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Everything posted by ukbassboy

  1. [quote name='Hamster' post='854384' date='Jun 2 2010, 01:15 AM']I bought this from Mr_Russ around a year ago and I've enjoyed every second of it. It was made to compliment a Markbass 2x10 cab and is approx 23W x 21H x 19D. It weighs approx 37lbs and is clear, loud and pretty bright for a 1x15 cab. It won't do bright and zingy but it will provide buckets of punch, power and pretty detailed clarity. Rated at 600W @ 8ohms and it has a speakon connector to the rear. I've put new cab corners on it and it really is the best sounding 1x15 I've ever heard. In fact I think the tone just has the edge on the current edition of the Compact. It's an earlier Compact and so 'carpet' covered which is looking a bit used but not 'tatty' I'm selling because I've acquired a current model Barefaced Compact and I'm intending to buy another one to match the newer model to make a killer 2 x 15 matching rig. If you're in the market for a killer 1x15 cab to compliment your existing rig - then you've found it. Alex is selling new Compacts for £450 Give me £200[/quote] At £200 this will sell in no time at all.
  2. [quote name='Dubs' post='845558' date='May 23 2010, 10:30 AM']I keep coming back to this just because it's a bloody great price! Tempted even though I don't need it! Best of luck mate, I amazed this is even still here at this price.[/quote] +1. I'm kinda hoping this is gone by the time I get back to the UK. Im trying to get rid of stuff at the moment not get more but its sooo tempting and hes only 20 mins away....
  3. [quote name='Bassman Rich' post='834437' date='May 11 2010, 05:27 PM']Hi there Sorry to be a pain, is the cab you've got still available, (the 1 x 15) a felt or vinyl covered one, and what are the dimensions. I'm down in nuneaton this weekend, so not too far to come and pick it up if the dimensions match the cab I want to sit on top of it!!! Rich[/quote] Sorry Bassman but I am currently stuck in one of the worlds shittier deserts until the bank holiday weekend and my internet access is very limited. This is covered in Tolex carpet and is the standard Ashdown Mag 115 dimensions.
  4. [quote name='onehappybunny' post='831668' date='May 8 2010, 06:50 PM']Not sure which driver it has. It will be the standard neo one used, and not the Beyma. If you are seriously interested I could open the cab to find out.[/quote] No no, not necessary. I was just curious if they used the LF driver that was in the Barefaced Big One cab or a 'full range' driver.
  5. [quote name='onehappybunny' post='831482' date='May 8 2010, 02:48 PM']Feel free to ping me a PM with any reasonable offers Looking at getting some decent small monitors (<25cm high) and could accept trade along these lines - Genelec 6010's would be great Not really looking for other bass-related trades, thanks Stu[/quote] Any ideas what 15 inch driver it has?
  6. Tone Ranger. I've just gone down the lightweight route and dont regret it one bit. My rig is now well under half the weight it used to be and my back is thanking me for it. My advice is to go second hand, you will get great value for money off the Marketplace forums. IMO you should give serious condieration to this... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=86815"]Barefaced Vintage[/url] I have the Compact (1x15") and it is unbelievably loud on its own. Here you are getting 2 very loud 15" speakers at only 21Kg. If you can pick up a Markbass LM2 or similar (I have an LMK) you will be moving some serious air with a combined weight over 10 Kg lighter than your Trace combo alone. It will test the upper end of your budget but I doubt you will be left wanting from this set up!
  7. Have you seen the Dr Bass 1580 that is for sale on here? Not Ashdown but they are generally very well regarded. If you do a quick search though you will see a lot of very negative press, all regarding failed or late orders. Clearly you wont need to worry about that with a second hand one! I'm very tempted to buy it myself and would have already if it was 4 Ohms. Cant really justify it now having recently bought a Barefaced Compact. Doubt it would leave you wanting for volume!
  8. Arghhhh, that would be perfect, shame you are in Manchester! Have a free bump anyway.
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  11. Now £10 of so thats £60 to meet anywhere inside Henley, Reading, Oxford triangle or £50 collected. For £220 ill pair this with my Mag600R also on here and throw in a 1/4" to speakon cable... generous to a fault!
  12. Sorry guys, thought I had posted a reply to this a while ago but doesnt seem to have gone through... I ordered the Roq Solid cover without the padding and its just what I was after - a nice waterproof, light weight cover for transport between car and stage/practice area. Just a note to say that the standard cover comes with the opening on the long end, i.e you have to put the cover on when its lying sideways. I would have personally prefered it to go on when sitting vertically but still, semantics I guess, it will do the job nicely. Thanks for the advice guys.
  13. 4 Ohms and you'd have had a buyer but I already have an 8 Ohm 4x10 and Barefaced Compact. Shame, it would have been nice to get an extra couple of hundred watts out of my Shuttlemax 12.0!
  14. [quote name='Dubs' post='805020' date='Apr 13 2010, 04:20 PM']Leading on from my above post, this head: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=81854"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=81854[/url] ...and this cab: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=83341"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=83341[/url] would make an immense cheap, powerful and loud rig. IMO, it's exactly what you should be looking for given what you're looking to buy and your budget.[/quote] If you have £700 to spend then try get a second hand Markbass head off the Marketplace. They are very loud, very light, IMO have great tone and also offer very good resale value if you decide you want something else further down the line (and no doubt you will, buying new gear becomes infectious!). I have a Markbass LMK and bought a compact to go under my Ashdown ABM410 but now im not sure whether I actually need the 4x10 anymore... the LMK and Compact pack a huge punch and together weigh just over 15 kg!
  15. [quote name='davidmpires' post='800208' date='Apr 8 2010, 08:52 PM']bumparoni[/quote] New or old model (i.e. 12kg or 15 ish?)
  16. [quote name='flippyfloop' post='785066' date='Mar 24 2010, 09:01 PM']I spent many years trying to find a great lightweight setup. I'm finally happy with my Markbass F500 and Bergantino AE112. I've tried many cabs EBS, EA, Markbass, Schroder and Epifani. The Bergantino is by far the best for me. So clear and focused from top to bottom. I cannot recommend Bergantino enough. Amazing cab. I'm gonna get another Berg 1x12 or 2x10 for big gigs even though the ae112 is ample for most situations. NOTE - I haven't used Aguilar, Barefaced, Tecamp, etc. So no comment on these.[/quote] I'm now well on my way to my ulitmate light weight rig. My Genz Benz Shuttlemax 12.0 has arrived and when paired with my Barefaced compact gives me 375w @ only 15kg for practices and small gigs and sounds huge when combined with my Ashdown ABM410. Guess I need to find a light weight 4 ohm 4x10 or something to replace the 36kg Ashdown and make best use of the 12.0s dual power amps (it can put out 1200w after all!). I'll gig the compact a few times but might even be tempted to add a Big One. All this means that I probably need to get rid of the Markbass LMK that I have only had a month though it will be sad to see it go as the sound is awesome - I maybe even prefer the tone a touch more than the Genz Benz but the built in redundancy of the Genz almost makes it a no brainer... I'll never need a back up amp again!
  17. [quote name='Rich' post='796739' date='Apr 5 2010, 05:09 PM']Oh dear oh dear, talk about touchy. Y'know what, the other day a bloke on this thread (here's a clue: it was you) said "For f*ck sake it's only a bass". We're [u]all[/u] unknown run of the mill jack the lads here -- yes, even you -- and we all have opinions. The day we're not allowed to say a single solitary jocular thing about someone's bass for fear of getting a gobful of abuse, is the day we might as well shut up shop completely. If I took the hump every time someone said how ugly they think coffee-table basses are, I'd never get the damn thing out of its case. If Ped got upset everytime someone took the piss out of his cheese-eating surrender bass, he'd never come here. It's all part of the rough and tumble. Oh, crystal. Have I made myself clear too?[/quote] Does that mean we can get back on topic now perchance?
  18. Go on, make me an offer... I might just say yes!
  19. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='795536' date='Apr 4 2010, 10:25 AM'][url="http://www.amplifiercoversonline.com/zencart/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=107_136&products_id=882"]Roqsolid[/url][/quote] Ordered one without the felt padding - just what I was looking for! Many thanks.
  20. Received my Barefaced Compact the other week and wanting a cover for it to avoid getting it wet between car and venue. I dont want anything to significant... no sense paying for an amazingly light can and then buying bulky, heavy cover for it! Anyone got any recommendations? Any other cabs out there with similar dimensions or will I have to go for something bespoke (and thus costly)?
  21. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='794558' date='Apr 2 2010, 07:14 PM']Nice one dude, it's refreshing to see a young chap that sees the light![/quote] Don't let the user name fool you, I'm certainly no youngun!
  22. I've got a Bongo 5HH in Desert Gold that I got off eBay for £900 that is absolutely mint. It's very quickly become my favourite bass - plays great, looks awesome and the 18v preamp puts out some MONSTER noise. Absolutely lethal when paired with a Shuttlemax 12.0! I just can't work out how these basses still get such a bad rap. I honestly think its just because its now fashionable to hate them, but thats fine by me cos in 15-20 years when there are not many 'vintage' ones about mine will be worth a fortune!
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