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Everything posted by iconic

  1. Just an idle thought...maybe someone whom works in a related shop would know? Cheers curious of nooorfowlk
  2. iconic


    [i]feedback from Andybassdoyle Posted 08 February 2014 - 12:28 PM[/i] [i]"Bought a ZZB explorer from Richard. Great bass and a nice easy deal. Deal with confidence! "[/i] mod's can you please close the iconic (richard) feedback thread as I seem to have two running! cheers
  3. Can anyone provide a quick list of what the fender numbers and letters denote? I hunted last night and failed? Cheers
  4. I love the Fender Super Bass 7250 nickles...nice price too around £16 'ish...take ages to die too
  5. Been tagged many times on here but this is what i meant by my above post....simple can be sooooo funky http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IHE6hZU72A4#
  6. Its tough isnt it....i thought i had an ok funky feel until i sold a bass to fellow basschatter andybassdoyle....even after only watching 30 seconds of his playing unplugged i thought what a sublime funky stacato type technique that means a great player can make one note seem like a song. Made me think.
  7. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1392018148' post='2363517'] Unless it is a low E, I always try to play using a fretted note instead of an open string. The main reason is control over the string and ability to mute the string after playing that note. If you play an open string you've got to find that string with your left or right hand to end that ringing. If you've played a fretted note you are already on that string and when you left your left hand finger off to play the next note you've automatically muted the string provided you've pulled off straight. I think it gives a cleaner sound and more control. The exception is where I play an open string and straight after you follow with a low fretted note on that same string, in this case you are not worried about the muting. I spend ages working on a clean sound and this seems to work for me. Cheers, Rich [/quote] Plus one.
  8. String retainer on the D and G string....on the head..had this once....tbe screw was loose but looked? Worth a try
  9. Ok being an 70 and 80 funk n soul boy i do love a proper slide....mark adams of slave and davide romani of change being masters of their craft. ...but after doing more sliding today than you'd find at the winter olympics (no ive seen any of it yet) i have to admit my slides suck. so give me some tips guys....a great example of the don el romani at 4:30 in the clip below. thanks as always http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb-BI8l8CrY#
  10. If this has been posted earlier, forgive me.. http://youtu.be/JqVV1uURKYk
  11. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1360430622' post='1970346'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KvgVQgZsrY[/media] [/quote] brilliant!
  12. I read that as CR...fwiw....but it isnt a samick corsair! I'm on fire today!
  13. The tuners bizzarely like later rbx yamaha style....other than that i'm no help, sorry. And.....older yamaha cases had that metallic green lining but i still dont think its a yamaha!
  14. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1391801086' post='2361550'] Can't help you sorry, but just wanted to say I love the version that Tom cat serenaded the cat of his dreams with, in one of the very old tom and Jerry cartoons [/quote] my first thought too when i saw the title!
  15. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1391805962' post='2361628'] Whilst I am just as keen as anybody to acknowledge Duran Duran's talents with the benefit of hindsight, looking particularly at Simon Le Bon's dance moves at the start of this clip, it's not hard to see why most people dismissed them as w***ers at the time. .In my social circle back in those days, admitting to liking Duran Duran, you may as well have been confessing to some kind of abhorrent sex crime( which you would probably have got away with back then, anyway) . Music like this was very much the prerogative of teenage girls and boys of, what in those days at least, was thought of as" dubious" sexual orientation, regardless of how good the bass lines were. [/quote] plus one...with age comes wisdom. add that to spandau ballet, wham and japan....full 'o pretty boy pansies! And Bowie, led zeppelin, beatles and stones was for 'dads'!
  16. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1391722799' post='2360705'] A little too "bling" for me but it still looks great [/quote] very nice indeed
  17. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1391760875' post='2360918'] Ok well further to my problems, I ended up adding the extra and bought a discounted Squier VM Precision in Amber/maple from them. They gave me £30 off for my trouble too. The P bass is a different level for me, I am a dyed in the wool precision guy anyway. I did recently buy a new MIM P in white/maple and the only difference I can see is the Squier is a bit lighter! To my ears they both sound the same. Sure the MIM feels more solid but that's it. I have 5 basses and they're all maple boards. I like maple. Maple. [/quote] that's the only vintage modified series of bass I haven't had..the amber and maple is THE best colour combo too. You shouldn't of sold me that Lake Placid and Maple MIMP I bought from you years ago Tom ...only for me to sell last year...I still miss that bass
  18. [quote name='noelk27' timestamp='1391732336' post='2360843'] Having been in a studio and watched Andy play, always makes me laugh when I hear the "he didn't play the guitar parts on the albums" conspiracy theories. That guy really knows his way around a fretboard. What would "Hungry Like The Wolf" be without his guitar part? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xp47-TVng90 Contrasted to without John's bass part ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAdAPOR8MQc [/quote] i thought andy was already quite a very respected player before joining duran?..a..very talented guy indeed.
  19. When ever i hear come undone (a cracker of a track) i cant help thinking one of duran own's a copy of 'soul searchers ashley's roachclip'...mid break from a minute in. [media]http://youtu.be/PAgY5MqpUq4[/media]
  20. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1391676038' post='2359923'] That's Duran for you. Their live versions of songs constantly evolve. Prime case, Wild Boys & Hungry Like The Wolf... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOojXCzWNBk[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhBV7KJCxlI[/media] [/quote] it was more a case of his hands being the air when the bass was sounding out @ 4.00 'ish on the girls on the live film video unless its a bass synth? My wife bought me the making of Rio, now that is worth watching
  21. That live version of girls on film is odd....it doesnt match the bassline at times?
  22. wow thanks Noel, excellent answer, I first saw them on The Tube of all things.
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