P Bass copy "Coz Steve Harris plays P basses" and it was a bit more expensive..Dad bless him relented,he did have doubts I would just give up on it and it might be an expensive mistake..But Im still thumping away. Satillite P Bass is my most memorable College days Bass that I miss,Heavy as ...Ash body,Maple/teak Thruneck,MEGA bridge saddles,string thru body,brass nut,it was crude as hell,and to be frank,needed a new fretboard,but it was my 1st solid (not ply) Bass. Weighed a ton at 11.5 lbs.
  18. ARGH

    More than 4?

    So what is 'proper' music?
  19. Its a difficult time esp round my way,if it isnt fuel or the interest rate increase,then its property. Example being Kingston upon Hull,our shop in the town is a grand+ down week upon week,and the bosses are going nuts,then it was pointed out 40% of the city was underwater a few months ago and %20 are STILL in a caravan park of some description. Im thinking of getting rid of a few instruments in the new year,maybe sooner? What do you think?
  20. ARGH

    More than 4?

    Chuck Norris has only 2 speeds Walk and KILL Back on topic SO,If the extended range is growing in popularity (more models/makes are becoming available) where does this leave the humble 4?
  21. ARGH

    More than 4?

    [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='95376' date='Nov 27 2007, 10:48 PM']Does he take sugar and milk with his bitchslap?[/quote] Just a can of Whoopass
  22. ARGH

    More than 4?

    [quote name='setekh' post='95345' date='Nov 27 2007, 10:14 PM']so you mean that if I disagree with you I have no right to have an opinion? that "example" you just gave doesn't really fit the profile... that's what bothers me about your (and many others!) posts on this thread - you don't really try to see the other folks point of view..that doesnt really leave room for discussion now, does it? you're just exchanging blows.. [/rant][/quote] I do see other peoples point of view,but I cant comprehend any real reason to say something is pointless or a redundant idea of no value save 'stunt/circus/novelty after watching a couple of youtube vids.
  23. ARGH

    More than 4?

    ...A Vowel please Carol...
  24. ARGH

    More than 4?

    I thought 'Vinny' had ultralite strings on say like 50-10 or something,god its been years since I worried about that sort of thing...well....alright days. If I perjump,along this line a little,the only thing I dont like is the 'Because established musician says,it then its fact' syndrome vs 'Small world syndrome'. But thats nowt to do with what this is. Im trying to tie up the ERB issue as a body of work and people,regardless of what is 'good' or 'bad' its ERB,Im a militant on this,Ive even pondered the creation of a new clef (not a popular idea given the good old 8va...but hey). If you genuinly believe that ERB is bad period,and dont want to find out anything more,then just stop,dont express any opinion,because its weightless,you would never allow such a statement on here saying " I think all Blacks and Asians should be shot because I saw one involved in a mugging on Crimewatch" Which would be absolutely stupid,a blanket opinion.... But some people form they're opinions on very similer lines.
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