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Everything posted by danny-79

  1. That looks like a beast of thing !! I liked my 105Q regret selling it. Knowing what I know now I have a feeling it might of been tampered with if that’s even possible cause after shelving the EBS I brought another one (mini this time though) and it’s not the same. But for the amount I use it live it does the job, it’s just convenient having it set up ready to go on my board rather than having to carry it around separate
  2. https://www.gak.co.uk/en/elixir-nanoweb-acoustic-bass-4-string-light/104417?gclid=EAIaIQobChMImaO8tYGT3wIVzL_tCh3l9AUJEAQYAiABEgLbFfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  3. My twins 👯 2005 L.E Buttercream 2005 vintage sunburst under the blue (SunBlue my #1) Both have Nordstrand BigMan pickups and John East 4band preamps
  4. My Alien is 32in so acoustic strings are limited. I have a set of Acoustic Elixirs on it, (just live with the E being a bit long on the post, dosent affect it) they are a bit pricey but last years. For the amount I play it anyways they have lasted still going strong now. Got an acoustic gig next week (third this year so not much use) highly recommend them if it’s a sharp crisp sound your after
  5. Love mine. £350 secondhand. Plays lovely. It’s a 32in scale and suites it brilliantly, bit limited getting strings for it though, (Fender are the only ones I’ve found in a 32 scale,) I’ve got Elixirs on mine, little bit long on the E but dosent affect it fortunately) the 5string version is 34in I believe
  6. I’ve got a Fender DJazz surf green. sunburst underneath. Definitely my second favourite colour next to powder blue. That’s my Stingray. Also sunburst underneath
  7. Just been playing with it a bit more, (well the best you can at low volume) I won’t pass judgment just yet but I’m thinking it’s definitely a very good move in the right direction. Octave pedal it tracking much better on the low notes even open Eb is sounds good. I’ve readjusted the compressor accordingly and everything seems to be breathing a lot better. I’m sure I’ve had it at the start before and don’t know why I moved, or can’t remember more like lol but I’ve kept the last set of patch leads so easy enough to put back if it doesn’t work out but fingers crossed I’m hopeful
  8. Classic effect, they definitely have a sweet spot on them , very fine line between getting it set just right and if ever the was a filter to kill your speaker cones this is it. Still very funky effect.
  9. I brought one of theses years ago and never used it. Sold it only last week. Regretting it now 😪
  10. Just moved it (well re routed it) it’s now first in chain, just after the wireless. Only plugged in in just to test it and noticed the lights on the compressor are a lot less. Looking forward to getting it wound up now. (Be about right that my next gig is an acoustic gig and don’t need my board for that....)
  11. Thanks for your input. My main basses are StingRays, they are both very high output, (East preamps & Nordstrand pups) so putting it first after having it last for years is starting to look appealing for all the reasons you have stated, not too sure about the popping when switching other effects on but if it will help them all track better then I’ll give it a go and see how it works out cheers
  12. That’s about the top and bottom of it. I’ve got more on the shelf than in use and the ones in used don’t get that much use. Got a couple that are very important and if I could just leave it at that that would be great. Or would it ?!?!? 😜
  13. Multiple OC’s lol bet that’s interesting. Its just come to mind I remember years ago, the guitarist from Skunk Anansie (check spelling) did some sort of world record by linking as many random effects as he could lay his hands on (over 100) on Brighton sea front. Inaudible mush, but fun nonetheless
  14. There are no right or wrong answers. The theory of last was, when your done fiddling about with the sound, effects etc, put it just before it hits the amp. Putting it first is setting the bar for the next lot of processing. But in my case will it be any advantage if A- it hits the octave pedal giving it a better frequency to deal with (before) or B- after it so it can deal with the unwanted spikes before it hits the amp ?????? (After)
  15. Many many moons ago when I was just starting out on bass I had a 50w Marshall JCM 900 combo (we are going back to the 90’s) that I used to line out to a 15in PA bass bin. Could never get a usable volume out of it with out distortion. It was loud but no substance to it so soon got swallowed up in a band mix
  16. A complete contradiction to what I’m doing. What effects do you have in your chain ? On one set up of mine compressor is last but that’s for a totally different gig/style. I’m taming everything down (don’t worry about compressor for now) just high pass filter
  17. I’m still quite happy with my StingRay’s. Feels like I’m cheating playing anything else lol 😜 (apart from my DJ. But that’s something totally different)
  18. That’s low !!!!! Is the human ear even capable of hearing that ? But custom build strings purposefully for the job sounds interesting, I play four string and tune according, BEAD 440 I’ve never needed anything lower than that, got offered a job and hate turning it down. Drop G# an octave lower than 7 string is well over my head (not given up yet mind)
  19. Thanks. I just did a quick search and found a similar thread I started back then in 2015 and the general word was to put it at the end, that’s where I’ve got it. Recently removed it, definitely missed it especially when using octave effects, if it was before said effect it would have the same effect? It’s a difficult one to judge cause unless you are playing at significant volume you can’t tell a user post by a on the SFX website also recommends first but I don’t know what else is in the signal chain
  20. Who uses one and ware to you prefer it in your signal chain? Ive got mine towards the end so it catches any unwanted lowes from say the Octaver but after a recent conversation with another bass player they put there’s very fist with the compressor? All comments very welcome cheers Dan
  21. Pedals are just funny full stop. They have a habit of breeding at your feet. Start with a pedal tuner and add a drive pedal, maby a chorus just for a bit of flavour and before you know it there everywhere causing chaos and costing you more in there combined total than your bass and amp put together. I stripped my set up right back a few years ago, if it didn’t fit on a singe easy to carry PT Nano then didn’t need it for giging. So three pedals in mind. I’d soon squished five on there, six with the Wah on the floor so ...... you get drift. Today same rule applies (apart from I acquired a second PT Nano and bolted them together) I do randomly sell the odd one now and again cause something new has come out and usually regret it so generally hang on to them and revisit them later. At the end of the day it’s all good fun !
  22. Who uses one of these and what do your opinions of it. I own one, I brought it new a few years ago, selling my 105Q at the time. I didn’t really get on with it all that well so eventually brought another 105Q, a mini this time and I’ve been quite happy with that. Then saw a band play not long ago and the bass player was using the EBS and it sounded brilliant, I didn’t know what It was he was using until I asked and was quite shocked, had a real nice squelch sound on the go, I personally always found it a bit tame when I was using it. Mine doesn’t sound like that anyways User opinions please!
  23. What a bit like this you mean ? 😜 couldnt wait, it was messing with my mojo (testing it later only to rebuild it again) so just changed the logistics. Running order is still the same
  24. So I got the new AO today, just straight swapped it for now with the VT as taking it to band practice tonight (going early for obvious reasons 😜😜😜😜) I’m going to have to possibly move stuff about just for better access to the Di but the running order is still the same. Wireless. Compressor. Octave. Wah. B3K. AO. Thumpinator, underneath. Chorus. Been running that order for years any advances or suggestions are more than welcome
  25. I used to run the compressor last in the chain for that reason but only found it useful that way for controlling wayward envelopes/filters But that’s another age old question. Compressor first or last
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